Note: this has obviously been edited... I just hope I haven't butchered it while doing so. sad

From Part 6 -

Clark broke the kiss after a moment and bowed his head, looking into her eyes from above the rim of his glasses. “Just how hungry are you?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

“Ask me again later,” Lois whispered, burying her hands in his hair and pulling him back towards her.

“Not sure I’ll be able to ask again until much later,” he warned her.

“Doesn’t matter,” she assured him, planting hot, wet kisses along his jaw line. “Food’s not what I want right now.”

“Tell me… What do you want, Lois?”

“You,” she said, breathlessly. “I want you, Clark.”


Part 7 –

Clark closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, head spinning and thoughts racing out of control.

“Lois,” he whispered hoarsely. He crushed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply and passionately. “Want you… so much…” he whispered between ragged breaths, pulling away just enough to look into her soft brown eyes.

Lois looked at him, eyes unfocused, lips wet and swollen from their kisses. “I’m all yours,” she told him, a slight tremble in her voice.

“Are you sure?” he asked in a husky voice after a moment’s reflection. “Lois? Because I…”

“Yes,” she breathed.

He grabbed her hands and brought them back from behind his neck, an intense look in his eyes. “Lois,” he said, his tone soft but serious. He brushed a quick kiss on her fingers before releasing them. “I just need to make something clear, this… it’s not just a fling. It means a lot more to me; you mean a lot more to me. So if you’re not -”

Lois blinked in surprise. “A fling?” she asked, interrupting him. “You don’t seriously think…? I’d have to be completely out of my mind! I’ve come this close to losing you way too many times already. Clark, I want to be with you because I love you.” She raised her hands to his face and gently removed his glasses, setting them down on the counter beside her. “All of you. The good-natured farm boy and the fearless hero who hides underneath.”

Clark stood, speechless, taking her words in. This was everything he had ever longed for. His entire existence, all he had ever wanted was someone to love; someone who would love him back for who he was, someone who could see him past the super powers and the alien DNA.

Lois stroked his cheek tenderly but stopped suddenly, frowning. “Unless you’re not sure? I mean… if you’re having second thoughts…”

“No second thoughts,” he said. “I’m still only interested in the first ones.”

“Hm… Any chance they have to do with sharing that big bed over there?” she asked, smoothing her hand across his chest.

“Unless you’d like to flip for it?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Flip? Sure, we could flip,” Lois replied, a mischievous smile appearing on her lips. “How about we flip the light switch?” she asked, placing her hands back behind his neck. She leaned in closer and trailed feather-light kisses up his neck and right to the corner of his mouth.

“Good idea,” he mumbled against her lips, claiming them in a passion-filled kiss.

Clark wrapped his arms around Lois’s waist and lifted her up from the counter. Without breaking the kiss for even a second, he took a few steps back and turned the light off. A few paces later, Lois felt her foot bump against the side of the bed.

Her feet dropped slowly towards the floor, Clark’s strong hands around her waist holding her steady as she did. Once she found her footing, Lois’s hands traveled from his neck all the way to where his shirt hung, loosely, over his jeans. She slipped one hand, then the next, under the hem of his shirt. A shiver ran through him as her fingers caressed his skin. She smoothed her hands over his muscular torso, taking the shirt up with her as she went. A moment later, Clark’s shirt was on the floor.

Lois looked up at his face and saw him smile. Had he any idea what sort of effect that smile had on her, she wondered? Such a small little gesture – just a smile – but it held so much power and so much promise, too. For a few seconds that seemed to last a lifetime, she looked at his face, caressing every inch of it with her eyes. The shape of his eyebrows, the deep chocolate color of his eyes, the smooth skin of his cheeks, the strong jaw line, the small freckle above his lip… and that smile. Oh, that smile. Feeling weak at the knees, she pulled away from him and sat on the edge of the bed.

Clark turned to face her, looking down with an air of concern. “Are you OK?” he asked, hoping she wasn’t feeling nauseous again.

“I’m fine,” she assured him with a smile of her own as she pulled herself further up onto the bed. She turned her head to the side once she settled down flat on her back, and saw Clark hovering a few feet off the floor. A moment later, he landed next to her, on his side with his head propped up on one hand.

“Oooh, Superman,” she whispered. Biting her lower lip, she traced an invisible ‘S’ on his chest.

“At your service,” he answered, lowering his tone an octave or so just as he would have if he’d been wearing the Suit.

“You have no idea how sexy that voice is,” Lois told him, reaching up towards him.

She brushed her lips over his, and he nibbled at her top lip, letting his tongue trail across it.

“Want you... Clark…” Lois mumbled between kisses.

Never before had he felt like he was cut off from the rest of the world; there were no cries for help, no voices. The rest of the world had just vanished, allowing for this one moment where all that existed was him - and her. She was his, he was hers. Eyes closed, he prayed for the feeling to last forever.


Lois snuggled closer to Clark, laying her head in the crook of his shoulder. She ran a hand over his chest, letting it rest just above his pounding heart. He slid one arm around her, hugging her tightly to him. With the other hand, he reached for the blanket and tugged at it so he could cover them with it.

Lois sighed contentedly, feeling his slowing heartbeat and his chest rising and falling under her hand. There was nowhere she would rather be than in his arms. His strong, loving arms. Where she knew she would be welcome, now and forever.


In one blinding moment of clarity, Lois knew that she was right where she belonged. That she was meant to be with this man. Her kind, gentle farm boy from Kansas by way of Krypton, with whom she would always be safe, cherished and loved. There would be no federal disaster – not this time. And there could never be anyone else. He was the one; the only. Her eyes filled with tears as, silently, she gave him her heart, her soul. As she closed her eyes, a teardrop fell onto his skin.

Clark frowned when a second tear followed the first and he realized that she was crying.

“Lois?” he asked, tilting her chin up gently with a finger so he could look into her eyes. “You’re crying? Why – what’s wrong?”

She just shook her head, eyes sparkling from more than tears.

“Honey, please don’t cry,” he said, his heart breaking at the sight of her with tears in her eyes.

Honey? Her heart swelled upon hearing the word, her vision blurring even more. If he was trying to get her to stop crying, he wasn’t going about it the right way, Lois thought to herself.

Panic started rising inside him. Had he hurt her? “Tell me what’s wrong. Please? Tell me, so I can fix it.”

“Nothing’s wrong,” she explained with some difficulty, the words barely making it past the lump in her throat. After a long pause and with a watery smile she added, “I love you, Clark. With all my heart; I love you.”

“Oh, Lois, I love you so much,” he whispered. Tightening his arms around her, he brushed a kiss on her forehead.

They soon fell asleep, tangled in each other’s arms.


Lois opened her eyes slowly. Turning on her side, she realized that Clark was no longer lying beside her in bed. She looked around for him, concerned that perhaps Superman had been needed and he’d had to run off someplace in a hurry, leaving her alone. Muffled sounds coming from the kitchen quickly dispelled her worries. She could hardly see into the kitchen at all from where she was, but knowing he was there was comforting enough.

Getting out of bed, Lois went looking in her bag for the nightgown she was no longer sorry to have brought along. She slipped it on and padded quietly to the bathroom. A few minutes later, refreshed and now fully awake, she made her way to the kitchen.

Clark sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her dressed in black lace. The saucepan he was holding slid from his hand and landed on the counter with a metallic thud.

“What?” she asked. With a crooked little smile, Lois walked right up to him, planting a kiss on the side of his neck.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to walk around in that,” he said, placing a hand at the small of her back and pulling her in.

“Would you like me to take it off?” she whispered in his ear, then started nibbling on it.

“I’d like nothing more,” he whispered back.

She peered at the reflection of the fire dancing in Clark’s soft brown eyes. “Can I still ask you for anything I’d like?” she asked.

“Always, Lois,” he assured her.

“Come back to bed,” she whispered.

“Don’t you Earth girls ever eat?” Clark asked, raising an eyebrow. If he didn’t know any better, he could have sworn she was trying to do everything she could to keep him from fixing dinner.

“Well yes,” Lois said, with a sly smile. “As a matter of fact, we prey on handsome visitors from other planets. First, we seduce them...”

“Interesting. And then what?” he asked, amused.

“Then…” She made a dramatic pause before going on. “Then, we rip out their spleen!”

Clark chuckled. “Ah! Well, I guess it’s lucky I just happen to be invulnerable, huh?”

“Um… I’d forgotten about that. I suppose I’ll have to find something else to do with you," she said, smoothing her hands across his chest. "Unless you’d rather have dinner, of course,” she added after a short pause, shrugging.

“Dinner? Um…” he mumbled, thoughts started racing at a speed to match his heartbeat.

“I didn’t think so,” Lois said in a whisper, leaning in closer to him.


The fire had died before Lois woke up the next morning. She shivered under the covers. She stirred, trying to find a way to snuggle up as closely as humanly possible to the warm mass of muscles breathing evenly beside her.

“Are you cold?” Clark asked sleepily, eyes barely opened.

“Just a little,” she lied. In reality she was pretty much freezing and she knew that since the fire was out it would only be getting colder, but she didn’t want either of them to have to get up.

“There’s no more fire,” he stated, matter-of-factly. “I’ll go -”

“No, don’t,” she pleaded, hugging him tightly. “Stay with me.”

“Lois, you’re shivering. I’ll be back before you even realized you missed me,” Clark told her softly.

“Even you don’t move that fast… Superman.” She smiled at him, sighing in barely hidden admiration. It was strange and wonderful at the same time to think about who this man beside her really was. She had to refrain from giggling at the thought that Superman’s outfit really did come off.

He brushed a small kiss on her lips and, as he started to get out of bed, said, “I’ll be right back, you’ll see.”

A few heartbeats later, there was a warm fire burning in the chimney and Clark was crawling back to bed. “Miss me?” he teased.

“Yeah,” she pouted, snuggling up to him again.

“Missed you too,” he told her, gathering her in his arms.

They lay there for several minutes in silence, enjoying each other’s presence.

“Clark? What happens now?” Lois asked, half lost in thought.

“Well, isn’t your real-estate agent coming over?”

“No… I mean, when we go back to Metropolis. What happens then?”

“We go back to work. You know… followings leads, catching the bad guys in the act and writing award winning articles about it.”

His voice had an amused tone, but inside, he was a little scared and anxious – he knew what she had meant, but had decided to dodge the question, unsure how he should answer it. He didn’t really know how things should work once they got back home. He hadn’t had time to think about it long enough; this weekend was happening a lot faster than he had ever thought possible.

“No, Clark, I’m serious,” Lois told him, propping her head up on one arm. “We’ll go back to work and then Superman will go back to work, too… and, well, I’m just wondering where that leaves us. I mean, how do I go back to how it was before?”

“Is that what you want?” The question came out before he really realized. His heart was thundering in his chest now. She’d assured him that this meant something to her, that it wasn’t just a weekend out of time and character, but he couldn’t help the feelings of insecurity that were welling up inside him. Though he couldn’t imagine her telling him she loved him without meaning it, what if she wasn’t ready to be in a relationship with him? What if she asked him to sweep the events of the weekend under the rug? How would he ever be able to do that?

“No, I don’t,” she admitted. “I hate that this weekend will soon be over. I don’t want it to be. It’s so easy to just be here with you now. I don’t want to have to face sleeping alone in my apartment when we go back home. Not to mention I’ll have to share you with the rest of the world again.”

Relief poured through him as she spoke. She hadn’t meant that she wanted things to get back to how they’d been before. He almost felt ashamed for thinking that was it. They were just both seeking reassurance that this weekend was the beginning of something else. But neither of them really knew how things were supposed to work now. They’d skipped over the usual beginnings, in way, and had found themselves propelled somewhere in the middle of what the ‘normal’ storyboard of a relationship looked like. But then, when had their lives been anything but unusual anyway?

“Superman belongs to the world,” he told her. Knowing that this would do nothing to calm her anxieties, he explained further. “But Clark Kent, on the other hand, you’ll never have to share with anyone else. He won’t ever belong to anyone but you, Lois.”

“I guess I can live with that,” she told him with a smile. “Do you always refer to yourself in the third person?”

“It just makes it easier,” he explained. “My mother hates it.” He shrugged.

Lois giggled. “As long as you’re sure who you are,” she said.

“Oh, I’m perfectly sure who I am.” He gave her a lopsided smile before going on. “I’m the guy who’s sleeping with Lois Lane.”

She giggled even more, blushing somewhat at the way he had described it. “I can see the tabloid headlines from here… Reporter gets the real skinny on Superman,” she said with an overly dramatic voice, causing them both to laugh out loud.

“Um… Talking about Superman…” he started, turning more serious. “I think maybe he needs to be seen in Metropolis soon. He hasn’t been around since Friday morning… He’s been out on other rescues of course, but the criminal element in Metropolis is usually pretty quick to assume he’s gone for good. I should probably go out on a patrol while the sun is out.”

“Yeah, I was afraid you’d say that.” She sighed dejectedly. “You’re sure it can’t wait until later tonight?”

“Well the whole point is for him to be seen…”

Lois started at the ceiling for a minute or two, thinking. About the weekend and how it would be over much, much too soon. About how she didn’t really want to have to go back home today and wished they could have a reason to stay. Just one more day… And how she would be sorry to sell this place after all. An idea started forming in her head, all of a sudden.

“You know… you’re right,” she said, finally. “It’s the reasonable thing to do. I mean, being out there when people can see you. And it works out fine, what with the real-estate agent being here around lunch time.” Mentally, she crossed her fingers, hoping he’d fall for it. In reality, Ryan had told her he’d be by sometime in the afternoon, most probably late in the afternoon. But she needed to get Clark out of earshot, at least for part of her plan, or he’d probably try and lecture her on why it was wrong and she shouldn’t be doing it. It just worked out better if he also wasn’t around to hear her call the agent and cancel his visit.

“Are you trying to get rid of me, now?” Clark asked, suspicious. He knew the look on her face, knew it meant she was planning something. And knowing her, he wasn’t sure if he should be happy or afraid of the consequences.

“Why would I want to do that?” she asked, in an overly sweet tone that confirmed all of his apprehensions.

As Lois got up and headed for the bathroom, Clark wondered why she would possibly want to get him to leave when she had made such a big deal of her not wanting him to get out of bed just a few moments before. He shrugged. He’d probably never really understand the inner-workings of Lois’s mind. On the other hand, it was better this way anyhow – what would he have done if she’d made it absolutely impossible for him to leave? None of his special abilities were enough to resist her. And after all, there was a reason he had suggested he should do a quick patrol of Metropolis…


It was almost 1:30 PM when Clark flew back to the cabin. He had taken care of everything that needed his attention – and then some – and had been around Metropolis more times then he could count. It was still early, though; earlier than he’d said he would be back.

He found Lois sitting in front of the fire, wrapped up in a warm blanket. She was reading a book. She closed it and set it on the coffee table when she saw him come in and as she did so, the blanket slipped off, exposing her bare shoulder and the black spaghetti strap of her nightgown. He swallowed uneasily, remembering what she had looked like in it yesterday…

“Everything go OK?” she asked.

“Oh? Um… yeah. Yeah, it went… fine, I guess,” he stammered. “How’d it go with your agent?”

“He hasn’t been here,” Lois informed him.

“Oh?” Clark looked at her, quizzically. If the agent hadn’t been by, why was she sitting there in a nightgown? His eyes narrowed as he felt the beginnings of an odd wave of jealous possessiveness surge through him. He tried to reason with himself – he had to be overreacting. Jumping to conclusions wasn’t the right or even the logical thing to do, but his mind was in a little bit of a mess and he was having a hard time sorting through things logically anyway.

“And he won’t be,” she added, reassuringly, seeing the reaction telling Clark only half the news had caused. “I changed my mind.”


“You know when we got here how I said I wished I would be at least a little sorry to have to sell the place?”

Clark nodded and sat down beside her, waiting for the rest of the explanation.

“Well, I realized I would be a lot sorry, actually. And I know it’s probably not going to get used that often – because face it, when do we ever get time off, really? – but, you know… a little weekend here and there, so we can get away from the rest of the world? Just you and me.”


Lois let out a small, nervous laugh. “What’s wrong? ‘Oh’ is all you’ve been able to say for the last five minutes, Clark.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just a little distracted.”

“Did something happen?” she asked, brows furrowed in concern. “While you were out in Metropolis?”

“No, nothing. It was pretty peaceful.” He gave her a warm smile. “It’s what you’re wearing that’s distracting, actually,” he added, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.

“Oh, well, I just thought… you know, since we have nothing else to do all day…” She shrugged.

“You Earth girls really are insatiable,” he said, shaking his head.

“Oh, you have no idea!” She smiled, almost victoriously. “I even got us a day off tomorrow, just so I could have my way with you some more.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope. I called Perry,” Lois explained. “Told him we were stuck here. You know, on account of all the snow and…” She blushed. “Well, me stupidly canceling the snow removal service. I kinda let him think they’d be by tomorrow and that we’d head back as soon as we could.”

“You lied to him?” Clark asked, shocked. “Straight up lied to him? Lo-is!”

“Hey, look who’s talking, Mr. I-Moonlight-In-Blue-Tights-And-A-Cape. At least I can lie convincingly. Cheese of the Month. Please…” She giggled as she recalled some of his most outrageous excuses. “In fact, I think you should let me come up with excuses from now on. Seriously, Clark, you’re not very good at it.”

“I don’t know how we got to talking about my excuses for running off unexpectedly,” he said, getting up and gathering her in his arms. “But I tell you what… if you let me go back to what we were discussing just before that, I’ll let you do all the talking from now on.”

“Mmmm… You’ve got a deal, flyboy.” She leaned in and kissed him.


As they left the cabin, on Monday afternoon, Lois thought about the woman who had left it to her. She’d never met her, nor did she know much about this woman, but she owed her a huge debt of gratitude for the part that she had played in making this weekend happen. Lois’s life had been altered because of it. Completely. And she couldn’t have been happier about it.

Lois had arrived here on Friday night simply wanting to explore possibilities and was leaving, two and a half days later, with a whole new world of possibilities opening up before her.

She glanced at Clark, lovingly, and he looked back, giving her one of those smiles to melt her heart with. And while she didn’t know for sure what the future might hold, she was certain of one thing: he’d always be right there by her side as it unfolded.

A weekend was all it had taken to forever change the landscape of their relationship. A weekend that had come about suddenly and unexpectedly… like a blizzard, through the night.


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies