From an earlier part of Chapter 34:

Hank unlocked a room with an ominous sign posted on it: "High Level Personnel Only: Restricted Area" and beckoned his visitors to join him in there.

"I should have told you this earlier, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, but the only way you can really talk to your son and his family is to join them in the Phantom Zone. If our experiment with Lois is successful, in one week, you will not remember any of this; you will open your eyes as if it's just another normal day on the farm in Smallville."

Martha's eyes widened. "I thought there was some type of TV-type device that we could communicate with them! You misled us, Hank!"

"I apologize for that, Martha. But back on the other world, Lois doesn't want Clark to know about any of this. I really can't have you both go back there and take the chance that Clark would visit you and know something's up," Hank explained.

"Herb, did you know about this deception?" an angry Jonathan spit out.

"Yes…and no," he replied carefully. "I knew you would have to join them in the Zone; as far as I know, though, if you really want to go back to the other earth, I can take you… right, Hank?" Wells glared at his alt-descendant, his glasses seemingly magnifying his bulging eyeballs.

Hank sighed. "Yes, yes. It's against my better judgment, though. Why don't you spend some time with your family, and if you would like to go back to the other earth, press this button," he said, handing Jonathan a device similar to a pager. "It will return you to this room, which will automatically alert me, wherever I am, that you are here."

"Fair enough," agreed Martha.

"Step in front of the projector," Hank instructed. "You really won't feel anything, I promise."

Grudgingly, the Kents followed instructions.

"Say hi to Clark, Lois and the baby for me," Hank said. "Enjoy your time with them."

No sooner had Hank shone a bright light on the duo, they disappeared from the room.

And now, Chapter 35:

The Phantom Zone

As soon as the queasiness stopped, Jonathan and Martha slowly opened their eyes. Expecting to have been transported to a ghostlike environment, they were instead shocked to realize that this "Phantom Zone" appeared to be a virtual paradise, painted with a kaleidoscope of colors, a lush and fertile greenscape, and an oddly crimson sky. The temperature was very pleasant – similar to early fall in Kansas. Turning towards each other, they smiled and held hands.

"Where do you think they are, Jon?" Martha asked. "This is so different than what I pictured."

Spotting a trail of sorts – a worn path through the forest – Jonathan replied, "Let's head this way. This place is so colorful it's surreal."

As they trod down the path, they realized that the gravity in this "Phantom Zone" was lighter than earth's. Each step they took enabled them to bounce five feet in the air, and when they landed they had advanced about ten feet further down the trail.

"Martha, this place – whatever it is – must have gravity similar to the Moon's – we're practically floating!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"I know, honey. This is really a lot of fun," agreed Martha. "Look, I think I see something through the trees! Is that some kind of house?"

"Yes! I think so. Let's hope it's *their* home."

"Why? Do you think anyone else lives here?"

"Hope not, Martha. I just want to see our boy and his family."

Bounding into the clearing, there indeed was a house/cottage of sorts comprised of twigs, large tree branches, with a stone foundation. There was one large "window" to the right of the makeshift front door, which very suddenly swung open.

A toddler, wearing nothing but a diaper, came bounding out of the house. He looked up at the two approaching adults, then turned on his heels to flee back inside.

"Mom-mee! Mom-mee!!" they heard him cry.

"That must be CJ," exclaimed Martha. "That's our grandson!"

A woman with long brown hair emerged from the house, doing a double take at the sight of the elder couple facing her. "No way! It can't be! Omigod! Clark! Come home quick! It's Mom and Dad!"

Clark, out of nowhere, dropped out of the sky to land in front of Martha and Jonathan, only wearing something similar to a loin cloth. "Mom? Dad? You're alive! Thank God. How did you get here?"

"Shut up and give your mother a hug," Martha said, tears flowing down her cheeks. "My goodness, Clark, I thought you and Lois were dead. We watched you die…"

"It wasn't me, Mom, it wasn't me," Clark replied through his own tears. "And Hank and Lex couldn't find you, so Lois and I assumed they got you. We never thought we'd see you ever again!"

Jonathan had Lois, scantily dressed as well, captured in his arms in a firm bear hug. How he loved his daughter-in-law! C.J. interrupted all of the crying and hugging with "Mommy! Daddy! Who are these people anyway? They scared me!"

Martha broke from her embrace with her son, and walked over to her grandson. "I'm your Daddy's mother, sweetie. I'm your Grandmother, and this is your Grandfather. We came to visit you. Can you give me a little hug, honey?"

Looking back at his mother, Lois nodded her approval. "Mom and Dad, meet your Grandson CJ," she said with a big smile. Placing her arm on her son's tiny shoulders, she continued, "Honey, these are your Grandparents. They came a long ways to visit you. Please give them a hug and a kiss."

Complying with his mother's request, CJ soon found himself sitting on top of Jonathan's shoulders as they headed towards the "house".

Martha looked carefully at Lois, and then smiled from ear to ear. "My goodness, Lois. Are you expecting? That – outfit – you're wearing doesn't hide much, dear."

Patting her burgeoning belly, Lois replied, "Yes, Mom. I'm about four months along. I think Clark sneaked a peek, because he keeps insisting it's a girl. He denies it though!"

Clark winked back at his mother. "I would *never* cheat like that, honey! You're just carrying this baby differently than you did CJ."

Entering the "kitchen" of their home, they sat down on the home-made chairs circling the log table. Clark began. "Wow, I guess we all have a lot to talk about, don't we? It's been a long time since the whole New-Kryptonian fiasco began."

"About five years, in fact," Jonathan said. "And not only that, we've been living on a different earth – with a different Clark and Lois – for four of those years."

Lois' eyes widened. "Really? There's another Lois out there? What's she like?"

Martha grinned broadly. "Actually, honey, we've met *two* other Loises since we left *our* earth. They look exactly like you – well, with short hair – but instead of choosing nursing, they're both newspaper reporters."

"Wow! Really? Huh. I don't know if I could have ever done that for a living. Did they lose their parents like I did?"

"No, sweetie. Both of their parents are alive – but they're divorced," she replied somewhat sadly.

"Well, maybe if I hadn't watched my parents die, I would have chosen another career. But journalism? Wow. Strange. And you said that there are other Clarks out there too?"

"Yes, in fact, a man named Herb came and took us away from our world because the Clark of the world we've been living in had lost his parents – at age ten – as well. His Lois was lost in the Congo, and without any family, he was very lonely. We thought you both were dead – we watched you die – so we went with him so we could be family to this other Clark."

Clark broke in. "This other Clark – he lost his parents at age ten? How strange that my Lois lost hers at age ten as well. Did he ever find his Lois?"

Martha smiled. "Yes, and they're married now."

"That's great. I guess every Clark in every world needs his Lois! But - if you were living on this other world – with a different Clark and Lois – how did you find out that we were here – wherever *here* is, that is," Clark asked.

"Hank and Herb came to get us," Jonathan replied.

"OK, who's this 'Herb' guy anyway?" Lois asked.

"Hank's great –great grandfather from a different earth," Jonathan replied. "As in Herbert George Wells, better known as H.G. Wells."

"But the H.G. Wells in our world was a science fiction writer," Lois declared. "How could he travel between earths?"

"Apparently, he's from what's called the 'Alpha Earth', Lois, honey," explained Jonathan. "In that world, he was a time-traveling mad scientist as well."

"He saved our lives, Jonathan," argued Martha. "He might be a tad eccentric, but his intentions are good."

"Did Hank tell you why we can't leave here?" asked Clark.

"Yes, he said that since CJ was born in this world, it will upset the time-space continuum if the three of you return home," Jonathan said. "Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. But on the other hand, this place is very beautiful."

"It's not real, Dad," explained Clark. "Did you notice that you were almost floating once you arrived here?"

"Yes, of course we did," Jonathan replied, jumping up in the air to demonstrate. "So the gravity's lighter here, that's all."

"Well, apparently, this is the world of dreams, where your fondest desires can come true. Lois and I agreed that we wanted to live in paradise, so this place was fashioned from our imagination."

"So are we all still alive?" asked Martha. "Everything here feels so real."

"Yes it does," said Lois. "And we *think* we're still alive. We're just not sure if the portal that transported us here from earth is one-way or two-way. Hank did tell you that you might not be able to leave, didn't he?"

"Well, no. He gave me this device," Jonathan said, taking it out of his pocket. "He said we could return anytime we pressed this button. Should I try it?"

Clark smiled. "Don't try it yet, Dad, just in case it *does* work. You and Mom just got here, and we have so much catching up to do. Unfortunately, though, I have a feeling that Hank has another agenda, Dad. I'm just not entirely sure what it is. When he sent us here, it was supposed to be a temporary solution until the New K-ers were defeated. Lois was only starting her pregnancy when we were sent here. CJ was born here and he's almost four years old."

"How do you communicate with earth, son?" Jonathan inquired.

"Every now and then, Hank sends a letter through the portal, updating us on the status of our return home. The last communication said that he came up with a solution, but it required the efforts of many individuals to make it happen. He also said that he would have a pleasant surprise for us shortly."

"I'm thinking he meant that you two were coming to visit," Lois chimed in. "It's so great to have you both here with us. CJ's so bored and lonely."


Back in The Alternate Universe

Clark and Lois fell about twenty feet before Clark managed to slow their descent somewhat. <C'mon, Clark, you remember how to do this. It's all in your mind. Fly! Fly!> he told himself.

Lois, looking over at her husband, said a silent prayer that his powers had indeed returned or they would soon be road kill on the heated sidewalks adjacent to the Edge Enterprises tower.

Suddenly they floated upwards and soon they were 1000 feet above the building they had just leaped out of.

"Clark! You did it! You're flying again!" Lois screamed. "You're back! Superman is back!"

Taking his wife in his arms, he kept her within his aura for warmth and they soared over the earth in joyful crazy-eights. "Let's go see Ma and Pa and give them the good news," Clark said. "I haven't been able to visit them much without my powers."

<He looks so happy,> thought Lois. "Sure Propaganda, I'd love to see them. But why don't we go home first and you can change into your Superman outfit. We can swing by STAR Labs so I can give this hair sample to Bernie before we leave for Smallville."

"Ok," replied Clark. "If I'm flying, I guess wearing the suit is the way to go. Wind resistance and all that stuff," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Not to mention the looks you get from admiring females," Lois quipped.

On the trip home, Lois contemplated the possibility that Clark's telepathic abilities would soon return. What should she do? Not that she would have a choice. Either he would read her mind and find out or she would have to tell him outright. No matter how hard she attempted to shield her thoughts from him, their connection was too strong. Well, she would put it off until he figured it out. No sense getting him upset when he was finally himself again!


Edge Enterprises Corporate Headquarters

"I'm telling you, Mr. Thorul, there was someone in your office. The alarm was cut in the elevator. No, it doesn't look like anything was broken into. Perhaps you should come down here and check it out yourself.

"I'm not sure how they escaped, but the balcony door was wide open. Yes, sir, I know it's 100 stories high. Yes, we'll install a surveillance camera in your office tomorrow. Yes, sir, I'll do that. Good night."

<Dammit! It has to be them! What are they up to? How could they jump off the patio 100 stories high - unless – his powers have returned. But then why come in thru the elevator??>

Thorul got dressed, called his limo driver to pick him up, and headed over to his office to inspect the "damage".


Clark felt absolutely inspired as he and Lois flew over to STAR Labs to drop off Lois' hair sample to Bernie Klein. His greatest power was the ability to fly, and the one he had missed the most. He knew that Lois adored flying with him, too. Spotting Klein's open window in his lab, he silently entered the room and hovered in back of Bernie until he spun around in shock, feeling their presence.

"Good Lord, Clark, what a way to inform me that your powers have returned," Bernie spit out. "I take it that your sense of humor has returned as well!"

Clark wore a huge grin on his face. "You're right on both counts, Bernie. I'm back, and I'm feeling great!"

Lois, feeling a sense of urgency, handed the plastic baggie with Thorul's red locks in it to Dr. Klein. "This is what I believe to be the hair of the guilty party," she informed him proudly. "We nearly took our lives in our hands to retrieve this. When can you give me the good news?"

"Probably not until Tuesday, Lois. Tomorrow is Sunday, and Mondays are hell on wheels. I promise you, first thing Tuesday morning. You'll be back at the Planet, I expect?"

Lois frowned. "Yes, I should be, unless I kill Mark Boyle first. I hope Perry has the good sense to keep him away from me!"

Clark laughed. "If Boyle has any good sense, *he'll* stay away from *you*, honey!"

Both men laughed.

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me through this whole Nightfall ordeal, Bernie. You're a great friend," Clark said sincerely. "I'll never forget it. Anytime I can return the favor-"

"Don't worry, Clark. I know where to find you! And I may surprise you by taking you up on your offer!"

Lois gave Klein a good-bye hug, embarrassing him completely. "Tuesday, then. I'll be awaiting your call."

The pair flew off into the night sky, leaving Bernie smiling and shaking his head simultaneously.


When Clark flew solo to Smallville, he could get there in about five minutes. Flying with Lois, however, took a bit longer – almost a half-hour. Entering the tunnel in the woods adjacent to the farm house, they arrived in the basement. Clark's hearing alerted him to the fact that the home was vacant. No heart beats, no TV – no breathing. His anxiety level shot upwards. Floating up to the kitchen, his worst fears were realized. Not only was no one home, it looked as if they weren't coming back for a very long time.



"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"