Just to clear up a few things..Lois is somewhere near Metropolis when the accident occures. I guess I see Clark "flying" home from some far away place, for a home cooked meal. And Clark doesn't give his name because...that's how I wrote it :p

*part four*

Lying on the ground for a moment, Lois waited for the friend that had rescued her to return, and when he didn’t, she pushed herself up onto her elbow. Emergency response vehicles and police cars where parked everywhere, their lights flashing wildly, blinding her.

She squinted, raising her hand, shielding her eyes against their harshness. As she looked around, dazed by all the devastation, everything seemed surreal. She pushed herself to her feet, and the jacket that had been around her dropped to the ground. Standing still for a moment, she waited for her vision to focus. Her rapid breathing created puffs of white vapor, and she stumbled as a wave of dizziness washed over her. She closed her eyes for a second, and when she opened them again, she saw a person running towards her. She let out a sigh of relief; he was coming back for her. But when the man got closer, she realized he wasn’t the same one that had plucked her from her burning car. Confusion clouded her already muddled mind, and she looked around frantically. “Where is he?” she demanded, trying to push past the perplexed EMT.

His eyes followed hers, before coming back to her face. “Where is who?” he asked as he grabbed her arm when she swayed precariously. He placed his other arm around her waist steadying her as he helped her to a waiting gurney. When she was sitting down, he continued. “Do you mean the man in the other car?” He shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry, but he is DOA.” Kneeling beside her, the man opening what looked like a toolbox only it was filled with gauze, bandages and other supplies. He picked up a cloth, moistening it with a liquid. “Did you know him?”

“No!” Lois pushed the man’s hand away as he examined her head wound. “Not the other driver, I mean the man who saved me. He pulled me out of the car and stayed with me until you got here. He said he was going to go meet you. Didn’t you see him along the road?”

The rescue worker, glancing at his partner and silently motioning that he needed help, placed his hands on her shoulders encouraging her to lie back. The other man pulled out a small flashlight and shined it into her eyes, as the first man continued talking to her.

“I’m sorry Miss, but there’s no one here but you. We didn’t see anyone else when we drove up. You have a concussion and are confused, that’s all. We’ll get you to the hospital and you’ll be as good as new in no time. Just try and relax.”

Lois shook her head, ignoring the pain it caused as they tried to strap her onto the gurney. She pushed their hands away, sitting back up. “No, he was here. He put his jacket around me…we were right over there.” She pointed to a spot beyond the charred cars. “Please,” she pleaded, “go check for me, and bring me the jacket.”

The man, not wanting to upset her more, walked the few feet to where Lois had pointed, shining his flashlight along the ground. After a few minutes he returned empty handed. He shrugged. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find anything, and there’s no sign of anyone else being here. It’s not unusual for people with a head injury to become confused.”

“I’m not confused!” Lois snapped at him, flinching as pain shot through her head again.

“Did he tell you his name? What did he look like?” the EMT questioned her.

Lois thought for a moment. “He didn’t tell me his name, he just said that he was… a friend.” Her voice trailed off as the realization that her hero may have only existed in her own battered mind. Lying back, she finally let them strap her to the gurney, and as they lifted her into the ambulance, she glanced to where she had last seen the man who had save her life, the man she couldn’t be sure had even existed.

Vague images flashed through her mind of his broad shoulders, a soft, soothing voice, and the glasses. Had he really been there holding her, making her feel the safest she had ever felt in her life? If he had, why hadn’t he stayed? Where had he gone?

As the EMT climbed in beside her, the doors of the ambulance were slammed shut. The sirens started to wail and Lois closed her eyes. “Did I imagine the whole thing?” she wondered silently to herself.

-to be continued-

Clark: "Can I have a rat chief? Can I, huh? Please?"

Perry: "Clark, do you want me to send you to the dark room?"

Clark: "The dark room?"