Soul Mates? - A Wendy and Tank and Wendy Challenge part 2 of 3?
by Tank Wilson

from part one...

“Well, I’m a huge fan of Lo -” About to say Lois Lane, Clark broke off. Lois’s columns always had the byline L. Lane, and he didn’t want to invite any comment - and especially not from Lois - about how he knew her first name. “L. Lane,” he finished.

“Aw, yeah,” the editor drawled, a distant smile on his face. “L- ”

Just then the door opened abruptly, and out of the corner of his eye Clark could see a slight figure enter. Perry White turned to see who the intruder was, just as the young man said excitedly, “Chief!”

Clark glanced over, pleased to see that someone else clearly enjoyed working at the Planet just as much as he was going to. The newcomer was around his own age, he guessed, smartly dressed in a dark suit and pale shirt, and with hair in a neat, short style. Dark hair framed an almost boyish face, and eyes almost as dark as his own looked curiously over at him.

“Just the person,” Perry White said enthusiastically. “Kent, I’d like you to meet our star reporter. Lucas Lane, meet Clark Kent.”

And now, part two...

Clark stared, shocked into speechlessness, as the young man came forward and extended his hand toward the Planet's newest reporter. This couldn't be happening! Lois Lane, the woman who he had been led to believe was going to be his one true love. The woman who would complete him, be able to share his great secret and end the loneliness that came from his being different. The woman who would eventually become his wife... was a man!

"Good to meet you. Ah, Kent isn't it?"

Clark's gaze moved from the bemused expression on the handsome young man's face to the hand being held out in front of him. "Ah, that's right, Clark Kent. Nice to meet you Mr. Lane." Clark spoke haltingly as he belatedly clasped Lucas' hand. He pulled away quickly as it seemed like an electric spark passed between the two men.

Lucas Lane glanced at his hand and then up at Clark, a slightly confused look on his face. "That's quite the handshake you have their Kent. And please, call me Luc. We aren't that formal around here."

Perry stepped in and clapped the two men on the shoulder. "Luc, Kent here is a new hire who I think I want to pair up with you for a time. He's a good writer and seems to have some good instincts. I think a little time with you will whip him into shape fairly quickly."

Lane frowned at his editor-in-chief. "I don't know, Perry. You know I work best alone." He nodded in Clark's direction. "I'm sure Kent is a good guy, but I can't have a rookie slowing me down when I'm on the trail of a hot lead."

Perry fixed his star reporter with a stern look. "I don't remember asking your permission on this. Last time I looked, I occupied the big office, and that means I make the assignments around here." Perry gave Lucas a rather insincere smile. "And that means, for now, you have a partner."

Lane held his hands up before him in a gesture of defeat. "Hey, okay, I give. Don't ever say I'm not a team player." He glanced at his watch, then gave Clark a tight smile. "I'll be back in about an hour." He turned his attention to Perry. "I've got to meet Lucy. Something about her tuition not being received."

Perry shook his head. "I thought she was about to graduate?"

Lucas laughed. "She is. Her final exam is next week. Go figure. Only Lucy could get things this messed up." Lane raised his hand as if to slap Clark on the shoulder, but then pulled it back, having changed his mind about initiating more physical contact with him. "I'll bring you up to speed when I get back, Kent." Lucas turned and quickly made his way to the bank of elevators.

Perry chuckled, then noticed Clark's look of bewilderment. "Lucy is Lucas' sister. Nice kid but kind of scatterbrained."

Clark nodded. "She's in college?"

Perry rolled his eyes. "Beauty school." He looked around. "Jimmy!"

Suddenly a short, freckle faced, young man came bursting into view. "You bellowed my liege."

Perry cocked a brow at the grinning young fellow. "Don't push your luck, Olsen." He placed his hand on Clark's arm. "This is Clark Kent. He's new. Show him around the newsroom and get him a desk near Lane."

"You got it." The young man smiled up at Clark. "Come on, I'll get you set up." Jimmy leaned in close and conspiratorially whispered. "Wait till you get a load of the gals in typing."


Clark sat at his desk, the Daily Planet's employee handbook lay open in front of him. He wasn't seeing the words on the page, his mind was too preoccupied with his current situation.

Lois Lane, star reporter for the Daily Planet, and future companion of Clark Kent and... Superman, didn't exist on this world. Instead, in her place, was Lucas Lane, star reporter for the Daily Planet, and... what? Clark was confused. Had Wells known that there was no Lois on his world? Of course he hadn't. Otherwise why would he have let that other world Lois and Clark fill his head with all the stories of love at first sight and soul mates? What ever that was supposed to mean.

The other world Clark had described what it had been like for him when he first saw his Lois come charging into Perry's office during his job interview. He explained how he'd known from the moment he saw her that she was the woman he'd been looking for his whole life. He hadn't even known he'd been looking, but once he'd met her he knew. There was an immediate connection which he could feel. A special spark that existed between them, that told him that she was the one. And that scared Clark.

The booklet in his hands was slowly being crushed as he stared, unseeing at the handbook. There had been no Lois, yet he had felt something. He couldn't deny that. When he'd first sighted him, there had been a feeling akin to excitement in meeting the young man, until the shock of his name had stunned Clark. Then there was the handshake. There had definitely been something there, something almost like an electric shock. But how could that be?

How could Clark be having these kind of reactions to Lucas Lane? Did it mean that he was... attracted to Lucas... in that way? He had never considered the possibility that he might be gay. He might not have dated a much as some of his friends had in high school and during college, but he hadn't been a monk either. He had frequently enjoyed the company of attractive young women. He had never crossed the line to full intimacy with any woman, but that had been because of his upbringing and the fact that he was 'different' from everyone else, not that he might be gay... wasn't it?

Clark couldn't help but admit that when Lucas left a while ago that he felt a vague sense of loss. And every time the elevator bell signaled a stop on the newsroom floor he found himself looking over in expectation. Could it be? Could this 'thing' that Wells, and the other Lois and Clark kept telling him about, be true for him, even if Lois wasn't a Lois, but a Lucas?

"Well, hello there handsome."

Clark suddenly found himself being accosted by a tall, auburn-haired beauty. She was over made-up and under dressed, but still quite a striking woman. Her mouth was curved into a predatory smile. Clark couldn't help but feel like a mouse staring up into the gaze of a particularly hungry cat. "Um, hello?"

She extended her hand in a provocative bent wrist manner, like she expected him to bring it to his lips. "Catherine, 'Cat', Grant. I write Cat's Corner. I take it you're the new guy I heard about?"

Clark reached out, grabbed her hand and shook it in the normal manner. "Yep, that's me. Clark Kent, nice to meet you, Ms. Grant."

"Cat." She drew out the name, putting a seductive emphasis on the 't'.

"Right, Cat." Clark mimicked back at her. She smiled and patted him on the cheek. "So, Ms. Gran - er, Cat. What can I do for you?" he asked.

Her smile became positively carnivorous. "Oh, I think it's more, what I can do for you?" She slid her tongue slowly across her lips. "Have you had lunch yet?"

Clark was beginning to sweat. "Ah, no. But I think it would be best if I stayed here for a while. I'm waiting for my partner to get back."


"Yes, Mr. White paired me up with Lucas Lane."

Her face suddenly fell. "No, don't tell me you're one of them."

"One of them?" Clark was confused. "I hope to be as good a reporter as he is some day, if that's what you mean."

"No, I mean you're not a waste of perfectly prime man flesh, are you?" she asked, as she ran her hand up and down his chest. Seeing the Clark wasn't catching on she sighed. "When it comes to things involving men and women, Lucas Lane bats for the wrong team. If you catch my drift?"

Clark's lips formed a silent 'oh', as he realized what Cat was implying. So Lucas Lane was gay. Did that have a bearing on his own inexplicable feelings? Did Wells know this when he sent Clark to help out the other Clark? Was meeting that Clark's Lois, and finding out about the whole soul mates mumbo jumbo, supposed to help him accept things when he finally met his own L. Lane? If so, it didn't. It just made things more confusing for Clark.

Just then the ring of the elevator caused Clark to turn his attention to the doors as they slid open. Before he knew what he was doing his lips stretched into a wide smile as he saw the attractive young man step out of the car. Their gazes met and Lucas gave him a wink and a nod as he moved toward the befuddled, yet inexplicably excited, rookie reporter.

Cat too had looked toward the elevator when it's arrival had sounded. She saw Lucas step out and glanced at Clark for his reaction. A frown pulled her lips down and furrowed her brow. "Crap, I give up." She turned and stormed off.

Lucas came over and sat on the edge of Clark's new desk. "Well, I see they've, at least, given you a desk and a computer." He raised a brow as he glanced at the retreating form of Cat Grant. "And I see you've met some more of the staff. But now we need to see about getting you into some real investigative reporting."

"Great." Clark felt a strange tingle when Lucas patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, but before we get started we need to get one thing straight. I like you Kent, you seem like a nice guy, but I'm the senior partner, you are the junior. You aren't working with me, you are working for me. If you are going to learn from me, you'll have to listen. That means that I'll be doing all the talking in our interviews. In this little partnership, I'm the top banana, got it."

Clark opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it. He just couldn't say it.


The next week went by rapidly and Clark had to admit that it was quite a heady experience. Even with his 'special gifts' he was hard pressed to keep up with the award winning reporter. Lucas Lane had been amazing in his drive and his passion for his work. The two of them had managed to deliver two page one stories and three lesser, but still solid pieces, in just their first week together. Perry had been impressed.

During that time Clark also found himself being drawn more and more to the charismatic young man. It had only been a week, but he could swear that they were well on the way to developing a real friendship. The thing that Clark still couldn't come to terms with was... was there supposed to be something more? Would their becoming good friends be enough to satisfy whatever 'was meant to be' between them? Did Lucas' sexual orientation have any bearing on it?

Clark never considered himself a bigot when it came to a person's sexual preferences. A person's romantic partner made no difference to him. It was just the thought that he might be put in that position that made Clark uncomfortable. So far, he'd been able to avoid any awkward situations or conversations. But as time went by, as they became closer, even as friends, the subject was inevitably going to come up. Then what?

The thing was, Clark really liked Lucas. He was bright, funny, and when he got excited he tended to babble. He could be stubborn at times, but his dedication and passion for his job was extraordinary. No one would call him ruggedly handsome but there was no denying that Lucas Lane was a good looking man, though in a softer, more cultured, almost feminine way. If he'd let himself admit it, Clark would have to say that he found Lucas pleasant to look at, but then having met a Lois Lane it was probably just the obvious family resemblance that he found attractive.

"Say, C.K., you doing anything tonight?" Lucas had come over to Clark's desk and sat on the edge as he had gotten into the habit of.

Clark leaned back into his chair and ran a quick hand through his hair. "Nothing too exciting. Just some laundry, and bad television." Clark smiled at Lucas' raised brow. "No cable."

"Ah, well no problem. I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my place for dinner tonight. Perry has intimated that he likes this partnership and I have to admit that I've enjoyed it so far myself." Clark noticed just the slightest hesitation in Lucas' speech. "I thought we could celebrate the Planet's newest dynamic duo." He chuckled. "I'm a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself. And I have over a hundred channels on my cable box," he put his hands up in the classic gesture of surrender. "But don't ask me what they all are. I rarely have time to watch it." He suddenly seemed almost shy. "So, what do say?"

Clark hesitated. He felt guilty for feeling it, but he couldn't help but wonder what Lucas' motives were. Was this just a simple dinner, as he said? An informal get together to salute their work partnership. Or was there something more to it? Was Lucas going to 'make a move' on him?

Clark was instantly ashamed of that thought. Lucas was his partner, and becoming his friend. At no time in the last week had the young man acted in way that Clark could construe as inappropriate. He noticed that Lucas was waiting for an answer. It didn't matter what his own paranoid fears might be, there was no reason for Clark to be hesitating over an honest invitation from his partner.

"Sounds great. What time?"

Lucas smiled. "Seven o'clock." He scribbled something on a scrap of paper. "Here's the address. Should be able to find parking on the street in front."

"I don't have a car." Clark glanced at the address. "But you don't live too far from my place. If it's nice, I'll just walk."

"Great." Lucas hopped off Clark's desk. "Well, I'd best be off to the grocery store if we're going to want something besides last night's take out and flat cream soda for dinner."

Clark watched Lucas move purposely up the ramp toward the elevators. In another minute the elevator came and with a final smile and wave, he was gone.

It was just dinner. Sure it was. Clark couldn't explain how he knew, but there was no doubt in his mind that before tonight was through, the furthest thing from his mind was going to be the meal.


Clark hesitated for a moment before knocking on the heavy wooden door leading to Lucas Lane's apartment. What was he getting himself into here? As ridiculous as Clark tried to tell himself his fear was he couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't going to be a seduction dinner. He shook his head at the thought. It was unworthy... wasn't it?

The past week Lucas hadn't been sending out any signals that he was interested in Clark in any way beyond friendship. And, for his part, Clark hadn't been giving him any reason to think that he was interested in anything more than that either, had he? Certainly, Clark had found himself enjoying his new partner's company, but that was a perfectly normal consequence of normal male bonding. Sure, that was it. Nothing romantic there. Clark took a deep breath and knocked.

Almost immediately the door opened and Clark was greeted by a slender young woman, probably in her early twenties. She was cute and had short brown hair which looked like it wanted to curl even if she didn't want it too. Her coloring wasn't quite as dark as Lucas' but the family resemblance was clear.

"Hi," she said with a smile. "You must be Clark. I'm Luc's little sister, Lucy."

Clark returned the young woman's smile. "Guilty as charged. Hello, Lucy, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you."

Lucy pouted momentarily. "Don't believe a word he says about me. He doesn't think I can do anything right. He's such a, a... big brother."

Clark laughed. "No, it was all complimentary, really."

"Yeah right." Lucy didn't look convinced. "Come on in. Luc's in the kitchen. I swear he got all the cooking talent in this family." She waved him toward another part of the apartment as she breezed off in the other direction.

Just then Lucas came out of the kitchen, wiping his hand on a towel as he approached. Lucas was wearing a simple black pullover shirt with a pair of dark slacks. He looked quite handsome.

"Dinner should be ready in about ten minutes." He gestured over at the table which was set for four. "I hope you don't mind, but I invited my sisters over for this dinner. I wanted my family to meet my new partner."

"Sisters?" Clark's voice betrayed a faint hope.

"Yeah. They couldn't believe I'd actually found a partner that I could stand to be with." Lucas clapped Clark on the back.

A sharp knock on the door drew everyone's attention to the front foyer. The door began to open. "Everyone better be decent because I'm coming in."

The voice was strangely familiar. Clark's eyes widened as they took in the young woman pushing the door back and entering the room.

"Lois! I'm so glad you were able to come." Lucas hurried over and threw his arms around the dark-haired woman. Keeping his arm around her, Lucas turned, and with a big smile, nodded toward Clark. "Honey, I want you to meet my new partner, Clark Kent. Clark, this is my twin sister, Lois."

She stepped forward, her hand extended. "Hi."

His twin sister! Clark was frozen, his heart beat painfully in his chest. He had trouble catching his breath. Moving toward him was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. Her simple outfit, burgundy slacks and a cream-colored blouse, did nothing to hide the curvy, yet athletic, build of the woman. Her glossy hair hung sleekly to her shoulders in a classic bob. A longer style than the woman he'd met in the other world. The smile she had on her face seemed to light up the room, and it suffused Clark with a warmth he'd never felt before. It was Lois Lane - his Lois Lane.

It took some effort for Clark to find his voice. "Ah, hi. It's so good to meet you."

Their hands touched and both people stood stock still, their faces betraying a confusing sense of wonder. Neither spoke as they looked into each other's eyes for several heartbeats.

"Lois!" Lucy came rushing in from the other room. "I'm so glad you're here."

Seemingly with reluctance, Lois tore herself away from Clark's eyes and turned to her exuberant sister. "Lucy, how are you?" She reached out and stroke her sister's short hair. "My goodness, what did you do? Your hair looks cute, but it's so short."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Lois, I'm in beauty school. Who do you think we practice on?" Lucy chuckled. "Not too many long-haired gals stay that way by the time they graduate."

Lois returned Lucy's laugh. "No I suppose not."

Lucy's features suddenly changed from animated to pensive. "Ah, Lois, I was wondering if I could ask you a huge favor?"

Lois stepped back from her sister and eyed her with a wary look. "What now?"

Lucy bit her lip. "Well, tomorrow is my final exam... and we need to bring in our own model for the cut."

Lois' hand went instinctively to her hair. "What kind of cut?"

Lucy couldn't meet Lois' eyes. "We don't know until we get there. The instructor chooses the style and we don't have any idea what it will be until we're ready to go."

Lois frowned. "I don't know."

Lucy grabbed Lois' arm. "Come on, Lois. Mom was going to be my model but she called me just last night. She's come down with one of her imaginary illnesses and can't make it. None of my girl friends are available tomorrow. You're my last hope. Please!"

Clark was mildly amused with the by play between the sisters. He cleared his throat, getting the attention of the two women. "I, ah, know it's really none of my business, but I've recently met a woman who bears a resemblance to you, Lois. She wore her hair in a short, layered style, and I have to say it looked quite good on her."

Lois turned her frown toward Clark while Lucy got more animated again. "See, it'll be great. You'll look great. I'm really pretty good, and the teacher is right there and won't let us screw things up too much."

Lois raised a brow at her sister. "You're not inspiring a lot of confidence." Lucy just bowed her head, her lower lip protruding in a pronounced pout. Lois shook her head and sighed. "Oh, all right. I'll do it."

Lucy jumped up and down. "Good! Thanks."

Lois continued to shake her head. "If I come home with all my hair chopped off, Lex is going to kill me."

A chill ran down Clark's back. "Lex?"

"Yeah," Lucas interjected. A definite note of disapproval in his voice. "Lex Luthor, her husband."

Clark was stunned. "Luthor! But he's a criminal."

(Back to you, Wendy... <g>)