Sorry if the post is choppy. I am having problems with my wrists right now and might not have enough energy to fix up my horrible errors. I shouldn’t even be on here right now!!
To me: I cannot categorize anything. I believe you go by the situation and by the person. You can't brand everything the same.

I have depression. I had a few panic attacks. I don't think very highly of myself, but I have been told I am the gentlest and nicest of people. I have been called the female Clark Kent. I wince at that b/c I know of his weaknesses, but I also talk that mostly as a compliment. People say I am shy or incredibly outgoing. I just feel like a shadow most of the time.

My dad has Schizophrenia. I have not lived with him since I was 5. He has major issues and I try to avoid him. My mum had (has: I’m not sure) depression and had an eating disorder when she was younger. She is a very strong woman on the outside, but needs to be stronger to get happiness and stop being so negative about everything. I had to grow up with a step dad that had issues of his own. He jokes that his was bad - youngest male in a dysfunctional Japanese household. He was a nothing in his house.

I don't take away from society. I have a husband who came from a 'Leave it to Beaver' family. I am very lucky to have him. I like his normalcy but in way I crave the atmosphere that was my household in a warped way (it was like an afternoon soap).

People never expect my history to be like that. They think I am normal, happy and intelligent. They often don't believe me. I wish I felt that way. I feel different, sad and stupid.

My family is highly educated. All my great Uncles, and their dad, where engineers and had their PhDs and where involved with the evolution of the rails and tech schools in England. The girls where Nurses or adventures. I have a relative who is a chef and has cooked for Royalty many times (ugh I’m sick of that story), but has issues. Some of them are a piece of work. But we all had our issues. Some where good to be around and some you had to stay a million miles away from. You cannot judge a 'problem' by its name, but from the problem, the person, the situation and who you are and how you can deal with it. My family of days gone by had a very adventurous and romantic lives despite their problems.

I wish I had an ounce of their fun.

I understand everyone's past and the outlook that is shaped from it. But one cannot summarize it all. Everyone will always pull it apart b/c it is multi faceted.

I could live with someone that had problems, but it depended on the severity and if they acted selfish to me. My dad did. He lost his family b/c of his selfishness and 'me' attitude for the most part. There is way more to it, but that is the basics of it all.

Men prefer pretty woman which I am not.

Yes, it either marriage or school. My dad wants me to choose. Like if it's so easy. I get nervous just standing ten feet from a man. If I knew I'm going on a date with an actual men the I'll wind up needing to go to the bathroom every five minutes.
Men prefer pretty women...some do. Some think they are pretty and to others they are ugly. I don’t think I'm pretty, but my husband thinks I am absolutely adorable! I was 127 lbs at 5ft and I got fat within 6 months to 170. That had never happened to me before. Almost 7 yrs later and he married me and I am still trying to get my weight down, getting through my depression – and he still loves me.

I've seen ladies with no teeth and have a thing for moles and yet there is their man, holding them and willing to punch out the man that gets to friendly with his woman.

You can get married and go to school or the opposite way around. Marriage just kind of came along for me. I never expected it. I did my University. Got married, just b/c. I plan to do more later! SO does he. I know people who get professional designations while they are raising their kids. The decision is yours. What can you juggle, do you want to it even juggling to you?

Anything is possible.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.