I apologize for this insanity. It's just...I wanted to write an elseworld, and---well...
Please forgive me.


Thick clouds of smoke rose into the sky as the Beatles Theater burned to the ground. Firetrucks surrounded it from all angles, and hordes of people in tie-dye T-shirts and sandles surrounded them. While Metropolis' grooviest did their best to douse the flames, the people below began to look up and point.

"Look, Man! Up in the sky!"

They stared in wonder as Metropolis' caped psychadelic hero swooped into action. He flew into the theater and rescued the beatniks who'd been trapped by the blaze.

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane?" asked somebody who was on some bad acid.

His peace-loving friends gave him a love-smack on the head. "No way, Man. It's Superman!"

Superman took a deep breath and blew the flames out like a candle, causing the people down below to applaud. He landed and flashed them all a peace sign.

A brunette in a far-out tie-dye T-shirt ran up to him, waving a notebook. "Superman! Over here!" she called.

The psychadelic superhero turned around and smiled when he saw her. "Lois!"

"You were happenin', Babe!" she told him. "I was hoping you could give me a few quotes on the scene..." Lois lowered her peace-sign patterned notebook and looked at him from under her far-out lashes. "...and maybe we could go to my pad and listen to records?"

Superman's first instinct was to keep his distance from her until he could win that crazy babe as Clark Kent, but then he remembered that free love was happenin'! So, he thought, why not?

So that night, Lois and 'Superman' hung out at her pad, listening to the Who and getting high while a lava-lamp churned merrily on the floor. While Lois was high, she suddenly realized that Clark was Superman all along, but she was way too mellow to care. So they got married, and had free love and marijuana for the rest of the sixties!

The End.
