Super Friends 15/15

Sunday was Thomas’ christening and Lois and Clark were present as his Godparents. Bruce and Vicky stood at the altar with the priest and Lois and Clark stood in their flanks. Bruce was holding Thomas in his white gown as the priest spoke.

“...and if for some unforeseen reason Bruce and Vicky, Thomas’ natural parents, need assistance or are unable to lead Thomas in the way that God intended parents to, who will step in and assume guidance?”

“I will.”

“I will.”

Lois and Clark answered in unison as they looked at each other with all of the love in the world showing in their eyes. They each had a sense of déjà vu...tomorrow they would be standing in a similar arrangement exchanging their own vows. Clark held out his hand to Lois and she took it. They then stood together beside Bruce as he handed them Thomas.

As Clark watched Lois hold Thomas all sorts of dreams ran through his mind. Mostly, he imagined Lois standing there holding their baby. Clark just smiled at Lois and she reciprocated. She thought she couldn’t be any happier.

Monday came around and Lois had stayed at her own apartment for the last time. She and Clark would finish moving her stuff into his apartment after they were married.

She and Clark were married at 11 o’clock that morning. It was a beautiful August morning, very fall like. Vicky and Bruce had come along as witnesses and wished them well after they exchanged their vows. When the judge pronounced Lois and Clark husband and wife and they kissed, Bruce then kissed Lois on the cheek. The Waynes walked out of the courthouse with the Kents and watched as they got into Clark’s 4Runner and headed to the airport for their honeymoon flight. It had been timed just right because Lois was on a break from school and Clark was waiting to graduate from his residency the next week.

As a wedding gift, Bruce and Vicky had given Lois and Clark a honeymoon to Georgetown, Cayman Islands. They would see them when they returned on Sunday.

Clark graduated the Friday after he and Lois returned from their honeymoon. He left Gotham briefly to start to set up his office in Metropolis. Until Lois graduated he would commute back and forth between Gotham and Metropolis. Clark was grateful that he could fly. He didn’t know if he could stand to be away from Lois for long periods of time.


Sixteen months later...Bruce and Vicky and Jonathan and Martha Kent sat with Clark at the Gotham University Auditorium as the watched Lois graduate with her Masters Degree from nurse anaesthesia school. Lois’ sister had her usual drama going so she couldn’t attend. Her father was out of the country with his latest bimbo and her mother was going to France with some girlfriends. There was nothing new there.

Lois graduated with Magna Cum Laude and Clark was so proud of her. She had been through so much to get where she was. He had silently promised himself that he’d never hurt her again. Clark’s parents were more unconditional than Lois’ own parents were. They would always be there for her.

Angela Jameson...Ian Januka...Laura Kane...Lois Lane Kent...

Applauds and salutations went out from Lois’ personal peanut gallery. Clark watched her in awe as she walked across the stage to receive her degree. She was so beautiful. There was just a slight bump under her gown where her belly was just starting to bulge. At just twenty weeks pregnant with hers and Clark’s first baby Clark thought that Lois just glowed.

When they found out about the baby Clark had picked Lois up and spun her around in excitement. In after thought he had been afraid that he had hurt her or the baby, but all was well. Clark had been wrong about one thing...he didn’t think he could be happier after his wedding day until Lois announced that the Clear Blue Easy read ‘pregnant’.

Lois had already taken her board exam and passed but wasn’t planning to go to work until after the baby. Clark had tried to convince her that she could stay at home as long as she wanted to, but that independent streak in her would not allow her to be a complete stay at home mom.

After the graduation ceremony, the elder Kents went to Wayne Manor with Lois and Clark for Lois’ graduation party. There would be dinner and a cake. Vicky had wanted to make a big deal of it but Lois had expressed that she only wanted to share the occasion with her family and closest friends.

The small family was well into the celebration when Clark got that far away look that he got when his super hearing zoomed in on something. Bruce then got that knowing look as Alfred approached.

“Master Bruce, the phone’s essential that you take this call,” Alfred said in his very proper English accent. “The caller simply refused to leave a message. He said that it was urgent.”

“Very well, Alfred...If you guys would excuse me...” Bruce asked as he got up from the table. Everyone continued mingling.

In a few minutes, Bruce returned to his guests trying hard to ask their pardon for ‘an emergency that came up’. Clark made eye contact with Bruce and there was a...communication...telepathy. Lois could tell that Clark was about to fumble with making up an excuse. Lois looked at Vicky and then the Kents exchanged glances. Then almost as if practiced everyone said all at once to Bruce and Clark, “Go!” Bruce and Clark looked at each other, shrugged and left on separate paths.

May 3rd of the following year, Vicky and Bruce received an email and pictures from Lois and Clark. Their baby girl was welcomed into the world that day weighing 6lb 15oz. Little Maria Teresa Kent had dark hair and doe eyes like her mother.

At the bottom of the picture was a caption that read, “Bruce and Vicky, look what Lois and I were blessed with at 0659 this morning! She’s so beautiful, just like her mother.”


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.