An idea for a short fic got into my head and won’t leave, and so I’m taking a break from wrapping up my other story (“Just a Normal Super Kid”) to work on this one. It also occurred to me that lately the length of each part of “Just a Normal Super Kid” might be too long for message board posts anyways – I don’t even know if anyone has the patience to read them.

So, without further ado, here’s the story:

Once in a Lifetime
Rating: PG
Description: A rewrite of the ending of the episode “Pheromone, My Lovely”


Clark felt an indescribable sense of relief as he descended to Earth with Miranda safely in tow. The last couple of days had wreaked havoc on his nerves, what with having to resist Lois Lane as she did her utmost to try to seduce him. Even while under the influence of Miranda’s pheromones, Lois had not lost the facet of her personality that would not let her give up on *anything*. It was one of the things that had made him fall so hopelessly in love with her - however, for the past two days, it had made maintaining his strict code of ethics sheer torture.

And then, almost as soon as the pheromones had worn off, he had heard that Miranda was going to spray the 100% solution over the entire city. That hadn’t done anything for his blood pressure either. Nevertheless, he had succeeded in stopping Miranda, everybody at the Planet was back to normal, and all was well with the world again. Most importantly of all, Lois had stopped throwing herself at him, although Clark wasn’t quite sure if that was actually a good thing.

When he landed, he told the police to take Miranda into custody. “Superman, I love you!” Miranda called out after him, before Lex Luthor distracted her. Clark ignored Miranda, only having eyes for Lois.

“Superman!” Lois called out. Suddenly, she was standing right in front of him. “It’s a good thing that stuff doesn’t have any effect on you…or does it?” she asked, hesitatingly.

Clark instinctively began to answer that they didn’t, but he stopped himself. He realized that this was his once in a lifetime opportunity to openly declare his feelings of love for his partner, without having to worry about the repercussions it might have on their relationship. After all, later he could plead that he had been under the influence of the pheromones. Who knows? He might even get a kiss out of it. What could possibly go wrong?

His mind made up, Clark looked deep into Lois’s eyes and stated, “Lois Lane, I love you.”


Lois’s heart skipped a beat when she heard Superman’s words. For an instant she felt indescribable joy, before her mind returned her to reality. It was just the pheromones talking.

“Oh, Superman. You don’t know how long I have waited to hear you say those words” she began breathlessly, before finishing despairingly, “but you’re not yourself. So I couldn’t take advantage of the situation.”

Lois looked wistfully at Superman’s disappointed expression. Here was everything that she had ever wanted being offered to her, except with the cruel twist that she couldn’t accept it. But it was so tempting…and she knew deep down that Superman would never look at her so longingly again once he regained his faculties. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity – surely Superman could eventually bring himself to forgive her? Suddenly, in the greatest moment of weakness that she had ever experienced, Lois Lane *knew* that if she passed this up, she would forever wonder what might have been, and her mind was made up.


Clark nodded disappointedly as Lois said that she could not take advantage of the situation. It looked like he wasn’t going to get a kiss after all.

But then, Lois lost her battle of conscience, and he heard her say, “Oh, what the heck.” And suddenly her lips were on his.

The world seemed to swirl around Clark as he felt more pleasure than he could ever have imagined that a kiss, even such a passionate one at this, could ever produce. Lex seemed to say something, but it was inaudible in the background, as all of Clark’s attention was focused on just kissing Lois.

Clark’s surroundings remained a blur even after Lois disengaged for air. The dreamy look on her face surely mirrored his own as she melted against him and whispered breathlessly, “Oh, Superman…take me home…”

The world stopped spinning. Oh, crap.

<to be continued>