Lois's Grandmother

Clark, still aching from the Kryptonite exposure, asked Lois, “How did you know where to find me?”

She bit her lip. “I have to let you in on my deepest secret...”

“Oh?” he asked, intrigued.

“My middle name is Beatrice.”

“That's what you consider your deepest secret? Your middle name?”

“Yes! Because Lois's middle name was Anne. She's my Aunt. I won't even be born for a couple of years yet. I'm Lucy's daughter. I travelled back in time and saw Lois die and took her place. Which means the historical personage I studied in school was... me. Useful, really, I know a bunch of things that are going to happen.” “And,” she continued, “I just have to be myself and what happened to her will happen to me because she was me.”

“Must be very confusing, seeing all your relatives in different perspectives.”

“Yeah, trying to treat Grandma Ellen as my mother is hard.”

“Treating your mother as your sister must be hard too.”

“No,” she said, “I just treat her like my cousin Lucille, who will actually be my daughter. People always said I looked just like Lois, which makes sense now. But coincidentally, Lucille looks just like Lucy did...except Lucille has a mole on her left knee that Lucy doesn't.”

“uh...Lois? Lucy has a mole on her left knee.”

“No she doesn't! It would have been in Lucy's childhood medical records.”

“I saw it last week when she twisted her knee and I got her an ice pack.”

“but...if Lucille who is my daughter is Lucy who is my mother... then where did I come from? I'm my own Grandmother! ...I'm too young to be a grandmother!”

She started to freak out and Clark heard her heart beat accelerate alarmingly. “You're just the right age to be the you I love. And, I don't care where you came from,” he assured her, kissing her, “I just want to make sure you stay with me.”

She settled down, as much as Lois Lane could, and kissed him back. “I guess that makes as much sense as anything.”