This is mostly based on an idea I've been toying with for a computer game.
Plus it's late, and I have a wierd mind...

For the Fate of the World!

The White House.

The seat of the American people's government.

As the secret service agents stepped aside to allow their strange visitor into the Oval Office, Clark couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The awe was mirrored on the face of the president as the man stood to greet him.

"Superman. It's good to see you." He extended his hand.

Clark took it, and gave it a reasonably firm shake. "Likewise, Mr. President."

He was offered a seat, and as he and the Commander-and-Chief both sat down, the president became serious. "Superman, I want to thank you once again for your service to this nation---and the world---particularly with the Nightfall asteroid. That was above and beyond the call of duty."

"I'm just here to help, sir," Clark said, modestly.

The president leaned forward on his desk a little bit, and met Clark's eyes squarely. "Actually, Superman, the asteroid incident got us here at the White House to thinking---especially in light of the events earlier this year, involving one Jason Trask..."

Clark squirmed at the mention of the ex-Bureau 39 agent.

"Superman," the president asked him, "Just how many like you are on Krypton?"

Clark stared blankly for a moment. "Uh...." he managed to say. At the presidents quirked eyebrow, he replied, "None that I know of, sir."

"None?" the man echoed.

"To be perfectly honest," Clark said, not wanting to lie this man even if he *was* a politician, "Krypton was destroyed. As far as I know, sir, I might be the only one left."

The president nodded gravely, then signaled to an agent who left the room. "I understand, and I'm sorry for your loss. Rest assured, that information will not go any further than this room if you don't want it to.

"Thank you, sir. That's very generous of you."

"To be honest, Superman," the president continued, "we at the White House have suspected as much since the Bureau 39 incident, which is why we called you here."

A chill of apprehension raced up Clark's spine. "I don't follow, sir."

"Superman, are you married?"

Clark shifted in his chair. The leader of the United States was asking more personal questions than Lois Lane in all of their interviews to date... "No, sir," he replied.

"Would you *consider* marriage?"

He stared uneasily at the important man across the desk from him. "Uh...." he said again. Deciding it was best that the government know as little about his personal life, he replied, "Frankly sir, I---uh---have a really dangerous job, and so I feel that it's best if I remain single so as to----"

"Superman, the government wants you hitched."

Clark nearly fell out of his chair. "WHAT?"

"We had the paper-work drawn up yesterday," the president continued. "You're officially an endangered species. We've set up a program; selected some potential candidates based on factors such as intelligence----"

"Mr. President!" Clark protested, jumping to his feet. "You can't just *make* me get married!"

Suddenly, Clark felt something strike his neck, and the world started to go black. He fell to his knees, and then slumped down to the floor.

"Superman," the president said from somewhere far away, "We're the government. Governments can do anything."

* * * * * * * * * *

"What'd you get in the mail, Sis?" Lucy stepped out of the bedroom and saw her sister opening one of several envelopes.

Lois shrugged. "I'm not sure, Luce. It says I've been selected for some government program..."
