Title: Revelations in Captivity
Part: 4 'Truth or Dare'
Author: tvnerdgirl
Rated: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own these wonderful people, and promise to return my toys once I am done playing with them

Summery: A 'revelation' fic that centers largely on the events that took place in 'That Old Gang of Mine' and Lois' reactions to them. Lois and Clark get locked in a department store by accident and a secret is revealed during a game of truth or dare...

Lois watched Clark carefully as he picked up the basketball and aimed for the hoop. He seemed to concentrate for only a second before sending the ball sailing effortlessly through it. Lois cursed softly as he turned to her with a triumphant grin.

“Your turn!”

Grimacing, Lois took the ball and began to survey the hoop critically. After the movie (and the amazing massage) had ended, Lois had suggested that they look though the toy department to see if there was anything fun to do. She couldn’t believe that things had gotten so intimate between her and Clark during the movie and the normalcy she felt about it scared her silly. She had wanted to push things further with her partner, but was realizing that in the process she may be getting more than she bargained for. Superman and Lex Luthor had been safe. She had told Clark that in complete and total honesty. What she didn’t realize, and what Clark had brought sharply back into focus for her, was that he was anything but safe. She almost laughed out loud at the thought. Clark Kent, the regular, steadfast, good-natured farm boy was dangerous. Not to society, or anything like that, but to her heart. Sure he would never hurt her on purpose. He had even said as much, but there were so many other ways, accidental ways that she could get hurt.

She had survived it with the other men, but with Clark? Well she wasn’t so sure that would be possible. She had almost lost her best friend in that bar a few weeks ago. Could she take the chance of pursuing a relationship and risk losing him again? Would she be worse off if she didn’t?

“You gonna shoot that ball tonight Lois?” Clark was asking her. “I doubt we’ll get another night together in a department store for a rematch.”

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she concentrated on the net and threw the ball. It missed terribly however, and she felt her shoulders slump. She was awful at this game. Why had she suggested it?

“Alright you get another one Kent,” she conceded. “And make it good.”

“First kiss.” He said with determination. She pretended to think about it for a moment.

“Eighth grade, Craig Miller.” She replied with a smile on her face. “Terrible dresser, great kisser.” She threw him the ball. “Your turn and could you at least humour me and miss once?”

In all her competitiveness, she had added another element to the game that Clark had been reluctant about first. Whoever missed the shot would have to reveal something personal about themselves of the other’s choosing, or take a physical dare if they chose not to answer the question. Lois knew it was juvenile, but thought it might be a fun way to really get to know her partner a little more fully. She knew bits and pieces about his life and his past, but somehow she knew there was way more to him than he ever let on. Unfortunately he was a really good shot, and she was not. The little game was becoming very one sided and Lois didn’t like it one little bit.

Clark took his shot, and got the ball in yet again. Lois sighed.

“Ask me one anyway Lois,” Clark suggested. Lois shook her head.

“No way Clark, I’m no cheater.”

“Are you kidding me?” Clark’s voice was incredulous. “Lois, you’re a writer and you tried to pass ‘chumpy’ off as a word in scrabble! I don’t think you can legitimately claim the moral high ground on this one.”

“I still say it should be a word.” She muttered. “Fine, I’ll ask you something then. Who was your first love?”

She watched Clark’s face go from open to guarded. He looked almost panicked at the question. Clark Kent would not lie to her, that she knew. What was he so afraid of saying?

“Lois, I don’t think that’s such a good question.” He stammered.

“Why not?” She looked at him oddly. “Is it that Rachel girl we met in Smallville? The one that was your prom date? She seemed nice enough Clark.”

“My first love…” he paused a moment as if trying to figure out how to say it. “She didn’t love me back Lois. It’s kind of a painful thing for me. Can we leave it at that?”

“Of course,” she replied, feeling oddly disappointed. “It wasn’t really my turn to begin with.”

“Let’s do something else Lois,” Clark suggested sounding relieved. “Anything else.”

She looked around the department store and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Like what, rob a bank?” The sarcasm wasn’t lost on him.

“Sorry Lois, my gangster days are over.” He replied with a grin. At the mention of gangsters, she was suddenly taken violently back to that night at the club. In her mind, she could see Dillinger’s gun aimed at her, feel the fear within her as he pulled the trigger and watch as Clark dove in front of the gun for her, taking the bullet for himself. Panic welled up in her suddenly as she looked into his face and the enormity of what he had done hit her full force yet again. A relationship terrified her, but the idea of him dying without knowing how she really felt terrified her even more. She dropped the basketball, not even realizing that her hands had begun to tremble. Clark’s expression immediately went from that of a grin, to one of concern. “Lois are you OK? Was it something I said?”

“The gangsters Clark, I…” she paused and attempted to collect herself. She was surprised to see that Clark was standing next to her, his warm strong hand on her shoulders, making her feel safe and secure. Had she even seen him move? “I was just thinking about that night that you were shot.”

“God Lois, I’m sorry.” He sounded it too, so much so that Lois felt bad for even bringing it up. “That was so insensitive of me.”

“It’s OK Clark, I just…” she paused, trying to think of a way to tell him how she felt without scaring him off. “I think about it a lot. I almost lost you.”

“I didn’t realize it affected you like that Lois.” Clark’s murmur was so soft she could barely hear him. It was then something inside of her snapped.

“How do you think it would affect me Clark?” She exclaimed, her voice near tears. She couldn’t believe her emotions had shifted so extremely. Had she been bottling up more than she thought? “I mean I was there, and Dillinger had a gun and he pointed it at me and…I watched you get shot and couldn’t do anything. I thought you were dead Clark! Do you think I wouldn’t still feel something over that?”

He put his arms around her and she was shocked to feel her pulse start to race even through her tears. How had she managed to ignore the physical effect this man had on her for so long?

“Lois I’m sorry,” he was saying ever so softly. “I guess I should have talked to you about it. I never thought you didn’t care, far from it. And I didn’t leave you on purpose, I promise you that.”

“I know Clark it’s just…” she trailed off, unable to speak any further without revealing her true feelings. She wanted desperately to tell him she loved him, to hear him say it back to her, like he had in Centenial park so long ago and then to kiss him, to feel his gentle lips against hers, holding her close…

Suddenly she knew what she wanted and knew she couldn’t settle for any less. She wanted him. She wanted Clark Kent now and forever, and that was all there was to it. No matter how terrifying it felt, she was going to have to do something about it because even if he felt the same way for her, she knew he would never act on it. He had made the first move, and it had ended for him in disaster.

“What is it Lois?” His thumb found her chin, and tipped her face up to look into his deep chocolate eyes, warm and full of concern. “What’s really wrong?”

“You didn’t take the dare Clark.” She finally said. He blinked, obviously confused.


“You didn’t answer my question about your first love.” She clarified. “If you choose not to answer the question, you need to take a dare. And I get to pick what it is.”

“OK Lois, what is your dare?” He sounded guarded again, and Lois worked up her courage to continue with her plan.

“Clark, I dare you…” she swallowed slightly, knowing this was her last chance to back out. Instead, she forged ahead. “I dare you to kiss me.”

“What?” Clark looked as if a train had suddenly just hit him full force. “You want me to what?”

“I want you to kiss me Clark.” She raised her chin defiantly. “I dare you to kiss me.” Her voice lowered, and became soft, almost pleading. “I need you to kiss me.”

She had barely even finished the last sentence and already his lips were on hers. It was soft at first, frightened and tentative, but as she responded, his kiss became bolder. She sighed into the kiss and pressed herself closely against the broad, hardness of his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself closer, deepening the kiss, wanting to be as close to him as possible, to feel his vitality against her, to know he wasn’t leaving her again, just like he said.

She felt him moan softly and press her harder against him. Her entire body was alive with sensation and emotion. She whimpered with pleasure as his kiss became more sensual, as his tongue explored her mouth with a quiet desperation that matched her own. How had she lived without him, even this long?

“Lois,” she heard him whisper breathlessly. “God Lois…”

“Don’t let me go Clark,” she responded through various kisses. “Please, just stay close…”

He clutched her closer, holding her fiercely as if any moment now she would be ripped away from him. Lois welcomed it, encouraged it. She had buried her feelings for far too long.

Suddenly, as if a bucket of cold water had been splashed on the both of them, Clark let her go and stepped back. His breathing was ragged and uneven, matching hers and his eyes had darkened considerably by desire. Lois felt as if part of herself had been ripped away and cried out at the lack of physical contact.

“Lois we can’t…I can’t…” he ran a hand through his hair in distraction. “I’m sorry, but this can’t happen.”

“Was it me?” She bit her lip, unable to believe she could have read him so falsely. “You were telling the truth the day we got the Planet back weren’t you? You really don’t have feelings for me, do you?”

“What? No Lois that’s not it at all I…”

“Oh I’ve made such a mess of things,” she continued, not even having heard Clark. “I shouldn’t have…now I’ve ruined our friendship” She had to get away from him, as far away from him as the confines of the store would allow. “I’m sorry Clark…I’m sorry.”

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."