Title: Revelations in Captivity
Part: 2 'Pyjama Party'
Author: tvnerdgirl
Rated: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own these wonderful people, and promise to return my toys once I am done playing with them

Summery: A 'revelation' fic that centers largely on the events that took place in 'That Old Gang of Mine' and Lois' reactions to them. Lois and Clark get locked in a department store by accident and a secret is revealed during a game of truth or dare...

Lois Lane resisted the urge to scream in frustration. There they were, on the verge of one of the biggest stories that had come along in a good long while and they were stuck in a department store, unable to complete it. And, as much as she hated to admit it to herself, it was basically all her fault.

She felt her shoulders slump in defeat and she slid down the side of the register until she was sitting on the floor, unsure of what else she could possibly do. She hated being in any kind of situation in which she was helpless and this certainly counted, even if it wasn’t life threatening.

Clark sighed and sat down next to her allowing her to lean into his solid frame. Taking her hand, he squeezed it gently.

“I know this doesn’t mean much Lois but I’m sure we’ll find another way prove the governor’s got mob ties. This wasn’t a one and only shot.”

“It’s sweet of you to say that Clark, but it was our best shot.” She sighed again. “I just wish there was some way to get out of here!”

“You sure the phones won’t work?” He asked her. She nodded dejectedly and handed him the receiver for one to prove it.

“You know, we wouldn’t be in this mess if you had a cell phone,” she said weakly. It was an attempt to shift the blame, but all it really ended up doing was making him laugh softly. She in turn laughed as well and though she was disappointed, she felt some of the weight lift from her, just by seeing him smile.

Why had it taken her so long to notice what an amazing smile he had? She shook her head, trying to clear it of the warm and fuzzy thoughts she was having towards Clark, but the truth was, they had been there for a while. After she had decided not to marry Lex Luthor, she had realized that she hadn’t been truthful when she had told her partner that her feelings for him didn’t extend beyond friendship. They did. And she had been ready to tell him that when they had gotten the Planet back, but he had insisted on speaking first, telling her that he had lied about loving her. She wasn’t sure if she believed him, as his actions had spoken louder than words in the coming weeks since, but she couldn’t possibly reveal her feelings for him now, could she? What would happen if she were wrong? How would they be able to get past it?

His friendship had somehow become one of the most important things in her world and the idea of living without it…no, she had almost been forced to face that reality…twice and both times she had handled it badly.

She had nearly married Lex, knowing that Clark may never speak to her again. And after that, after they had just started to get their friendship back on track, she had watched him get shot and killed right in front of her eyes by a bunch of resurrected gangsters in a bar.

She shivered as she recalled the horror and emptiness that had engulfed her in the ensuing hours after that had happened. It was then she knew how deeply she had begun to feel for Clark Kent and the idea that he was gone forever had almost been too much for her to bear. She wasn’t sure if she would have been able to live without him, but thankfully did not have to face that possibility. In the end, it was that same research that had gotten him killed, that had saved her partner’s life. Lois was eternally grateful to Superman for what he had done for her partner. She only wished she could have thanked him the way he deserved. He would never know what he had given back to her.

“Lois?” Clark was giving her a look of concern. “Are you OK? Really Lois, we’ll get the story I promise you. We’ll find another way to prove the governor is dirty. Tonight isn’t a complete loss.”

“It’s not the story Clark,” she admitted to him. He gave her a look of puzzlement and she desperately wanted to tell him how she was feeling, but knew there was the possibility that it wouldn’t be received well. “It’s nothing. So we’re really stuck here huh?”

“Looks like it,” Clark replied uncomfortably. “On the bright side though, it’s not like we’ll lack for anything.” He gestured around to the large expanse of department store that stretched out before them.

“You’re not suggesting we help ourselves are you Clark Kent?” She was teasing him again, and was rewarded with a bashful smile, that part of her brain wanted to softly kiss.

“Actually I am,” Clark replied blandly. “But we keep a tab of what we use and pay it back in the morning when someone finds us here.”

“This is so embarrassing!” Lois exclaimed, realizing they were going to have to explain to the management the next morning what had happened.

“I’m sure it’s not the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you,” Clark replied with a grin.

“No, the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me was when the fire alarm got pulled while I was showering after gym class and I had to wear my towel outside in front of the entire school and half the firefighters in Metropolis back in high school,” she told him dryly. “But this runs a close second.”

Clark chuckled at the image and Lois gave him a gentle smack on the arm. She glanced at him thoughtfully for a moment.

“What was your most embarrassing moment Clark?”

“Oh I don’t really have any Lois,” Clark replied evasively. Lois narrowed her eyes.

“I know that tone Clark Kent.” She said, challenge evident in her voice. “I’ll figure you out yet.”

“Lois you already have me figured,” he replied softly. She stared at him, wondering if she was mistaking the intimacy in his eyes. Did he feel as strongly for her as she did for him? Was it possibly he had been lying when he rescinded his declaration of love?

“I’d like to think so,” she told him truthfully, “but I don’t think I’ll ever have you figured.”

“We should find some pyjamas,” he suggested, changing the subject and standing up. Heading to the clothing department, Lois found herself thinking about Superman and wondering if his past was anything like a normal human’s. Did he have a family? Friends? A life outside the suit? She was surprised she had never wondered this before. He had always seemed so…out of their league, so untouchable. She had never wondered where he went when he flew away at night, only knew that he would be back. She was a reporter. Why had she never thought about this before?

“What do you think Superman’s most embarrassing moment is?” She asked her partner. “You think he has one?”

“Huh?” Clark looked surprised at her words. It was clear he had never wondered these things either.

“It’s just that we don’t really know anything about him as a person. Does he go everywhere in the suit? Do laundry in it? Shop? Or does he have another life that we don’t know about?” She looked at him. “He ever mention any of this to you? You’re closer to him than I am.”

“If he wanted anyone to know his secrets Lois, I’m sure he’d tell you.” Clark’s voice sounded tired, almost resigned. Why did he get so bent out of shape when she brought up Superman lately? It wasn’t as if she and Superman were involved, he had made it painfully clear that he wasn’t interested the night she had declared her feelings for him. It had cut her to the core at the time, but now it hardly felt like a wound at all. Her pride was still bruised, but nothing beyond that was damaged. She had realized her feelings for Superman were superficial the moment she had seen Clark get shot in front of her. Nothing could hurt more than losing her partner had. And the fact that he had thrown himself in front of the bullet to save her, showed Lois that even though she idolized Superman’s morals, Clark Kent was the real hero. What wouldn’t even have affected Superman had killed her partner. And he had been willing to lose his life for her. It was a thought that kept her awake sometimes at night.

“I’m not trying to pry into his life,” she told Clark honestly. “I’m just curious.” She remembered telling him she would love him if he were an ordinary man with no powers at all. At the time, she had believed it with all her soul, but the more she thought about it, the more it weighed on her. Superman could never be ordinary. Telling him that must have hurt him quite a bit, even if he didn’t love her. It was also what had started to make her think that he might have a life away from his heroic alter ego. He’d have to. Had she walked past him on the street and not even known it?

“You’re kind of curiosity has a habit of causing trouble,” Clark said dryly. He turned around and handed her a pair of hideous flannel pyjamas. “Here you go. These will bring out your eyes.”

“I really hope you’re kidding.” She grimaced and put them back on the rack. “Promise me you’ll never buy me clothes for Christmas or my birthday Clark?”

“You don’t have to worry about me Lois,” Clark promised. “I admit that I am a fashionably challenged man.”

“In that case, maybe you should let me pick out your pyjamas.” Lois teased. Clark shrugged.

“I place myself in your experienced hands,” he said, his voice taking on a huskier tone that Lois was wondering if she was imagining. No, she told herself, he’s not flirting.

“You know, maybe you should let me pick out your work clothes too,” she pressed on. “I mean your ties alone…”

“What’s wrong with my ties?” Clark said indignantly. Lois smiled.

“Nothing…nothing at all. They say everything about you.” She poked him affectionately. “They tell the world that you are a white, straight man with no girlfriend.”

“Why no girlfriend?” He asked with feigned annoyance.

“Because,” she replied matter-of-factly, “no woman would allow her man to wear those ties.”

“Any woman who loved me would have to do so ties and all.” Clark told her, half joking but with a serious tone to his voice. “She’d have to accept all of me, or nothing.”

“I’m only kidding Clark,” she assured him, holding up a pair of red boxers, then decided against them in favour of a pair of black ones. “Red’s not your colour. Here, try these.”

Clark took them and headed into the men’s change room to change. When he came out, Lois’ jaw nearly hit the floor. He was absolutely amazing. She had seen him once or twice before without his shirt on, but somehow she had always managed to forget that under those innocuous suits and crazy ties, lay the body of a God. Add to that, that black boxers looked amazing on him, and Lois was feeling fairly short of breath.

Placing his suit near the entrance to the change room, he grabbed a black t-shirt and pulled it on, causing her to frown in disappointment.

“Your turn,” he was saying to her. She blinked a few times, not comprehending what he meant. “You got to pick for me, so I get to pick for you.”

“Oh no Kent!” She told him. “You’ll just be like any other guy and pick out something ugly and embarrassing with fur and strategically placed hearts or something.”

“Strategically placed?” He echoed, with a raised eyebrow.

“You know what I mean.” She looked around and spotted a pyjama set of loose cotton pants and a tank top. “These will do fine.”

Heading into the change room, she tried to control the raging thoughts in her head. Even with the t-shirt on, she couldn’t help but be in awe of his physical beauty. How had she gotten to be so far gone? When had she fallen so completely in love with him?


Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."