[I’m not sure if I should be posting this story in parts. The reason is that this story is a little... complicated. It might need to be read in one sitting - or no more than a couple sittings. As a result, I’m going to start posting in parts. However, if you guys don’t post to let me know that you are still able to follow the story, I’ll quit posting in parts and just send it on to the archives. Also, because of the complications, I’m not sure how long each post will be. I’ll try to break it up in a way that makes it less... uhh... confusing <g>.]

This is a fanfic based on the television show, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. No copyright infringement is intended. I'm borrowing these characters for a little fun and not for any profit. For a complete disclaimer, go to: http://www.thompsonlawoffice.ca/Disclaimer.htm

My special thanks to Gerry for all the brainstorming she did with me on this story idea. Most of the best ideas in this story, I stole from her <g>. Thanks Gerry. My thanks also to Gerry, Carol Malo, Erin and Em for their beta reading skills - finding my mistakes and plot holes and giving me a chance to fix them before releasing this story on an unsuspecting public. Thanks, guys for your suggestions and comments and for helping me try to ensure that the story was understandable. Without your suggestions, I’m sure that a lot more people would be scratching their heads, wondering what the hell was going on.

Did you ever wonder what happened when Lois and Clark were in the Daily Planet elevator after their honeymoon that caused Lois to end up holding Clark’s coffee and Clark to end up holding Lois’ donut? This story answers that question.

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Oops: The Destruction of Utopia
By: ML Thompson
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Herbert George Wells sat nervously in the hallway, waiting to be summoned in front of the council. As he waited, he absently fiddled with his soul tracker. He couldn’t believe how long the council was taking to reach a decision. Or what its decision would possibly be.

He’d presented his arguments. After all, if Tempus escaped again, he would need to go back and help out again. Surely they must be able to see that.

On the other hand, these were good people. They lacked Tempus’ flare for unbridled evil. And given that, was it possible they wouldn’t realize that Herb was the only thing standing between Tempus’ evil plots and the destruction of Utopia? No, the council would decide in Herb’s favor. They had to. After all, he was the only one qualified to stop Tempus.

* * * * * * * * *

Clark kept his eyes on the elevator lights as he stood next to Lois, watching the elevator ascend to the newsroom. Still, not looking at her didn’t mean he couldn’t smell her shampoo or feel the heat from her body as her arm brushed against his. In point of fact, at that moment, every inch of him knew he was standing next to Lois Lane.

He was aware of her in a way he only thought he was before their honeymoon. How was he ever going to make it through the work day when all he seemed able to think about was how her body fit against his, the sounds of her arousal, the touch of her hands, the passion in her eyes as she lay beneath him? Fathomless pools. Darker than he’d have believed possible. At that moment, he understood how a poet could write an ode to a person’s eyes. And that was only the beginning. There were her arms, her legs, her...

He had to make a conscious effort not to crush the fragile coffee cup clasped in his suddenly too tight hand. ‘Don’t go there, Kent,’ he silently warned himself.

He could tell that Lois was stealing little looks at him and wondered if her memories were as all-consuming as his. His eyes settled on Lois’ hand, where she was holding her donut just a little bit too tight. Yep. She was thinking about the same thing he was. It was a good thing they weren’t alone in the elevator because if they had been...


The doors to the elevator opened and the only other passenger stepped off.

The doors had barely closed again when Lois was suddenly in Clark’s arms, kissing him. Or was he kissing her? Who had moved first? He didn’t know. And... Oh god. Her body moved against his and suddenly he no longer cared.

“How are we going to get through the day?” Lois asked breathlessly when she finally managed to end the kiss.

“I don’t know,” Clark answered honestly, even as he contemplated flying them through the emergency panel in the ceiling of the elevator and back to the bed in his apartment. Would Perry fire them for being late - or, well, more late than they currently were?

“You’d think after two weeks...”

“We waited a lot longer than two weeks,” Clark said, unable to resist going back in for another kiss.

“So... it was worth it then? The wait, I mean.”

“Lois, it was perfect. Better than perfect.”

Satisfied with his answer, she pulled him closer, kissing him passionately. Clark was the one to break the kiss this time.

“At least... it was for me.”

A smile made its way onto Lois’ face. “Clark, it was super.”

Clark laughed at her emphasis of the final word before the need to kiss her overwhelmed him once again. How was he going to be able to concentrate on anything but the number of minutes until he could get her back in bed?

His arms pulled her closer and he was rewarded and possibly punished when she wrapped an ankle around his leg, rubbing her body even more seductively against his as the kiss continued.

When the elevator finally dinged, and he was forced to break his hold on Lois, Clark felt more than a little dazed. In fact, he felt downright dizzy as he stood, eyes facing firmly forward and watched the elevator door open. He stepped into the busy newsroom.

He turned to look at Lois but she was gone. But... He gave his head a shake when he saw her back only for a moment before she disappeared into the conference room. He must have been more out of it than he thought. It was a wonder that everyone wasn’t staring at him given how long he must have been standing there, staring off into space.

“Hey, C.K.” Jimmy said, rushing past to board the elevator.

“Hey, Jimmy,” Clark said, his mind most definitely not on his young friend even as some part of his mind wondered if Jimmy had changed his hair color.

He smiled as he considered how he was going to make Lois pay for leaving him standing there, all hot and bothered. She must have noticed how distracted she’d made him. He could just imagine her sneaking away with a giggle, wondering how long it would take for him to regain his equilibrium. Well, fine. Maybe he’d just show her how quickly he could get her into the storage room where he could exact a little... revenge.

He smiled as he headed after her.

“Morning, handsome.”

Clark blinked when Cat suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “Cat?” he asked. When had she come back? She hadn’t worked at the Daily Planet for more than two years. Before he could enquire, she spoke.

“I’ve asked you to have dinner with me two times,” Cat pouted, raising her hands to his chest to play with his tie.

“Huh?” He stepped back from her, rescuing his tie.

“That’s two times more than I’ve ever had to ask any man to do anything.”

“Cat, it’s nice to see you. Really. But... I’m married,” Clark said. Surely she’d have heard.

“Oh, well. That’s not an immoveable obstacle. I’m sure we can find some way to work around it.” She took a step towards him.

He took another step back. “Look, Lois and I...”

“Poor Lois. All work and no personality.”

“Okay, that’s enough!” Clark said with enough force to finally get Cat’s full attention. In fact, he was fairly certain he now had the attention of half the newsroom. “I will never cheat on my wife. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Lois.”

Leaving a speechless Cat and a silent newsroom behind, he headed towards the conference room, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. It might have been nice to see Cat. He might have asked her what she was doing back. But after her behavior and her comment about Lois, Clark was fuming.

“Cat-napping?” Lois asked.

He let out a breath. From the tone in Lois’ voice, she must have seen at least part of the exchange between him and Cat. And she was upset. He couldn’t blame her. He was upset, too. Still, what he couldn’t quite tell was whether she was upset with him or with Cat. Or if it even mattered. She was upset. That was enough.

“Lois,” he said softly, walking over and taking the seat next to her at the table. “Don’t let her upset you.”

“Huh?” Lois asked, her scowl turning to confusion.

“I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you were upset. After all, I’m upset. But...” He took Lois’ hands in his own. “...Lois, honey, she just isn’t worth it.”

Lois jerked her hands out of his.

“Honey, you know I love you,” Clark rushed to continue. “You know I’d never do anything to jeopardize what we...”

“Clark, have you lost your mind?” Lois demanded, springing to her feet and taking a few steps back to put some distance between them.

* * * * * * * * *

Lois gave her head a shake, and then stumbled slightly as a wave of dizziness passed over her. When the lightheadedness receded, she finally looked around.

It was night. It was night? No. This wasn’t right. It had been morning only a few minutes ago. Or... had it? Had she somehow lost a part of a day? It wouldn’t be the first time.

She placed her hand against a nearby building as she came to a complete stop on the sidewalk. Okay, Lois, think. What was the last thing she remembered? She’d been kissing Clark in the elevator as they’d headed to the newsroom. A blush rose in her cheeks. Actually, they’d been doing a little bit more than just kissing. Another few seconds and the heat they’d been generating would likely have caused the control panels to short out. And then... trapped alone in an elevator. Lois didn’t have a single illusion about what would have happened then.

But instead, she found herself standing alone on a street in the dark. She looked around, taking in her surroundings for the first time.

Well, at least she knew where she was. This was Clinton Street.

Okay, so maybe she couldn’t remember the last few hours. But at least she knew where home was. She smiled. Home. It was amazing how easy it was to think of Clark’s apartment as home.

Well, whatever had happened to the day, her first step was to get home, find Clark, and together they would figure it out. If, of course, it was even the same day. What if a week had passed? Or a month? What if Clark was worried frantically about her disappearance?

Her pace increased until she found herself jogging, desperate to get home as quickly as possible and find Clark. After that... everything would be all right just as long as she could get to Clark.

‘Please let him be home,’ her mind silently begged. However, even if he wasn’t, this was one time she would have no hesitation yelling, ‘Help, Superman,’ at the top of her lungs when she wasn’t in life-threatening peril. She knew that seeing him and being swept into his arms was the only thing that could banish the fear that had taken a grip on her soul as a result of her memory loss. After all, together, they could conquer anything.

She let out a breath of relief when she turned the corner and saw light coming from inside the apartment. She dug in her pockets but, although she could find her old apartment keys, she couldn’t find her keys to Clark’s apartment. She must have lost them. Climbing the steps quickly, she raised her hand to knock when something inside caused her to stop in mid-motion.

Clark was kissing... Mayson Drake! Without another thought, Lois grabbed the door handle and turned. The door, which Clark must have left unlocked, swung open under the force of her anger.

Mayson and Clark jumped apart at the unexpected sound of Lois’ entry.

“What the hell is going on here?” Lois hissed, her eyes burning holes into Clark.

“Lois, I...” Clark began, only to be interrupted by Mayson.

“I would have thought that was obvious,” Mayson said.

But Lois didn’t take her eyes off of Clark. “I’d like to talk to Clark. Alone. I think you better leave, Mayson.”

She saw a look of confusion cross Clark’s face. She snarled at him in response. How dare he look so innocent? She knew what she had seen!

“I think you’re the one who should leave,” Mayson said. “I’m here at Clark’s invitation. And unless he tells me to leave...”

“Mayson,” Clark interrupted, not breaking eye contact with Lois. “I’ll give you a call later.”

“We’ll see about that,” Lois growled under her breath, increasing the furrow of confusion that was lining Clark’s brow.

“But, Clark, she...”

Clark finally broke eye contact with Lois to look at Mayson. “Please, Mayson,” he said softly.

Lois felt her anger increase at the gentle tone in Clark’s voice. He and Mayson had been caught in the act, and yet he seemed to be trying to protect her feelings. Mayson was as guilty in this as he was. Wait a minute? Mayson Drake? But... “You’re dead,” Lois said in confusion, her eyes leaving Clark to settle on Mayson fully for the first time.

Mayson’s eyes flashed. “I don’t respond well to threats. And if Clark wants to kiss me, I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

The anger returned. “Get out,” Lois responded.

Mayson looked back at Clark who nodded, a look of apology on his face.

Lois’ eyes again focused on Clark as her ears told her that Mayson had left the apartment.

“Look, Lois, I’m not sure what you have against Mayson, but...”

“What I have against Mayson?” Lois asked in disbelief. “Nothing until I saw her kissing my husband. Okay, well, maybe she was never my favorite person in the world. And I never really liked the way she was always throwing herself at you. And she did have some questionable friendships... Bill Church, for instance. But since I almost married Lex Luthor, I guess I’m not one to judge...”

“Husband?” Clark interrupted, his eyes widening in surprise. “Lois, when did you get married?”

* * * * * * * * *
to be continued...

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane