Well, I have been prodded by friends to post my L&C stories here as well as on the Zoomway boards, and I have finally decided to suck it up and do it. So, I will be posting quite a bit over the next few hours; thankfully, I only have three stories so far - just the chapters in each are going to be a probbie. Anyway, here's Deja Vu! Enjoy!

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TITLE: Deja Vu, Chapter 1 - Fallen Angel
AUTHOR: Jackie (matahari.girl@verizon.net)
RATING: PG/PG13 maybe (nothing on here that wouldn't be on the show itself)
TEASER: A spaceship crashes to Smallville, bringing with it some very special cargo.
SPOILERS: Nothing off the top of my head; if there are and I've missed them, I'm sorry!
DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are mine. Most of these characters are from the L&C show, but Supergirl is a combination of the two essenses (Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis), and Zod, Ursa, and Non are from the second Superman movie. I've also reworked certain plot elements from the comics into the story. I'm not making any money off of this story, so sueing me would be pointless. This story - which was given birth in 1995 but never written - takes place in where the ending of the series, the mysterious arrival of the baby, never happened. It is set in the year the series ended, where Lois and Clark are still childless. Enjoy!

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Smallville, Kansas

“I still can't believe you did that,” Martha smiled at her husband as she sat on the passenger's side of the old truck. She laughed as she remembered Jonathan bobbing for apples at the harvest festival in town, his entire head and front soaking wet.

“Well, why not?” Jonathan grinned like a little boy. “It was for a good cause. And what's the harm in acting like a kid, huh? We're not getting any younger.”

Martha had to agree. They weren't getting any younger, but it didn't seem to bother either of them, though she found herself reflecting on her life as she stared out the window, looking up into the clear, night sky. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light as a fiery ball streak across the sky. Jonathan was so startled he slammed on the breaks. The two watched as the ball fell to the earth, crashing in a deserted field about a mile away from the road.

“Good lord, Jonathan, what was that?” Martha asked.

“I don't know, Martha. A meteor perhaps.” He got out of the truck and started walking toward the crash site. He turned around as he saw Martha getting out of the truck to join him. “Martha, stay put.”

“No, I'm coming.” She looked determined, and Jonathan knew better than to argue with her. The two carefully made their way out into the field. It didn't take them long to find the large hole where the ball had crashed, a large amount of dirt piled around the whole. They carefully looked into the hole and couldn't believe what they saw.

Nestled in the dirt was a silver spaceship. It was sleek and looked like the one that had brought Clark to Earth a long time ago as a baby, but this ship was bigger, large enough to hold an adult. They jumped when the front of the ship lifted up, like a hatch, revealing its cargo. Inside, dressed in a form-fitting black body suit with a silk burgundy robe over it and matching boots, was a young woman with blond hair. She looked to be in her mid-twenties and her skin was pale, her eyes closed, almost as if she were sleeping. The body of the spacecraft around her was covered in circuitry and blinking lights. Jonathan and Martha carefully approached, peering down at the young woman.

“Martha, what on earth -” He never got to finish his sentence as the young woman's eyes fluttered open. She slowly looked around, dazed, then glanced up at the Kents, and they could see she had startling blue eyes.

“Where is he?” she asked softly.

“Where is who?” Martha asked gently.

“Kal-El,” the young girl said, right before her eyes rolled up in her head, and she lost consciousness.

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Clark groggily turned on the lamp as the sound of the phone ringing woke him up. He reached for it, answering it on the third ring. “Hello?” he asked.

“Clark,” Martha's voice said.

Clark was instantly awake. He looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was twelve fifteen. “Mom, it's after midnight. Is everything okay? Dad?” He glanced over at Lois, who was sitting up in bed, yawning, looking concerned.

“Clark, everything's fine,” Martha reassured him. “But we really need for you to come out here immediately.”

“Why, what's going on?”

“I can't really explain it . . . it's better if we show you.”

“Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.” He hung up the phone, then looked at Lois.

“What's wrong?” she asked.

“I don't know,” Clark answered. “Mom said I needed to come to Smallville immediately.”

“You want me to come?”

“Better not. Not until I know what's going on.” He kissed her before getting out of bed. He quickly spun in a circle, changing into Superman. “I'll be back as soon as I can.” He walked to the bedroom window and opened it.

“Be careful,” Lois said. He smiled at her before leaping out. There was a whoosh of air, and he was gone, leaving only fluttering curtains in his wake.

(End of Chapter 1)

I'm too young and boyish to go to jail. - "Top Copy"

Who's your buddy, huh, who's your pal? - "Tempus Fugitive"

Chief, instead of always standing around watching Lois and Clark, wondering what they're doing, what if we got lives of our own that were a little more interesting? - "And the Answer Is . . ."