Thank you, Jen, Rivka, Paul, Saskia, Roger, Irene, Meni, Pam, Barb, Trenna, Maria, Tank, Merry, Laura, Shelley, Jana, Sunny, Hazel, and Caroline! Wow, I guess I didn't have to worry about starting my own comments' folder.

"you had me at express" (too new to have been an intended reference on lois's part, but works great for author and reader)
You know, the reference actually wasn't intended at all smile . I didn't even realize it was really similar to Jerry Maguire until I was asking myself, "what the heck does Paul mean? What reference" LOL! I think it was a subconscious thing because sometimes when I write I play my Kenny Chesney CD and one of his songs is called, "You had me from hello" so I must have been listening to that CD at the time laugh .

The applications are found in the lobby at a kiosk. You actually fill out the application in pencil, then stand in a roped line on the right just outside security. Then you wait to be called into a separate room off the lobby with a bunch of counters, kind of like a bank or fast food line where the person at the counter yells, "Next!"... The only "problem" I could find is that the marriage license office is always busy with a pretty long line and a lot more than a single employee manning the counter(s).
Wow! That's the one thing I couldn't find on line about Vegas weddings (I've never been West of Chicago)... So I used a lot of artistic license. I figured that anyone that's actually been there would see the holes laugh . I'm glad they didn't bother you too much, though.

Not so sure about it as a theme, though. I shudder to think of what those costumes would look like on the average wedding customers
having others don the costumes would be wierd as no one would look as good.
Speaking as a person that worked at 'Party Place,' your halloween headquarters for 4 years in high school and early college, i can tell you that I have, unfortunately, had the experience of seeing a lot of people that *should not* wear Superman/Supergirl costumes trying them on. It wasn't a prety sight at all. In fact, one Halloween I worked, I decided i wanted to dress up as Supergirl, but the skirt was too short so they made me dress up as Superman... that was... an experience. And, sadly, I have pictures that I have never shown anyone... although, running down the aisles of the store with my cape swinging behind me yelling "Woosh!" was pretty fun laugh

I'm glad Clark didn't vaporize Lois doing from the east coast to Las Vegas in under a minute
LOL, Trenna... you know, I actually thought about that when I was writing. But I decided that his aura probably protected her -- yeah, that's the catch-all excuse for totally improbable things. One minute is a bit too fast... I think I will go back and change that smile

And since Herb is going to find them (even in Hawaii?), I guess you won't be moving extra installments to the Nfic section
Sorry! I don't write nfic... and don't even read much... I am *very* picky with the nfic I do read.

Since it doesn't appear there is going to be any really major, nasty wham, perhaps we can get some funny and shocked reactions scenes from friends and family? I thought not.
What if they do visit, say, Smallville? I know there isn't going to be any nasty whams, but I hope part 4 is funny (not all mushy, gross stuff)... and if you wait for a bit, I think Rivka has something you might like smile .

And what a name for a chapel, huh?
It's actually a combination of two chapel names that I found online... I can't remember what they were right now, but I do remember that it's a combination of two actual chapel names.

I wondered, at first, if the Launcelot/Guinevere thing was a Soulmates dig, but then I decided it was just another in a long line of hilarious possibilities. I will say, though, that I'm surprised Lois would consider James Bond, after that "daymare" she had in DToSC.
Hazel, all of the costumes had a meaning -- some that I remembered from various episodes, and others that people on IRC one night told me about. In this story, when you think there might be a dig at the show or a hidden meaning, there probably is.

Although, it was a good idea for the two of them to not use that theme... Someone might get suspicious.
Elvis: (thinking) hmm Clark Kent and Lois Lane sure look an awful lot like Ultrawoman and Superman... Naw, couldn't be.
LOL, Jana and Caroline. Actually, it was sort of what I was thinking when I was writing!

Thank you, everyone, for your comments. They mean so much to me!

The final part will be up shortly.
- Alicia smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve