Just a quick note: I never really intended to add this last part. I was going to end it with Lois being taken away in the ambulance.

I was finished with the story when the idea to skip ahead two years hit me.

I hope you guys like how it ends. I think that it would fit in well with the first episode.

I hope I don't disappoint anyone. peep


Lois was sitting at her desk, her fingers tapping furiously on the keyboard. Her story was due but it wasn’t quite finished.

Her life had been hectic these past two years as she pushed herself to be the best. She spent every waking moment hunting down leads, getting the scoops, clawing her way to the top, and it had finally paid off. She was one of the Daily Planet’s top reporters and she had the awards and recognition to prove it.

It was a lonely existence, but she told herself that she didn’t really need anyone in her life. She was a smart, intense woman and men found that intimidating. Besides, most of the men that she had dated seemed lacking in one way or another. They never seemed to measure up to the man she could only remember as a vague shadow.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead, she was getting a headache. Her fingers stopped when they brushed over a small indentation in her skin, it was from the accident. She glanced at the calendar feeling her heart skip a beat, the accident that had happened exactly two years ago this very day. Had it really been that long ago?

Images of that night flashed through her mind, but when the image of him appeared, her mind seemed to freeze. Ever since he had held her in his arms she felt that there was something between them, a connection.

She wished she could shine a light on his face, just once. But it remained frustratingly hidden in a shadow. “No!” she shook her head, squaring her shoulders with determination “I’m not going to put myself through it again.”

She had spent months after the accident searching for clues. Clues to who the stranger was that had rescued her that night. She had even returned to the accident site, convinced that she would find something…anything that would spark a memory or give her solid proof that she hadn’t been alone that stormy night, and that her memories weren’t just conjured up by a nasty bump on the head.

The authorities had been perplexed with the fact the door to her car looked like it had been ripped off its hinges and that they had found it some twenty feet away. But in the end, they had ruled that the explosion probably caused it. Her case was closed, but Lois was still unconvinced, and she had continued the investigation on her own.

However, after six months she hadn’t found one shred of evidence, and all the other leads had dried up. She was left with only one logical, but heart wrenching conclusion. That there really hadn’t been anyone there, and that she had imagined it all.


Hearing the elevator ping, her thoughts were snapped back to the present. She glanced in its direction as the doors rumbled open, and her breath caught in her throat as a tall man with broad shoulders walked into the newsroom. She tried not to stare as he walked past her towards Perry’s office, and she picked up a folder, holding it in front of her face as she studied him. She had told herself a long time ago that she wasn’t going to obsess about her mystery man, and to tell the truth she hadn’t thought about it much these last few months, but this time something seemed familiar. He was the right height and build, but then again a lot of men fit the profile, she told herself. As he turned his head, she almost gasped when she realized he was wearing glasses. Her heart skipped a beat.

She wanted to run after him, but he disappeared into Perry’s office, and the door closed behind him. She sat at her desk, trying to get her mind back on the story she needed to finish, but after a few agonizing moments, she couldn’t stand it any longer and headed for the editors office.


Lois barged into Perry’s office, “Chief, I think there is a story here and we should check this guy out, the crazy one this morning? His name is Samuel Platt and was an engineer at EPRAD for ten years. He’s…”

Perry, surprised and a little irritated by her intrusion, interrupted her rambling. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here?”

“Oh.” She answered, not moving.

Perry sighed, realizing that she wasn’t going to leave and he made the introductions. “Lois Lane, Clark Kent.”

Suddenly feeling self-conscience, Lois found that she could only nod in the man’s direction as he rose to his feet. “Clark,” she thought to herself. There was something familiar about it, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She felt almost giddy, but then she realized that she was suddenly overcome with shyness. “Shyness!” she thought to herself. “Lois Lane you are never shy! The seconds that ticked by seemed like minutes. “What is wrong with me?” she thought angrily to herself. “Just look at him, smile and say hello.” she forced her eyes in his direction for a second.
“Nice to meet you.” was all she could think to say, and she hurriedly turned back to Perry. “Anyway, this guy worked on the Messenger, he…”

Perry held up his hand, silencing her. She tried to concentrate on what he was saying, but her mouth had gone dry and her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears, that she barely heard what he was saying. She heard something about a story she was supposed to be covering involving an old theatre. She heard herself responding with as much sarcasm as she could muster, that she wasn’t in the mood to do the story. That seemed to fluster and irritate Perry more, and he was still talking when someone, tapping on Perry’s office window, diverted her attention. It was Jimmy, and he was motioning to her that she had a phone call. Relief washed over her. “Gotta go, catch you later, chief,” and she bolted from the office without a second glance at the young man across the room.

She snatched the phone up, breathlessly answering it. As she listened to the caller, she noticed Clark Kent walking back through the newsroom, heading for the elevator. He looked disappointed, and she assumed that the interview hadn’t gone well.

When he reached the elevator he pushed the button and when the doors opened he stepped in, facing her direction. Their eyes met and held for a moment. Then his eyes traveled over her face, stopping at the small scar on her forehead. She was sure he couldn’t see it, but she still felt self-conscience, and it annoyed her. Reaching up, she touched it and he smiled at her. She felt her heart flutter slightly. Did he know something? She broke their gaze long enough to hang up the phone, but when she looked up again, he was gone.

She started to go after him, but stopped halfway through the newsroom, her confidence wavering. What was she going to say to him? “Hi, did you happen to pull me out of a burning car two years ago?” He would think she was nuts!

She returned to her desk, and picked up the bundle of papers that Mr. Platt had dropped off earlier in the morning. As she opened the envelope, she glanced once more at the elevator, her conflicted emotions wreaked havoc on her frayed nerves.

Giving her self a hard mental shake, she forced herself to concentrate on the task at hand. As she began sifting through the bits of paper, she scolded herself under her breath, “Give it up Lois, your super man doesn’t exist.”

The End.

Clark: "Can I have a rat chief? Can I, huh? Please?"

Perry: "Clark, do you want me to send you to the dark room?"

Clark: "The dark room?"