Super Friends Part 2/?

The next morning on Vicky’s shift, as usual, she went to the ten foot windows and opened the blinds. Today there was a breeze blowing off of Gotham Bay so Vicky opened one of the windows to allow the breeze to blow in. When she turned to get back to Bruce’s bedside, she was surprised to see his eyes open and staring at her.

While Vicky was tending the windows, Bruce opened his eyes. The room seemed blurry but soon came into focus. Bruce noticed a woman‘s back to him and quickly looked down at himself to see what guise he was in. He felt his head to find his cowl absent. He recognized his bedroom and as best as he could tell he was only wearing cotton boxers. Bruce was starting to remember bits and pieces of his attack. Then, she turned around and her startled look was the most beautiful thing Bruce had ever seen.

“Hi…Mr. Wayne…,” Vicky started nervously. “I’m Vicky Vale...RN. I’m a friend of Clark Kent‘s…you know the veterinarian who found you. He’s…”

“I’m Bruce…just Bruce,” Bruce started in a hoarse baritone voice that just melted Vicky. “Where’s Alfred?”

“Right here, Sir. Miss Vale and Dr. Kent have been taking care of you seeing as you refused to go to the hospital,” Alfred assured Bruce. I made you lunch Miss Vale and I’ll go and fetch something for Master Bruce, too…”

“Vicky, Alfred. How many times do I have to tell you, just call me Vicky…”

“Very well madam,” was Alfred’s reply. Bruce giggled to himself.

“Alfred actually, if Miss Vale would help me to the shower, I’ll have something afterwards,” Bruce stated with a questioning look towards Vicky as he struggled to gain his balance.

“Vicky…Mr. Wayne…”

“Okay…Vicky…point taken,” Bruce responded as he smiled at Vicky.

“Okay, Bruce, I’ll help you up to the shower.”

Vicky helped Bruce to the shower and laid out his shaving supplies. She took the time that he was in the shower to make his bed and lay out some clean clothes for him. Of course Alfred would do it, but Vicky wanted to. As she performed the small feats, she found herself wondering if Bruce would ever be interested in a normal everyday nurse like herself. But a billionaire…probably not.

Vicky was so deep in thought that she didn’t hear Bruce come up behind her.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Bruce’s thunderous voice said behind her.

“Oh…you’re done,” Vicky sputtered as she did a quick turn on her heels. “I guess I need to call Clark and tell him that you don’t need our services anymore.”

“Thank you for obviously saving my life. Whatever your price, I’ll…” Bruce started to offer.

“This wasn’t for money. I was helping a friend who was helping his friend. Keep your money, Bruce. You cannot put a price on friendship,” Vicky responded, sincerely. “I’ll get my things and go. I’ll leave my number for you, just in case. Good thing Clark is so good at suturing,” Vicky stated as she very gently touched one of Bruce’s wounds. “You’ll never be able to tell that this was an injury when it heals completely.”

As Vicky’s fingertips brushed against on Bruce’s wound, Bruce felt…butterflies? There was something about this little woman. He couldn’t just let her go, never to hear from her again.

“Vicky…about Clark…” Bruce started.

“What about him?” Vicky asked wrinkling her eyebrows.

“Are you two…do you and Clark…” Bruce stumbled.

“No, we’re just friends. He lives in my apartment building. He’s cute, but not my type. He’s like a brother…he always looks out for me. That’s all,” Vicky answered.

“Then, if I asked you out, it wouldn’t violate any trusts?”

“Bruce really, you don’t owe me anything. Don’t feel like you have to do anything for me, okay?”

“I don’t…I just…you just seem so gentle and…just once, Vicky, please, and if you’re disappointed, then you don’t have to ever go out with me again,” Bruce pleaded.

Vicky seemed deep in thought for a moment, then looked up at Bruce with a smile.


“Friday, at seven, dinner? Wait…what’s today?”

“It’s Thursday, Bruce. You’d been out of circulation for almost ten days. For the life of me, I can’t understand why you didn’t want to go to the hospital where you could be taken care of with the best equipment…”

“People would exploit me if they found out that Bruce Wayne was in the hospital.”

“Okay…I’ll buy that. But, wont they exploit you if you’re seen out with someone not in your social class?”

“I like you Vicky. I don’t care what they think about that,” Bruce responded with a reassuring smile. He gently touched Vicky’s neck and kissed her forehead.

“Thank you, again, Vicky. So, Friday…?“

“Yea, Bruce…Friday,” Vicky responded as she turned to leave.

Vicky wasn’t able to get in touch with Clark so he showed up at Wayne Manor at seven as usual. Clark was surprised to see Bruce answer the door.


“Vicky was gonna call you. I’ve been up all day. Thank you, for what you did for me. Alfred tells me you found me and brought me here. I assume this means you know…”

“Bruce, rest assured, it wont go any farther. Vicky doesn’t even know. All she knows is that she cared for Bruce Wayne. There were no traces of Batman around when she was summoned,” Clark responded reassuringly.

“Thank you, Clark. Whatever your price…Vicky wouldn’t take…”

“Just helping a friend. A true friendship is priceless. Even you, Bruce, can’t afford that,” Clark responded, sticking out his hand to shake Bruce’s. The new friends shook hands and Clark parted from Wayne Manor.


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.