Just decided to read this from finding the trailer. Interesting, that I first really started paying attention when you were posting Novel Idea, so I was just a couple months late in getting to read each part.
Loved the whole story. Two things I found interesting/amazing.
One, this whole thing is an intro to Meet John Doe, but they just got done meeting Tempus. Will Tempus remember this plot, or is John Doe an earlier Tempus than your story's and also, will LnC have any recognition of him.
Second, I challenge anyone to look up the lyrics of the song "Remember" that was used for the trailer, realize that DJ wrote this without hearing that song, and not be utterly flabbergasted. There isn't a line of any of the chori (choruses plural?) that doesn't match this story perfectly. My favorite "Remember, when your dreams have ended, time can be transcended, remember me." The dreams? Transcending time? Come on. Absolutely amazing, DJ! It takes a story this wonderful to match such a wonderful song so beautifully.