“Anyway,” William said, shooting a dark look at Laddy, “right now we need to concern ourselves with trying to figure out how much of what is happening between Lois and Clark we need to watch.”

“Maybe we could just... you know, instruct the computer to tag those items that change the past - show them to us? That way we could skip... things that we don’t need to see,” Remi suggested.

There was general agreement among the council, many of whom were certainly not relishing the idea of seeing the founders of their society in... a compromising position. It would be hard enough knowing those things they needed to know to minimize any damage done to the past.

Although, what exactly they could do, none of them had any idea.

* * * * * * * * *


Clark groaned, gathering his wife into his arms and rolling them over so that he could quickly get her shirt open. Without breaking the kiss, he reached around behind her back, searching for the clasp on her bra.

“Front,” she gasped before meeting his tongue in a sensual duel.

His hand quickly shifted position, flicking open the clasp before finally breaking the kiss. Looking down, he pushed the material to the side, looking hungrily at the site before him. “This is what I wanted to do so badly during my last leap,” he groaned before pouncing.

“Yes, Clark,” Lois breathed, tangling her hands in his hair, holding him to her, silently urging him on. She’d wanted him so badly, needed him so desperately. When exactly had Lois Lane changed from a force of one to part of a team of two - independent and yet dependent on another for her happiness? Not that at this moment, she particularly cared. In fact, the only thing she cared about was the way the activities of his lips and teeth were shooting fire into her belly. “Oh, my love,” she whispered.

He explored her, not leaving one molecule of skin left unattended, as his hand slid down her body, touching each rib and down over her stomach until he reached the edge of her jeans.

She pushed his shirt back, off his shoulders, running her hands over the hard muscles. God, she loved the feel of him. Even at seventeen, the power of his body could be sensed in every move, every change in his position. Such power and such gentleness - for he made love in much the same way as he was. Strength, always tempered with tenderness.

Never had she known such love for another person. Tears accumulated in her eyes as the force of her emotions overpowered her. It seemed she loved him more with each passing day, each passing hour, each passing second. Never had she known that any emotion could be this powerful.

His lips left her body even as his eyes returned to her face. She looked down at him, noting his expression of wonder. Unable to resist, she reached down, cupping his face in her hands.

“I love you, Clark,” she whispered, feeling the truth of that statement in every atom in her body.

He moved up her body so that he could kiss her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close, trying to fuse them into one body.

She rolled them over before beginning to pull on the button on his tight jeans.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,” Clark suddenly said, pulling away from Lois.

“What?” Lois panted.

“We can’t... do this,” Clark said trying to catch his breath.

“Clark, what is this? Some weird thing about our being underage? Only our bodies are underage. Our minds, which are the important part, I would think, are not only fully consenting adults, but are actually married. I could see if maybe you were twenty years older than me or something it might seem weird, but we’re less than two years apart. Besides, I did a story before you arrived at the Planet about children having sex, and did you know that fourteen is the age of consent in New Troy, so we’re both of age to consent to have sex here.

“Or is because I’m a virgin, because I have to tell you the idea of having you be my first, even if I won’t remember it, is... really hot. And women have accidents all the time that have nothing to do with sex so it’s not as if I would suddenly be wondering who stole my virginity without my knowing about it. I might not even find out. After all, doctors don’t usually mention it one way or another. Okay, so maybe sometimes they do, but not always. And then there is no way they could actually know that I...”

“Wait, Lois. Slow down, please. I’m having a hard enough time just dealing with...” He glanced down at his obviously frustrated state. “Without you throwing about five million scenarios at me. No, Lois. I promise you it’s nothing like... We’ve got to stop because... Lois, I don’t have any protection. I assume you don’t either. And if you get pregnant... Lois, that would definitely change the past and we agreed that we had to do everything we could to keep our pasts the same.”

“But surely one of your buddies back at the camp...? Or you can run pretty fast. What if you took a run around camp? It’s the early eighties? They must have something around here.”

“Even if there were... Lois, no form of protection is a hundred percent. Do we really want to take that risk?”

For a long moment, Lois looked at him, battling between need and the truth of what he was saying. “No!!!!!!!!” she suddenly yelled at the heavens, rolling away from him to stare up at the emerging stars. Scrambling into a sitting position, she pulled her legs up to her chest so that her shirt enfolded her in its heavy fabric.

Once she felt a bit more in control, she looked over at Clark. Although he was the one who had called a halt, her heart went out to him when she saw him, eyes closed, eyelids scrunched tightly together as he struggled for control. But then, this was the second leap that he’d had to battle with his need for her. On the other hand...

Lois moved towards Clark on her hands and knees. He was lying on his back so it was easy enough for her to lean over and kiss his chest.

“Lois, please...” Clark begged without opening his eyes.

“Relax, Clark,” she said, her hand trailing lower.

“How am I supposed to relax with you doing that?” he asked, his hand grabbing hers. For a moment, he continued holding it against him and then, with what sounded like a grunt of pain, pulled it away.

She wiggled her hand out of his. “No, Clark, let me. I can... And I promise you we won’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Just let me...” Her hand ran down his chest one more time. She leaned over him, informing him of what she intended by kissing his stomach just above the waistband of his jeans even as her hands struggled with the button and zipper.

“Lois,” he groaned, pulling her up head up so that he could look into her eyes. “I want you to... God, you have no idea how much I want you to. But what if...”

“What if what?”

“What if we leap? I mean, if our past selves found ourselves in this position... If we leap, we have to make sure we’re not even together. Otherwise, we have our past selves meeting each other far too early.”

“So? Haven’t we already changed that?”

“I don’t really know, but... I suspect that our past selves won’t remember what we did when we were occupying them... or at least I hope not. Because otherwise, we’ve already changed the past by our previous conversation. So before we leap, we have to be... apart. Otherwise, we will meet too early and the past will likely change.”

“Am I the only one getting a headache?”

He smiled, bringing her hand up and softly kissing it. “Still, I think we have to be apart when we leap this time. Other times, it hasn’t really mattered since we were together anyway.”

"What are you talking about, Clark?"

Clark let out a breath as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration as he struggled to explain his thoughts. “Okay, when you jumped after you told past me about Mayson Drake, where were you?”

“I was in your apartment.”

“But you were often in my apartment, so it wouldn’t seem unusual to you when you found yourself standing in my apartment. You might be confused about what you were doing there, but it wouldn’t be unusual for you to be there.”

“Okay, I get that.”

“But if you leapt now and past you suddenly found herself in this secluded spot with some boy she hasn’t met yet... especially if at the moment you regained consciousness, you were...” He gestured down his body.

Her eyes suddenly lit up in understanding. “Okay, so we can’t be... you know... when we leap. Can’t even be in this spot. Or be together since we haven’t even met yet.”

“Exactly. You have to be back in your campsite and I have to be in mine.”

“I can feel that I’m being pulled away before an actual leap. Can’t you?”

“Yeah, I suppose so.”

“And... how fast can you move?”

“Almost as fast as I can now.”

“So then if either of us start to feel... then you just move into overdrive. Get us both decent. Then you can go back to your friends after dropping me off at the campsite from hell. At least, I assume you can do that by carrying me and running - even if you can’t actually fly.”

Clark let out a breath before nodding.

“Good, then why don’t you just lean back while I...” She didn’t say another word, choosing instead to express her intentions through actions.

It was sometime later and Lois was watching in amazement as Clark slowly regained awareness of his surroundings, his eyes finally focusing and then coming to rest on her. He let out a breath and shook his head, wonder on his face. “Come here,” he finally breathed.

Lois scampered up his chest. When she was level with him, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, slowly, deeply. Once he finally broke the kiss, he looked into her eyes. “What do you say I return the favor?” he asked.

Her pulse leapt and then a familiar tug began pulling at the corners of her mind. “Clark!” she yelped before the world became a blur around her and then...

She was fully dressed, standing listening to her parents argue about how to store their food during the night. And then the world faded around her.

Lois shook her head, trying to banish the weird images suddenly assaulting her. The cute, dark-haired boy that she’d... A blush rose in her cheeks. What had even brought on that wicked thought? She could never do that. Not even if he were her boyfriend or husband. It was just too... icky.

Still, she couldn’t keep the small, delicious daydream of having her dream lover completely at her mercy from playing in the back of her mind as she headed over, hoping to moderate her parents’ current fight. After all, if they could just get along this weekend, maybe her father would move back home.

* * * * * * * * *

Clark looked around in confusion when he suddenly snapped out of his daydream. He let his hair fall over his forehead, hoping no one noticed the blush in his cheeks as he stared at the fire. For a few minutes there, he had really been out of it - lost in the most erotic daydream he’d ever had.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Lana scowling in his direction. But then, when didn’t she scowl at him these days? Besides, she wasn’t the girl in his daydream. No, the girl had been a raven-haired beauty. He sighed, wondering if he would ever be lucky enough to meet a girl who could make him feel even half of what his fantasy girl had.

What had brought on the fantasy? Was it because he was reasonably certain that Lana was intending to use this weekend to seduce him? Well, he hadn’t been prepared to take their relationship to that level before his fantasy. Now... well, now he knew that was never going to happen. No, there was more out there than what Lana had to offer. He just knew it. All he had to do was to find that girl.

* * * * * * * * *

Lois fought back the dizziness, trying to see through the darkness before realizing that the low lighting was a result of being seated in a restaurant.

“Lois, are you okay?”

She blinked, focusing on her dinner companion. What was Dan doing here? Her eyes widened when she realized when she was. Frustrated by what she had seen as Clark’s inability to commit, she had gone out with Dan.

Why, of all places, did she have to jump into the middle of a date with Dan Scardino? She was a married woman. She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t be doing this. She couldn’t. But... what about the future? Or was that the past?

* * * * * * * * *

to be continued...

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane