Poor Clark!

Clark stared after her retreating figure through the walls of his room, his head pounding. He could see that she was angry with him for ignoring her. But how else could he act? Every time he caught sight of her thick brown hair, every time his hearing distinguished her heartbeat, he was brought back into his nightmare. It lived inside him, ready to rear up at the slightest provocation.
Poor man... and poor Lois too, but the dingleberry should know that Clark can't be happy that he's feeling this for her... oh wait, yes, she doesn't REALIZE he's feeling things for her <rolls eyes>

This comment here really struck me:

He felt so dirty.
Clark has had to deal with so much... I hope he finds out the truth soon... not that it will suddenly make everything better, but at least he'll know the truth.

“This is an honor, Lois. I hope you know that we don’t ask just anyone to join us.” Lexy gave a derisive laugh that set Lois’ teeth on edge. “Like that girl Dana. She’s always sucking up to us. As if we’d consider her.” Lexy laughed and the group joined her. The sound echoed dully in Lois’ ears, but she forced herself to grin.
Ugh! I knew girls like this... and I couldn't stand them! Makes me want to slap her!

YIKES! I was right! Claude really is after her story! I mean, we knew he was a slimy character - but your story has taken that slime to new heights! Wow!

A large June bug continued on its merry way, trekking over her fingertips. She held her breath and glared. She didn’t like bugs. They were small. They were creepy. They crawled on her hand when she specifically told them not to.
LOL! I LOVED that line. Too funny! Poor little June bug - it wouldn't hurt no one. Although, have you ever had one of the little things buzz you? They are crazy flyers!!! And they sound like bees or something at first before you realize what they are. <g>

Without washing his hands. Gross. Lois wrinkled her nose and mentally crossed off a couple points on Kyle’s attractiveness list.
Eeeeeewwww! LOL!

Not Clark Kent.

Clark Kent! No! Bad Lois!
LOLSSS! Oh god, that whole thought process was so funny!

“Not so fast, doll,” Lois grimaced. She was sick of the nicknames. Between Kyle calling her “babe” and this joker called her “doll”… Her wry amusement dissolved into a whimper as the knife slid across her throat lightly. A bright red line appeared on the otherwise pale skin of her neck and a thin stream of blood dripped down the snowy skin.

Keeping the knife trained on her neck, he reached down with one hand for the belt buckle of his pants.

OMG! I would have died if I couldn't have read the next part immediately!!!

.... thankfully I don't have to! Whew!


Great part!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.