Guess what? I *thought* this would be the penultimate part, but there's no way I can finish this in just one part... so I've changed the title to reflect. eh.

Also you (...and I'm thinking Ann, especially!) will be happy to know that after a very A-Plot intensive part 6, this one doesn't actually have any villains in it. Well, I mention them, but there's no "meanwhile" bits in this. (oh and *yes*, Clark is back in this part!)

To recap what's been going on...

- Clark left Metropolis after being asked to leave on account of the citizens being convinced that he was causing the heat wave. (oh and if you missed part 5, when Lois finds out that Clark is Superman... you should really go back and read it. hehehe!)
- The Weather Wizard, annoyed at Livewire for putting on a light show downtown has created a huge cloud over the city and is making it rain like it's never rained before (Livewire is very vulnerable to water)
- and last but not least, there's a (good) guy from Central City who got a call from his wife about what was going on in Metropolis and she's suggested that he should head on up there and see what the Wizard (whom they know) was up to.

I think this is about all you need to know to be able to follow. smile

Happy Reading!


Part 7

Lois had gone back to her desk, completely shocked. What on earth was going on out there? It wasn't simply about saving Superman anymore - there were people out there who were in danger of *drowning* just because they'd gone out today! She launched a search on her computer in a desperate attempt to find any sort of information about weather control. It sounded unbelievable that anyone could actually do such a thing, but the evidence was out there, falling from that enormous black cloud, high above their heads...

"Lois, line 2, there's a..." Jimmy called out, but Lois had answered before he could get the rest of his sentence out.

"Lois Lane," she said, picking up the phone.

What was it with her, Jimmy wondered. She kept interrupting him right before he was able to give her useful information. He shrugged.

"Ms. Lane? Hi, my name is Iris Allen; I work for the Picture-News in Central City. You're Mr. Kent's partner, I believe?"

"Yes, but..." she sighed. "I'm sorry... uh... Mr. Kent has left the Daily Planet." Just speaking his name felt like something sharp was stabbing through her heart. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to contain her emotions.

"I'm sorry, yes, I thought he'd probably have left... My husband Barry is a good friend of his. We're aware of the 'situation'."

Lois caught herself right on the verge of asking which situation she meant, the real one or the one he'd invented... If she'd done that, she might have given away things she'd sworn she was going to keep to herself. And she didn't even really know who she was talking to! Keeping this secret was going to take a lot more restraint than what Lois was used to, she thought...

"I'm sorry? I'm not real sure I'm following you..." she said, choosing her words carefully. Playing dumb was probably her best bet.

For a second, Iris wondered whether or not Lois knew just what situation she meant. If Clark Kent was anything like Barry Allen, then he may not have told a soul that he had a 'super' alter ego. Mmmm... But then again, this was Lois Lane she was talking to! Surely she must have figured it out on her own - this woman had a reputation for being one of the top investigative reporters in the country! And if Iris had figured out Barry's secret so easily, then for sure Lois would have realized who Clark really was... Of course, she was also probably a lot brighter than to spill the beans to just about anyone who claimed to know her partner.

"Listen, the reason I'm calling is, well, I think I have a pretty good idea what's causing the heat and the flood-like rains in Metropolis." Iris said finally, completely avoiding the 'other' subject.

"You do?"

How could someone from Central City have figured this whole thing out? Lois was just about certain that she'd lost her edge now. Not only had she been forced during the night to admit that she was completely blind, but now she had people from out of town scooping her? Maybe a change of career *was* in order!

"Well, I think so anyway... I'm going to fax you some documents, press clippings and some of my notes on a madman who calls himself the Weather Wizard."

"The who? What?" This conversation was getting stranger by the second.

"The Weather Wizard, Ms. Lane," Iris explained, "His real name is Mark Mardon. We've seen a lot of him around here in Central City over the past few years. This man has the ability to control the weather. He has some sort of metallic wand that he's made using scientific data that his brother was working on at the time he was murdered. I would guess that his brother's violent death has probably pushed him over the edge... Anyway, the bottom line is he can do just about anything weather-wise as long as he's yielding that wand. I've actually seen him create tornadoes out of thin air with it. Kind of scary!"

"I don't doubt it is. And you think this wizard person has caused all this insane weather we've been having in Metropolis? Why would he do that?" Lois asked, perplexed.

"Well, I can't be absolutely sure why, but I've just spoken to one of my contacts here and word is that he's joined up with a group of criminals that are calling themselves the Superman Revenge Squad."

"Oh my God!" Lois whispered in astonishment. There was a Superman *Revenge* Squad? The lengths to which these people would go... unbelievable! She wondered if Clark knew anything about them. Was that what it was really like, being Superman? Besides the rescues, she thought, was he always trying to thwart criminals that were out to get him? How could he live like that and not tell a soul? She felt even worse now for being so dismissive of him, he deserved far better than to be treated like this. And if she ever got a chance to, she promised herself that she'd do whatever it took to make it up to him.

"I'm sorry it took us so long to put two and two together over here..." Iris told her, genuinely regretful. If she'd only realized what was happening over there, she knew it would have saved a lot of people from being hurt - physically for most and emotionally for at least one of them. "It hit me when I saw the news just a bit earlier. I thought the heat wave was odd, but I don't know, it didn't really strike me before. Although now I have to say it's just about crystal clear. In fact, from what I can see, the electric generator, the train and other recent so-called accidents fit the M.O. of the supposed other members of this team. It makes perfect sense..."

Lois could not believe what she was hearing. Someone had actually been engineering disasters just so they could pin the blame on Superman for a heat wave they were controlling as well? You really had to be a madman for such a thing to even begin to make sense at all!

"You know, if I'd been more observant myself, I might have realized that the generator incident could only have been caused by Leslie Willis. I knew she was out of jail," Lois admitted, remorsefully, "and for crying out loud, witnesses all said they'd seen a lightning bolt shoot directly into that generator." She really was completely blind, wasn't she? No wonder she couldn't see past a pair of glasses!

"Leslie Willis?" Iris inquired. "Does she go by the name 'Livewire' by any chance?"

"Yeah, that's her. She got her powers in a freak accident last September during a thunderstorm," Lois explained. "She's been inside for the last few months, but she got out a couple weeks ago. On good behavior, of all things! We really should have kept a closer watch on her. I should have known!"

"Well, then I guess we've got our culprits. Because according to my contact, that Livewire woman is affiliated with the SRS for sure."

"Ms. Allen? Uh... Why are you telling me all this? I mean, why aren't you breaking the news yourself? You've obviously figured out a whole lot more than I did, you could have gotten the rest of it from just about anyone here in Metropolis. So why get in touch with me?"

"Ah, well, it's just that The Flash is on his way to Metropolis - the Wizard is an old nemesis of his - but Superman's help would really come in handy. I'm going to get in touch with Aquaman as well, but I've no idea how to contact Superman... I thought maybe you'd be able to get him to come back?"

The Flash, Lois had heard about before, but Aquaman? Geez, how many of these guys were there? Whatever his powers were, though, with all the rain that was falling from the sky, an Aquaman would certainly be useful.

"I wish I had any idea how to get in touch with Superman. I don't know where to find him," Lois admitted, annoyed at herself for not getting Clark to tell her where to find him.

"Can't you... uh... get in touch with Mr. Kent? I know he's close to Superman. I figured you'd be our best shot at getting in contact with him." Maybe Lois really didn't know, Iris thought.

Close to Superman? That's the understatement of the century, Lois thought. But why would Iris say such a thing? Before she found out they were one and the same, Lois might have referred to Superman as being an acquaintance of Clark's, just like he was an acquaintance of hers, but she'd never have thought of them as being 'close'... Is that what other people thought?

"I'll see what I can do," she told Iris finally.

"In the meantime, let me fax you the press clippings and notes I have about these people," Iris offered. "I hope it helps bring them to justice! That Weather Wizard, especially. He's been a thorn in our side for a long while now. I'm just sorry that when we thought he was gone for good that he was actually just hiding out in Metropolis instead."

"Well, you know, criminal masterminds aren't always easy to figure out. Thanks for sending me the information, I'm sure it'll make a great case against these people once they're caught."

"Trust me, Lois, nothing would make me happier than to know that demented Wizard was behind bars for good," Iris told her. "He's gone after my husband a few times more that I care to remember."

After her husband? Who could she be married to that some crazy weather-controlling freak would want to go after?

Just then, Lois caught a glimpse of the images of downtown Metropolis, which were being broadcast on TV. It seemed The Flash had just arrived.

Oh... wait a second! *That* is who she was married to, wasn't it? Pieces of the puzzle were starting to fall into place in Lois' head. She smiled at the knowledge that she still "had it" after all. Maybe she simply had a blind spot when it came to guys in *blue* spandex. Thankfully, she only knew one like that...

"Iris?" Lois said, before the other woman could hang up. "Listen, don't worry, I'll find a way to get Superman here and... uh... we'll send The Flash back to you in one piece."

"I hope so," Iris whispered.

Lois thanked Iris again and hung up. She hoped things would turn out ok. Having gotten a taste of what her life might be like without Clark in it, she could imagine just how painful it would be for someone to lose their *husband* while he was out saving innocent people from certain doom.


Ever since he'd seen the first images of The Flash on TV, Jimmy had been completely mesmerized. He was glued to the television set, trying to catch a good look at the superhero, even though all anyone could really see of him were red blurs appearing and disappearing about as fast as one could blink.

The longest they'd seen of him was a few seconds when he'd stood on top of a Hummer and yelled out something which didn't make any sense to most people at the time. "Hey Wiz-man," he'd shouted as loudly as he could, "Kill the cloud, it's not them you want. Not when you can have me instead." And then he'd vanished in a red blur again.

Jimmy was in awe. That guy really had cojones, he thought. And what a neat costume, too!

"Hey Jimmy," Lois called out to him for the third time. "Yoo-hoo? Jimmy, you listening to me at all?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry Lois," he answered, barely taking his eyes off the TV screen for a second. "Have you seen? The Flash is here! He's so cool! Hey, I'll bet this guy is even faster than Superman!"

"Oh come on, Jimmy, of course he's not faster than Superman!" What a ridiculous notion, Lois thought, as if anyone could possibly be better than Superman at anything! Just then, she remembered that the guy in the Suit with the flashy red 'S' whom she was putting on a very high pedestal was... well, *Clark*. It felt so strange to think that he has all these amazing powers. He could fly, for Pete's sake! She shook her head. She really needed to stop idolizing Superman or she'd never be able to work with Clark again without making an absolute fool of herself. She wondered if she'd ever get a chance to in the first place - what if he didn't come back? She shook her head again, hoping it would chase away that thought.

"Yeah, well, I say he's faster!" Jimmy told her, sounding very sure of himself.

"You know what, I really don't care who's faster or stronger or whatever, as long as he's around to help. Anyway... Jimmy, I have to step out for a few minutes, but I'm expecting a fax from the Picture-News in Central City. The second it gets here, can you make sure a copy of it is sent to inspector Henderson at Metro PD for me?"

"A fax? Yes, yes, ok. I'll do that."

"You'd better!" she told him stepping right in front of him and blocking his view of the TV set in the process.

"Yes, Lois, I will. Now would you move out of the way, I'm missing all the action!"

"What action?" Lois mumbled as she walked away. "All they can see are short streaks of red every few seconds. Pfff!"


Lois made her way to the storage room and then locked the door behind her. She guessed that this would probably look suspicious if anyone had seen her do it, but she knew they were all staring at the television screen hoping to catch a glimpse of that Flash character. Good thing, she thought, because this way no one would think of coming over to eavesdrop either.

She turned on her cell phone and dialed, hoping there would be someone to answer the call.

She heard one ring... and another... and a third... and then she lost count... Finally, Martha Kent picked up. Lois felt waves of relief rushing through her.

"Mrs. Kent, Hi! It's Lois. Uh... Lois Lane. From the Daily Planet. You remember me, don't you?"

"Lois, honey, yes of course I remember," Martha answered "How are you holding up over there?"

"Oh... Me? I'm Ok, it was kind of a shock, you know, things happened so quick and then they asked him to leave and... well, of course now we desperately need his help to catch these lunatics, but we don't know where he's flown off to. You wouldn't happen to know where he's hiding out, would you?" Lois was so nervous she was starting to babble.

"Who? Superman? Why would we...."

"Oh, oh... it's Ok..." Lois interrupted, "you don't have to pretend... I know..."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I mean I know... that Clark is... well... him."

"Lois, you're not making any sense, honey..." Martha said, slightly worried. Did Lois really actually know, she wondered?

"You made the suit for him... I know. The whole secret identity... Clark told me before he left last night. Well, I figured it out actually, but that's not important how I know, is it? I just do. Listen, I really, really need to get in touch with him. The city's about to be flooded and The Flash is here but we need Superman, too. Oh and we know who caused the heat. It's not him, it never was. I knew all along it couldn't be him, I told him, too, but I think he was too heartbroken to listen to anything I was saying at the time..." she was babbling uncontrollably now. "Poor guy, I can't imagine how it feels to be told you need to leave like that after all he's done for us, it's just so cruel. And he's such a good man... I mean, you know... Well, obviously, you would, since..."

"Lois?" Martha interrupted, laughing softly.

"Oh, oh sorry... I lose track of my own thoughts sometimes when I'm stressed. So, anyway, do you happen to know where he is?" She closed her eyes tightly; hoping the answer to come would be a yes.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure, but..." she started saying.

"Oh," Lois interjected. "I'm sorry... I just assumed you'd be aware of his whereabouts. It must be hard on you guys too? This whole thing turned into such an awful mess. I still can't believe they made him leave like that."

"You know, honey, it's not the first time Clark's had to pack up and leave on a moment's notice. We're pretty much used to getting that call and finding out that he's had to fly off to some other remote part of the world that we've often never even heard of. It's a lot harder on him than it is on us, though. Poor sweetie, it breaks his heart every time - and well... it's so much worse this time around, what with all the friends he'd made and... well he'd found his calling and his purpose in Metropolis, you know?"

"Mrs. Kent? When you speak to him... tell him we've got proof he's not responsible for the heat, tell him we need him to come back. Oh... and... uh... would you... uh... tell him... I miss him," Lois' voice cracked on the last few words. He hadn't been gone a full 24 hours, yet it felt like a lifetime ago that he'd said goodbye.

"Oh, honey, you can tell him yourself. He's standing right here."

"What? He is? But I thought you said you didn't know where he was?" Lois asked, confused.

"I didn't... You just didn't let me finish. I was trying to say that I wasn't sure but that I thought I'd seen him land near the barn a few minutes ago," Martha told her. "Here, let me put him through."

"Did you mean that?" Clark asked, once he'd grabbed the phone from his mother.

"Mean what? I haven't said anything!"

"Not directly to me, no..."

"You mean...? You heard that?" Lois felt herself turn bright red. He'd heard?

"That's why it's called 'super-hearing', Lois," he teased.

"Oh," she whispered. A second later, as her wits returned to her, she continued, "Look, now's not the time to try and be cute, Clark. The city is about to be flooded! We need you!"

"Flooded?" Clark asked, astounded. He had had no idea of what was going on in Metropolis since he'd left. He'd spent a good deal of time sitting atop one of the great pyramids of Giza where a rise in temperature would hardly make any difference at all. On a whim he'd decided to stop by Smallville before deciding on where he was going to go to start over this time.

"Yes, yes, flooded. There's this guy who controls the weather. Everything, it's all his fault. And now for whatever reason he's making it rain. It's like he's trying to cover the city in water or something. God only knows why," Lois explained, in full babble mode again. "I found out from Iris Allen, she explained about the Weather Wizard and everything. The Flash is in Metropolis now, and she said something about an Aquaman, too? But we need Superman, Clark!"

"Flash? In Metropolis?"

"Well, yes, that Wizard guy, Iris said he was an old rival of his, so he came to help. Oh, you have no idea of the chaos that's been reigning here since this morning, you wouldn't believe it. I see it and I can barely believe it myself. So you see, you really need to come back! Plus, you know, I promised Iris that we'd send her back her husband in one piece!"

"Iris' husband? You mean Barry? What's he got to do with this?" Clark asked, pretending not to know.

"Oh, come on, Clark, don't play dumb with me. He's The Flash! You *know* that."

"Yeah, I do. I'm just surprised that you do too..."

"Well, of course I do. I'm not blind, you know!" Lois told him, defiantly.

Just a little bit, he thought. But he knew better than to say that out loud.

Seeing that he wasn't answering, Lois continued impatiently, "So, are you coming or what?"

"Well... you haven't answered my question," Clark said, playfully. He knew this might be pushing his luck just a little bit, but he all but ached to hear Lois tell him directly what she'd told his mother to tell him just a moment ago. If anything could help heal the pain he'd felt as he'd been forced to leave Metropolis, this was certainly it.

"What question? Clark... there's no time for games!" Lois said as impatient as ever.

"Did you mean it, Lois? What you said before?" He asked again.

"What?" Lois asked, before it dawned on her that he meant the thing she'd told his mother just before he picked up the phone. "Oh, that...?" she swallowed uneasily and continued, her voice barely a whisper, "Yes, of course I meant it, Clark."

Lois waited for an answer but all she heard was static.

"Clark?" she asked. But still, all she heard was static. She looked at her phone and shook it. What a really awful time to lose the connection she thought, frustrated. Ah well, she guessed he'd be smart enough to take that as his cue to get into his Suit and fly over to Metropolis on the double.

She unlocked the storage room's door and, as she opened it, she found herself starting right at a big red 'S' set over a certain blue spandex suit which she didn't imagine she'd ever see so soon again. She looked up at Clark's face, amazed at the speed at which he'd shown up there. The Flash had nothing on him for sure, she thought.

"Seriously?" he asked, his eyes intense with unspoken emotion.

Lois just stood and stared for a few seconds. It was the first time she saw him in the Suit, since she'd found out that Clark was Superman. No wonder she'd never really looked that closely as his face when he wore it... it fit just right in all the right places, she thought appreciatively.

"Lois?" he said, with a bemused look. Clark couldn't help but notice she was giving him the once-over.

"Oh..." she said finally, her cheeks reddening. "Yeah," she whispered, and looking him straight in the eyes she added, "seriously."

He smiled and gently brushed the back of his hand against her cheek.

"Now, go!" she ordered him softly, a second later. She would have liked for this moment not to end so soon, but Superman was needed out there! Not to mention it would look mighty suspicious if anyone had seen them standing there right at that moment.

He nodded and with that, he disappeared in a blur of red and blue.


To Be Continued

Note: I will be off on vacation - in Paris! - next week so I will probably not be able to post the last part of the story until after the 15th. Then again, I fully intend to be typing at least a few lines about a certain guy flying over Metropolis while I'm flying over the Atlantic Ocean myself, so... who knows, it might come quicker than I think. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies