This story is for Ann’s 21st Birthday. Happy Birthday, partner! dance

I heard about some of your likings and put them together in this story, while trying to continue the fun we started last week. wink So I hope you like it.

A huge thank you goes to my BR’s: Jana and Carole. Thank you for doing this on a very short notice and in your already busy lives. And thanks also for all the people who answered all my questions on IRC. You’re help is all very much appreciated!

<<...>> denotes characters inner thougts.

So without further ado, read on…

The Story of Kal-El and His Concubines
By Saskia

“I can’t take it any longer.”

Clark muttered to himself. He was on board of a space ship for quite some time now. Well, actually, he was on board of a flying castle. But the idea of this was so ridiculous that he could hardly believe he was not dreaming. And yet he’d pinched himself several times already and it *did* hurt. So he was not dreaming.

Obviously, the big mess he was in was very real. But it was not what Clark wanted at all.

First, the New Kryptonians had invaded his and Lois’s life while they were finally happy together and almost married. Secondly, they had convinced him to join forces. Third, he was walking around in a monkey suit and went by the name Kal-El now. So far nothing too serious, he could live with all of that and had agreed with it eventually. But it had gotten so much worse.

The moment he and Zara, his supposed ‘birth wife,’ had entered the castle, they were greeted by a large group of elders. As flattering as it was, it was also annoying. Right after that, he’d been forced to marry Zara and consummate their marriage. How could they do that? He was not in love with Zara at all! His one true love was waiting for him on Earth. It was a good thing she felt as bad about it as he was, so they had made a deal. They were only partners as far as saving New Krypton and getting rid of Lord Nor was concerned.

But all Clark could think of was Lois.

All he wanted, was to see her again and kiss her senseless.

He missed her, and his body ached to hold her close to him again. And just being with Lois was far better than what he was supposed to do right now.

Nor was on Earth and no one had any clue where he was or what his plan was. All Clark knew was that Nor was up to no good, and the other nobles were convinced of that too. So Clark, or rather all of them, had to do something about that.

Making a plan to stop Nor.

A plan that at the moment involved the deaths of many humans.

That was not a good plan, but no one wanted to listen to him. He was too inexperienced at that, according to those other people. But he was their leader, so something was not right. Not that he cared. He wanted this to be over with. Deal with Nor, defeat him in his own way. That meant he could stay on Earth and get back to Lois.

How he missed Lois.

A soft sob escaped Clark. His life was one big mess and he desperately wanted to return to the way things were before those New Kryptonians turned it upside down.

Clark’s musings were suddenly interrupted by Ching’s voice.

“My Lord, I sensed you are in need of some distraction and therefore I brought you something. It’s an old custom and you are entitled to use it.”

“Ching, I am in no mood to have to do much with Kryptonian customs. All I want is to get my hands on Nor,” Clark replied, in a not very civil way.

“But my Lord, I am certain you will like this custom. If you could just take a look. I found you some concubines. You can select one to help you relax a bit,” Ching explained.

Zara’s face light up at Ching’s words and even Trey nodded in approval.

“Please sir, just give them a chance.” Ching’s voice sounded pleading as well.

It sounded so ridiculous to Clark, this was supposed to be a very modern civilization and they had *concubines?* Anyway, it could never hurt to look. Maybe he got to learn a bit more of the Kryptonian culture if he talked to them, and see some of the more normal people instead of all these silly nobles. But he’d make sure Ching wasn’t getting away with it that easily. The man knew where his heart lay after all!

“All right, but Ching, this makes things only more complicated. So make sure to get rid of that custom later. Women have the same rights as we do,” Clark reluctantly answered, while turning around to see what Ching had brought him.

Four women and one man. A man? What nerve of the lieutenant. What did he need with a man?

Then his eyes wandered over the women and what he saw wasn’t too bad. One of the women cautiously stepped aside a bit, and Clark got a better look at her. And what he saw, made him gasp.

“Lois?” Clark asked, not believing what he saw. Directly followed by, “Ching, what’s the meaning of these people?”

“Well, I thought it was quite obvious. I brought the woman you liked on Earth. I brought a few more women in the same style as her. And just in case, if your taste was somewhat different, what really seems to be normal on Earth, I brought you a man.”

“Yes, I see that. Not that you are very right in the style. Lois and those other woman don’t look the same one bit. And I’m not judging their personality now. But a man?” Clark still couldn’t believe it.

“Ehm, yes,” Ching wondered what could be so wrong with that.

“And not just any man, but Daniel Scardino?”

“Oh, you know him?” Ching sounded defeated.

“And if I know him. The guy’s a pain in my back. Get him out of my eyes right away, Ching. He has no business here,” Clark told him quite harshly.

At that point, several people started to protest at once. Dan of course wanted to object, Lois would say he’d have to take it easy, and no doubt Zara would be on Lois’s side with this.

“But as you brought Lois, I’ll forgive you Ching,” Clark continued to prevent them from actually speaking. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll take my concubine to a private room.”

Clark snatched Lois and pulled her with him, leaving the others behind, stunned.


He had no idea what had just happened. Nor was he sure about the last few hours. It seemed to be a dream, but it was very far fetched and also looked too real. So he just shrugged and adored the company of the ladies next to him.

Dan always enjoyed the company of women, especially if they were as good looking as these were. Of course, Lois looked as good as he remembered her, but she was unavailable for him. The other three women had some resemblances to Lois. Nice long legs, beautiful eyes, slender, good looking and lips that seemed to be in need of his kisses. This must be his lucky day, having three women for him alone. And all the things he could do…

Suddenly his attention was drawn back to his surroundings. The conversation had apparently turned to discuss him, and he wouldn’t miss that.

Obviously, that dude in the odd suit <<hadn’t he ever heard of the latest fashion?>> knew him. But he had no idea who that monkey was. On a second look, the guy seemed vaguely familiar, but Dan couldn’t put his finger at it. And his memory wasn’t to be trusted to put names to faces.

<<What? Pain in the back?>> Who had he hurt – not that he cared – so much then? The only person that he could think of was… no, that couldn’t be. <<Back to earth?>> So they weren’t on earth. How was that possible?

Indeed, while Dan looked around the room, he had to admit this was not the style of any human being. He couldn’t even begin to describe it, so horrible was it to him. Slowly, he started to remember some more things. A previous room… and a dressing room.

With that thought, he finally looked down to see what he was wearing. And that gave him a big shock.

A black and very tight dress greeted his eyes.

A dress? Dan couldn’t believe his eyes. What had happened to him? And why was Lois here? This was just too much for the DEA agent. So he returned his attention to the women, who were now giving him weird looks in return. But my, did they look beautiful, especially in their white clothes that hardly left anything to the imagination.

He moved a little closer to them. Right then, he got cut off by a strong arm that snapped Lois and pulled her away from the group and out of the room. What did he miss? Where was Lois going?

Finally, his mind put together some things… Superman symbol, Lois, concubine. He must be a concubine for those New Kryptonians he had heard about, and so was Lois. <<Wait a minute, that also meant that… no that couldn’t be. Superman would never take advantage of Lois, now would he?>>

Dan’s mind was getting overactive as revelation after revelation took place. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and collapsed.


“Clark, what’s going on?” Lois asked once they had entered a room. She didn’t even pause to look around, too confused by the whole situation.

Clark pulled Lois into his arms before replying. He finally had Lois by his side again and he needed to be reassured it was really her. He smelt her perfume, heard her familiar heart beat and saw the woman he loved in her eyes. Yes, this was really *his* Lois Lane.

And just to show her how much he had missed her, he lowered his head until their mouths were barely an inch apart. “I love you, Lois,” he murmured before his lips covered hers, completely enjoying the sensations that waved through his body.

After a few moments, he felt Lois wrap her arms around his neck as she drew him closer to herself. She responded to his caresses and parted her lips underneath his. He could feel the sparkles between them. Lois put her hand a little higher and played with his hair. Clark let out a soft moan, enjoying the sensations Lois created within him.

They kept kissing for a while; frantically needing the other to be sure it was real, that it was not another dream. Finally, Lois broke the kiss, gasping, and in need of some air. But she didn’t dare to break the contact with Clark, so she put her head in the crook of his shoulder and just relaxed while breathing in his scent.

Clark was the first to break the silence. “So you want to know what happened?”

“Yes,” Lois replied.

Clark quickly explained everything. The fake marriage with Zara, Nor’s business on Earth, the plan of defeating Nor and killing thousands of innocent humans, some of the Kryptonian customs and Ching’s latest idea of concubine’s.

“Clark, Ching already explained the concubine thing to me. That’s why I’m here. But I have no idea why he brought Dan as well. And why on earth did he have to chose Dan out of the millions of male citizens living on Earth?” Lois cut him at that point, while breaking the contact with her fiancé. She just looked into his eyes, hoping to find some sort of explanation there.

“I don’t know, Lois. I really don’t. Maybe Ching has indeed spent too much time on Earth and understood some of our customs wrong. Or they have followed us a lot longer than we are aware of. Anyway, I don’t want to discuss Scardino now. You know my feeling on that subject.”

“Indeed, I do,” Lois answered. Then she quickly added, “And I love you, Clark, don’t ever forget that.”

A huge smile appeared on Clark’s face, and he gathered Lois in his arms again.

“So what we need to concentrate on right now is Nor and how to go get rid of him,” Clark continued, while he pulled Lois with him to sit next to him on the bed.

“Yes, that would sound nice. Do you have any ideas yet?”

“No, that’s the problem. I have no idea who this Nor is or where he is at the moment and what he has exactly done so far,” Clark sighed.

“Well, I do know some of these thing and I came up with a theory…”

“You what?” Clark exclaimed.

“Let me finish, okay?”

Clark just nodded in agreement and stared at Lois, his brilliant soon-to-be wife, waiting for her explanation.

“Martha called me earlier today and something was very wrong in Smallville. Before she could explain what was wrong, the connection got broken. I kept trying, but I couldn’t reach her or anyone else in your home town. So I let Jimmy try, and even he wasn’t able to get someone in Smallville on the line. It was very weird, since the phone company and the government couldn’t give an us any leads either. Finally, we saw some images on the television. It appears that, you called him Nor, right?”


“Good. So that Nor fellow of yours has taken Smallville hostage. He’s even executing people already, it really doesn’t look good. There’s a force field around the town, no once can get in or out. Military force doesn’t help, it’s a technology too advanced for us. The only thing that will get Smallville free is to give Nor world domination. And we can’t let that happen,” Lois finished her short review of recent events.

Clark was shocked. He knew that Nor was capable of many things, evil things too. But this serious? And what was his deal on Earth anyway? Why couldn’t he fight with him on New Krypton, where the man belonged. What was the use to involve human beings in it?

“That’s horrible, Lois. Do you know how my parents are?” He sure hoped nothing had happened to them.

“I don’t know Clark, like I said, I can’t reach them. So I can only assume they are all right. But you know your parents, they’re strong and will survive this ordeal, Clark. Just have faith in them.” Lois tried to reassure him, but she wasn’t even sure she believed it.

“Guess you’re right. And since just worrying won’t help, we’ll move on to the what we *can* do now, shall we?”

“Right, so can you tell me first what you and your people want to do? I don’t know anything about your rules, ethics and such things, so my idea might not work without that.”

“Fair enough. Not that I’m such an expert on that field, Lois,” Clark said with a chuckle. Even Lois had to smile at that remark.

“Anyhow, the plan is to get all my men together and attack. Just like that. But up until now, we didn’t even know his location. And lots of innocent people will die, so I don’t like the plan. Whatever you have will be better.” Clark turned to Lois again with a pleading look on his face. He desperately wished she had thought of something decent that would actually work. Not that he doubted Lois, but the situation was very complicated.

“I’ve been thinking. How long are those men on Earth now? A few hours? A day?”

“About a day now,” Clark merely replied.

“And how long did it take you to develop your powers?”

“I’ve told you that, Lois, before I had all my current powers, I was eighteen and it took me years to develop them all.” Clark didn’t see what this had to do with the problem at hands.

“And how long does it take you to recover after Kryptonite exposure?”

“Depends on how long I’ve been exposed. A few hours for a short time, and at least a day for longer periods,” Clark answered.

Suddenly it started to dawn on Clark. “You mean that…”

“Yes, Clark. There is no proof yet that they are using super powers, let alone know about them. It’s very reasonable that they don’t have them yet because they have not been under the influence of the yellow sun long enough. So you, with super powers, should be able to defeat them pretty easily without hurting anyone.”

Clark could slap himself on his head… that *he* hadn’t thought of it. Of course, now she mentioned it, it was very logical. His wonderful tornado had found the solution to their problem again. And to celebrate it, he pulled her in another embrace while dropping little butterfly kisses in her neck.

Lois started to giggle. “Clark… stop that… it’s not…over yet,” she just managed to get out of her mouth.

“That’s easily fixed,” Clark said, “just hold on a minute and I’ll deal with it.”

“Just a minute? Clark, what are you going to do?” Lois asked, suddenly very worried.

“Hush, I’m trying to concentrate,” came the answer.

Obediently, Lois did as she was asked, but she didn’t like it one bit.

<<Zara, take Ching and head for Smallville, Kansas. Nor is there, but he has no super powers yet. Overpower him and his men and bring them back here. Put them to a trial immediately.>>


<<Just do as I say, Zara. You won’t find much resistance.>>

<<All right, if you say so.>>

<<Thank you.>>

“Zara and Ching are going to deal with Nor, so until they come back, we have some private time left.”

“How? Never mind, explain that to me later. I don’t want to miss any quality time with you.” And Lois put her arms around his neck again as she drew him near for another soul-shatering kiss.


The whole ordeal was over. In a minute, Clark would take Lois home and the New Kryptonians would head for their own planet again.

Lois had been right, Nor and his men did not have any powers yet. They had just used brutal strength and neat technology. They had been very surprised when Zara and Ching *flew* in. And as Clark had said, they had been easily overpowered.

Even their trial had went smoothly. They had confessed and were in jail now. For their betrayal, their molecules would be send into space.

And Clark had arranged that his marriage to Zara had been annulled. Ching would take over his place, and together they would rule over New Krypton. Trey had agreed to that, seeing that Clark was better off at Earth and it Ching was more familiar with New Krypton anyway.

So now they were saying there goodbyes.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Clark,” Zara told him. “And you too Lois. That you may live happily ever after.”

“Thank you too, Zara. And all the best wishes for New Krypton. Make that woman happy, Ching,” Clark replied.

All Ching and Lois said was goodbye.

One minute later, Clark and Lois found themselves back at Lois’s apartment.

“So… where were we before I had to leave?” Lois asked.

“I don’t know. But at a kissing stage seems like a nice option to me.”

“I just have this feeling we forgot something, Clark.”

“Don’t worry about that. You just forgot what it feels like if I kiss you.” And with that, he pulled her in his arms again and lowered his mouth to hers.


Some thousand miles in space, a man was getting very depressed. He had just found he had to spend the rest of his life on a planet called New Krypton where he was not allowed to go after women.

Daniel Scardino was furious. This had to be one of Clark Kent’s plans so he would not interfere in his life again.


The End wink

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!