this is my first fanfic, still working on the next part, this is un-betad, so please tell me what you think so far. Be honest and brutal help
It might be a bit before I post part two, I'm already behind in NaNoWriMo.
Oh and I need a better title, this is just a place holder.



“Please Lois, you and Clark just have to come to dinner with Penny and me! She says she won’t go out with me and the guys again. Last time the guys made weird noises all evening.” Jimmy looked desperately at Lois, waiting for the inevitable. She always refused. She couldn’t stand the girls he’d been dating lately.

“And why exactly can’t you go out without another couple? You’ve been dating for a few weeks now Jimmy.” Lois never lifted her eyes from her glowing computer screen as she continued working on her latest story.

“Well... um.... you see.... Penny is kind of old fashioned. She won’t go out unchaperoned, and since she’s new to Metropolis... and doesn’t really know anyone here yet... she wants me to find someone. She says that the last time with the guys was just that... the last time.” Lois’s face changed from disinterest to incredulity to humour throughout this short stammering speech of Jimmy’s. She didn’t think such a girl still existed in the 90's, and Jimmy had somehow found the very last one.

“I’ll check with Clark, but I think we might have other plans... I think we’re meeting a source” His eyes went from downtrodden to ecstatic in a heartbeat.

“Oh thank-you Lois! I can’t wait to tell Penny!” and he ran across the newsroom at a speed rivalling Superman to find and tell Penny.

“Wait!” But he was gone. (Crap, how am I going to get us out of this? Jimmy somehow assumes we’ll manage to make it... and Clark knows we DON’T have plans... so when he finds out... of course he’ll agree to go. Why did I have to fall for such a nice guy?) At this thought Lois laughed bitterly out loud, causing an intern to look at her strangely, so in return she decided to make up an assignment for her as a way to remind her to keep her ears to herself in the newsroom.

“You, go down to the archives and find me everything you can about... ah... violence in local schools over the last ten years.” The intern looked as if both a God and a demon had spoken to her. The great LOIS LANE had given her an assignment, so she knew she would throw herself into it one hundred percent. She didn’t want to disappoint, but... she now had to spend the rest of the day in the basement, not the most pleasant place to spend tons of time. However, she knew she had to do her time as low man on the totem pole before she could become an equal to the likes of Lane and Kent. Penny delivered the files she had collected and dropped them off at travel, collected her purse, and prepared herself for a long day alone.


Swoosh. Papers shifted across the office moments before Clark stood behind Lois's desk.

“Returned the video in time?” at Clark perplexed expression though... “Oh come on farm boy, I was making a joke. You must have had a pretty stressful day if you didn’t catch that joke when it was thrown at you.” Lois looked worriedly at Clark, unsure what atrocities he must have seen today in his ‘other job’.

“Yeah, I don’t know what’s gotten into kids today. I spent the day flying across the continent stopping students from literally killing each other.” He ran his hand through his hair, clearly showing how stressed today had made him.

“Do you think there might be some connection between the incidents? We could investigate and blow it open on the front page of the Daily Planet.” (I think I might smell a Pulitzer!)

“No Lois, I’m sure they were all isolated incidents, which is probably why I’m so upset about them. There’s nothing I can do but stop it each day, if I get there in time. Today I was too late in Gotham.”

“Well, so there’s no expose for us to do, but maybe we can do a human interest story” (please say no)

“Really Lois? I think that is something I might like to do.”

“Umm... ok, well conveniently enough I already have an intern working on this.”

“Lo-is, why is an intern researching this already?”

“Well you see... I was a bit upset with Jimmy... and this intern heard me... so I... well I sent her down to the archives on the first thought that popped into my head” She said as quickly as she could, hoping to escape Clark’s ire.

“You’re punishing interns now? *sigh* well at least this time it turns out we can use the information she’s collecting. Don’t do that again.”

“Watch out farm boy, you can still be replaced” She smiled devilishly at him.

“Ok fine, lets get a move on this story and then.... wait, why were you upset with Jimmy?”

She realized what she said, and her grin left her face (crap). “Well... ah... he asked a favour of us, and he seems to think I said yes....but I’m sure I left the impression we were busy tonight”

“What’s the favour?”

“Oh he wants us to double date with his new girlfriend Penny and him tonight, but now we’re going to be working on this story, so he’ll have to find someone else. Would you tell him? He likes you better.”

“No, Lois, I’m not going to do your dirty work for you. Besides, I’ve heard Jimmy talk about this new girl Penny, and I’d like to meet her.”

Don't think about the pink elephant... I dare you!

Thanks to Tineke for the avatar