Warning: There is no A plot
Truth, Justice and the Pleasuring of Lois Lane.
Chapter 8.5 of Nighttime in the Daytime
(Title courtesy of Sue. S)

From Chapter 8:
Suddenly Lois dropped his hand and got up to pace and wave her arms. She just simply couldn’t sit still anymore. “You have to admit, this is a lot to take in.”

Clark sat back in the couch and looked at her with a mixture of relief at her taking this so well and amusement at her being so true to her personality. “I agree.”

“And although my mind can sort of grasp it, the big city girl in me doubts it.”

“So what can I do to help prove it to you?”

Clark saw her wet her lips before posing the impending question. ‘Oh, oh, this is it,’ he thought.

“Take me flying,” Lois asked in a small voice.

“Gladly,” Clark said in obvious relief. “It’s getting late. How about I fly you to your place and then come pick you up for work in the morning in your Jeep?”

Clark got up and motioned to her to stand there. He zipped into his bedroom to change, still not confident he could do it smoothly, and zipped back out before she could reply.

Lois’ jaw dropped as he stood before her as Superman. “Wow. I guess I just needed to see for myself.”

Clark smiled at her, reached out his hand and cupped her cheek and brought her in for their first kiss while he was The Suit.

Chapter 8.5. Interlude

It was strange to see Superman casually walk over to the coat closet and retrieve Lois’ coat. He helped her on with her coat, then leaned in and whispered in her ear, “It’s cold out. After all, it’s the second week in December. You need to bundle up and stay warm.”

His breath tickled her ear. She turned her head, still surprised to see Clark without glasses, and he leaned in and kissed her softly, licking her lips as he ended the kiss. Lois dutifully buttoned all her buttons, put on her hat and then her gloves. As he came around in front of her, she asked, “Happy now?”

He did a sort of hum and answered, “Yes, very. You’ll be warmed by my aura, too.”

“Aura? What’s that?”

“Sort of a personal field. I have to hold you very close and then you will stay warm as we fly.”

He saw her skeptical eyebrow rise and said, “Really. It’s true. That’s how I held up the airplane wing. The airplane just flew right after I got there.” He started walking them to the back door. Lois stopped dead in her tracks and just looked at him. “What?”

“You know, I just forgot about the plane and about you lifting my whole car to take me to the hospital. But you are so gentle with me. How does that all happen?”

Superman shrugged. “I just think about it and it happens.”

As they stepped out on his balcony, Lois commented, “You know I wondered why you had picked an apartment with a view of a brick wall. Now I understand why.”

“Yes, even before I came up with a costume, I wanted to take off and land somewhere I wouldn’t be seen. This is a lot better than the alleyways I used to use.”

Lois turned and put a hand on his chest, right over his shield and stopped him. “Wait, I don’t know how we will get in to my apartment! I certainly didn’t leave a window unlocked in this weather!”

“How about the roof? Can we get in the roof exit?”

“I never thought of the roof!”

The man in Superman’s uniform smiled with Clark’s face. “Let’s give it a try. Otherwise, it’s the alley again for me and I’ll escort you in like a proper gentleman.”

“You have your regular clothes under there? Where?” She patted his chest, not feeling anything but male flesh underneath.

He quickly stilled her hand. Her movements on his chest were seriously causing him to lose concentration. Clearing his throat, he smiled wickedly and breathed, “Maybe I’ll show you later.” With that, he picked up Lois and headed rather slowly toward her apartment.

They landed on the roof. Lois tried her key on the roof door and it opened.

“You go in and start down the stairs. I’ll be there in a second.”

It had been warm flying with Superman, but once he let her go, she was rapidly getting cold. So Lois nodded and started down into the heated hallway. Clark joined her just a moment later and they walked down the stairs to Lois’ floor hand in hand.

Leaning against the wall as Lois undid her five locks, Clark smiled. “A little overcautious, aren’t you?”

She smiled over at him. “Big city habits. A girl living alone has to be careful. Besides, Dad installed them for me.”

The mention of Lois’ father gave Clark a sudden dose of reality. Well, she was the one that would make his life not only livable, but complete. He would have to deal with the Admiral when the time came. Lois was an adult and he was an honorable man.

They entered the apartment and Lois turned on the thermostat and unbundled her outerwear. Looking over at Clark in jeans, turtleneck sweater and leather coat, she asked, “Can I take your coat? Then I’ll put on some coffee. No exotic tea here.” She smiled at him and hung the coats in the closet. Turning to go to the kitchen, Lois looked at Clark in sweater and jeans and thought, ‘That man looks wonderful in anything.’

Looking at Lois working on the coffee, Clark clearly remembered what happened at that counter the morning after the White Orchid Ball. The memory prompted him to move up directly behind her as she was reaching up for the cups. Softly he said, “Can I reach those for you?”

Wordlessly, Lois nodded as her knees weakened at his proximity and she put her hands on the counter to steady herself. She was here, he was here and they were alone. She remembered what had happened the morning after the White Orchid Ball and the scary ride being chased by the black SUV.

As he brought down the cups, he noticed Lois staring at him. “What?”

“Um, can I ask you questions?”

Clark smiled. “Lois you can ask me anything about Superman. He’s my creation. You do realize, though, there are parts of my life I’ve sworn an oath to keep secret. Those I can’t answer for you. Well, here and now anyway. Sometime…maybe.”

“When we were coming home from the Ball and had to jump the missing section of the bridge, did you have to…to do…well, something super?”

Clark nodded. “Yes, the car has a good engine and we had nice speed, but I had to make it go a touch longer and compensate for a slight roll since I’m a hundred pounds heavier than you are.”

“You knew we would land safely. I was so scared!”

Clark put down the cups and gently held her shoulders, “Yes, I knew we would make it, but I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, believe me. Can I ask you something, Lois?”


“Well,” Clark started and wondered if he was being too bold, “you were so daring in calling out Lex Luthor at the Ball, I was a little surprised that you were so shaken up.” He started gently rubbing her shoulders to relax her.

Lois paused and thought a moment. “You know, I was surprised at myself too. Maybe I’d just discovered something really good that night and I didn’t want to lose it so soon. I haven’t been that skittish in the past.”

“Well, I’m definitely glad I got to drive you home. Go sit on the couch, I’ll bring the coffee.”

Lois turned to leave and whipped back around. “Sugar and cream!”

Clark looked at her puzzled. “You don’t take sugar and cream. You take artificial sweetener, period.”

“Exactly,” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at him as she continued heading for the couch. “Now I know how you can drink all that and not gain weight!” She saw Clark shake his head in amusement. “What, I’m putting the pieces together! I thought Charlie King was a simple sweet guy. Now I find that guy has three identities!”

Laughing as he brought the coffee in, he said, “And I thought you looked cute in the chicken outfit and had a voice from heaven. Did you know you were singing all my favorite songs? I got weak in the knees listening to you! My adopted mother Martha used to play the piano and she had a fabulous collection of show tunes on old vinyl records. I still have them.”

“That’s who I don’t really know, Clark Kent the farmboy.”

“Well, Clark Kent the farmboy would really like to get to know you better. And he is really who I am at heart. Just a farmboy.” Clark set the coffee down and sat next to Lois. They stared at each other for a long moment as the tension in the room built.
Clark reached up and slowly pulled off his glasses and set them by the coffee. Lois reached up and traced her fingers around his face where the glasses had been. “Such a simple disguise. A pair of glasses. Clear lenses I assume?”

Clark shook his head while keeping his eyes fixed on Lois’ eyes. “No, they have a purpose. They are leaded so I don’t accidently burn things up or see through walls.”

“Can you see into my heart,” Lois murmured as she closed the gap between them. The kiss was gentle at first as they began to explore each other’s faces. Clark then embraced her gently and intensified the kiss. Lois kissed back, breathing accelerated, and Clark leaned back into the couch, pulling Lois over his body. She could feel the proof of his excitement and began to rotate her hips slowly.

Clark turned to small intense kisses along the side of her face and her neck. He brought up her good hand and kissed the knuckles, gently sucking on them. For some reason that gesture made Lois begin to moan. She arched her back, which brought her into more intimate contact with his lower body and started to unbutton her blouse.

Clark stared transfixed as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He wondered how far she would go. His eyes widened as she continued past her bra and began to pull the blouse out of the skirt. Finally she undid every button.

“Oh, Lois,” he breathed. This was better than any dream he had ever had. He pulled the blouse gently down off her shoulders and began kissing her shoulders and above her bra. “You are so beautiful. I had to sit down there in the newsroom when I saw your blouse unbuttoned. I wanted you right then and right there.”

“That would have been a sight for Frank when he came in,” she murmured softly as she arched her neck back so he could kiss her throat.

He smiled against her skin. “Front page news for the Daily Planet, ‘Superman Ravishes Beautiful Reporter on Newsroom Desk.’”

Now she was kissing his forehead and hair. “So The Suit does come off? I wondered. Well, before tonight, that is.”

“Yes, it does come off, as you now know, and that’s why the cape was around my knees when I sat down. I basically had no choice.” Clark noticed that her good arm was around her back and she was wiggling strangely atop him. It wasn’t a seductive wiggle at all. “Lois, what’s going on?”

She said in a frustrated voice, “I can’t unbutton my skirt with my bad arm. I need help!”

“How did you get it on this morning?”

“Are you always this analytical? I buttoned it in front and twisted it around my waist.”

The image unnerved Clark, and analytical processes just went out the window. “Hang on. The world is going to move.” With that, he stood them both upright, away from the coffee table. He found he wasn’t that steady on his feet either and it amazed him. He gently propped Lois on his chest and reached around and undid the button and zipper. The skirt slid to the floor. “Better,” he asked, holding her away from him and looking at her. She was standing there with in a bra, panties and a camisole and Clark had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.

Clark noticed that her eyes were glazed and he was sure his weren’t much clearer. He felt fingers reaching up under his sweater. “You want it off?” He saw Lois nod once and whipped off the sweater and threw it to the side.

Lois ran her hands, even the injured one, all over his chest. “You are magnificent.” She began kissing his chest, then gently biting his nipple. Clark moaned in a low note that vibrated through his chest.

“You know, honey, even I’m having trouble standing up.”

“Take us to the bedroom,” she commanded in a breathy voice.

“Your wish is my command, my lady.” With that, Clark scooped her up and half walked, half levitated to the bedroom. He dove onto the bed, rotating on the way down so that Lois was on top and lessening the fall with his abilities. “You know your couches aren’t very comfortable.”

Lois arched up again. That was rapidly becoming his favorite movement for her to do.

She looked him in the eye and said mischievously, “I know. It got us here, didn’t it?”

He laughed aloud, which contracted his stomach muscles and got him in closer proximity to Lois’ feminine area. “Ohh, I like that,” she said as she put her knees down on the bed on either side of him and raised her torso up.

Clark’s eyes widened as she ground herself onto Clark’s prominent manhood, panties to denim. “God, Lois, honey, you are driving me wild!”

“That’s the general idea, farmboy.”

“I want to see those magnificent breasts of yours again,” he panted.

She started taking off the camisole and growled in frustration. “You’ll have to help. Injured arm victim here.”

“Gladly, my love.” Clark reached for the camisole and realized he couldn’t get it over her head since she was sitting up. So he sat up and kissed her, then slid the garment over her head.

“Oh, that feels so so good, Clark,” Lois exclaimed as the change in position increased pressure to her core. “While you are there…”

“Indeed it is my pleasure,” Clark murmured as he reached around her and unfastened her bra from the back and laid it almost reverently to the side as he lay back slowly to admire her in all her glory.

Lois looked down into his eyes and saw something close to worship in them as he regarded her at leisure. She particularly enjoyed the smile, almost like a child on Christmas morning as a favorite present was unwrapped.

“Just out of curiosity,” he cleared his throat, “how did you get that on this morning? With your arm out of commission.”

“Well, there weren’t any leprechauns around to help me, if that’s what you’re thinking. I did it the same way as the skirt. Fasten it in front and scoot it around to the back.”

Clark shook his head in amazement of the secrets of feminine undergarments being revealed to him. Finally he lifted his eyes to Lois face as saw the amused grin on it. Then he saw the mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“You like?”

“Absolutely, 100 percent, yes indeed.” His hands were gripping and clasping at his side.

“You can touch. You have before. In fact, I insist on being touched and even kissed.” His hands came up instantly as if freed from a cage and began massaging her breasts, then gently rolling and tweaking the nipples. “Oh, that feels so good! Not just because you are doing it, but also because after hours in a bra, they hurt.”


“Yes. Think of…oh, I don’t know…tight pants for hours on end. No, look who I’m talking to. Mister Invulnerable.”

Clark shrugged, “Sorry.”

“I’m not.” She leaned down into his hands, increasing the pressure on her breasts. Slowly he lowered her until his hands were trapped between them and she ran her tongue around his lips. He quickly opened his mouth and gave her access to him.
She sucked his tongue and he moaned, freeing his hands and hugging her to him.

Clark rolled them over so that he could kiss her eagerly and deeply. He slid to the side so that his right hand could continue to concentrate attention on her left breast.

Slowly releasing the kiss, he began lavishing kisses around her mouth and chin, down her neck, her shoulders, and along the now imaginary top of the bra

As Clark continued hummed softly, he trailed the fingers of his right hand from her breast to the area under the breast, then to the center of her breastbone and slowly, really slowly down her stomach.

Lois stomach muscles began to convulse with the light touch and she felt her back and core tighten, ready for action. “Oh, Clark, that feels so good. More.”

Lois exploded as relief from the tension crashed around her. Clark was a fantastic lover. But it was probably because he was more than just a lover to her. She was realizing she was in love with him. Clark’s hand was still there, offering her comfort as she came down from her high. He hugged her to him to keep her warm and gently kissed her now closed eyes and mouth. She turned into him and snuggled into his shoulder.

“What about you,” she mumbled sleepily.

“In good time, Lois my love. In good time.”


The next morning Lois Lane woke up feeling really, really good. She even was not irritated by her morning alarm as she usually was. Rolling over to hug the pillow next to her, she felt like she had just had the most wonderful dream involving…Clark?

Hugging the pillow, she suddenly found herself nose to paper. Paper, what was paper doing in her bed. Bed? The dream was about her bed and Clark? Suddenly she remembered and opened her eyes, staring at the paper. There was writing on the paper. She lifted it up and tried to focus her eyes.

“Morning, Beautiful.
I had to rush out for an emergency early this morning. I’ll pick you up in your Jeep to take you to work as promised. Don’t worry if I’m a little late, we can always make up the time someway (grin). I’ll bring breakfast from a real French bakery. Just put on the coffee or we can reheat the stuff we didn’t drink last night. (double grin). You are wonderful.
Love, Clark”

Lois smiled as she stretched luxuriously like a feline. Her body hummed with good feelings and her muscles were loose and pliable. Rolling out of bed to hit the shower, Lois idly wondered how many calories she had burned last night. Yep, that had to be the most popular exercise in the annals of mankind.

First Lois put a fresh pot from the can of Kona coffee Clark had left and set it to perking. She showered and washed and dried her hair and was starting to put on her shoes when she heard a knock at her door. Leaving the shoes in the bedroom, she rushed to the door, eager to let Clark in. Not forgetting her safety, she did look through the peephole and saw the smiling face of Clark. ‘What a sight to wake up to every morning,’ she thought.

She opened all five of her locks and then the door for Clark. Clark had a wide smile on his face as he stepped into her apartment.

“Good morning, Beautiful,” he said as he brought a large bouquet of flowers from behind his back and presented them to her.

“You said that already in your note,” she smiled shyly and then looked at the flowers.

“And I meant every word of it.” Clark was stunned by her fresh beauty this morning. “By the way, I like your barefoot look. New style?”

“I just finished getting my clothes on.”

“Oh, too bad.”

Her eyebrows rose.

“But probably very wise as we do have to get to work.” He walked over to her windows and reached through the curtains to latch one. “I left by your window,” he said by way of explanation. “There was a fire in an old apartment building, probably started by a gas leak.”

Clark put his arm around her shoulders and walked her to the kitchen area. “Oh, I smell Kona coffee. Fresh?”

“Indeed, just for you. Here, let me put the flowers in water. By the way, where did you get them in the dead of winter? They don’t seem like florist’s flowers.”

“They’re not. It’s summer in Brazil. And they have French bakeries too.” He put the bag of croissants on the table. “I figured I’d bring the flowers here. We didn’t really talk about how public we want to make our new relationship.”

“New relationship,” she mused as she stopped fishing for a vase. “I guess that’s what we have.”

“The vase is in back in the lower right cupboard. Yes, I think we have a relationship. I want one. And I’ll give you that interview anytime you want. We need to decide what depth of detail to print. I really need your advice, since you are the experienced journalist. My experience is to write reports that get locked in a safe somewhere.”

Lois was momentarily overwhelmed by what last night really meant. It was all new, sudden and had progressed very fast, but very enjoyably.

Sensing her hesitancy, Clark explained his side. “Lois, it’s up to you. As fast as you want, as much interaction as you want and when you want. Although I personally enjoyed our interaction last night. But it is totally up to you. No strings unless you want them.” Just having her know about him had somehow bolstered his courage at attacking Nightfall. The rest could wait because there would be a future. There had to be.




History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis