Perfect timing. I'm bored. wink

Let's see ... 10 places? I can do that. Not in order, though (except No. 1):

1. Paris. (I want a chance to use my horrible high-school French. It's BAD. Just ask anyone in IRC.)

2. Bali. (I have heard the beaches are amazing.)

3. India. (I have never been back to see where I was born.)

4. New York. (I want to go to a REAL Broadway show and Bloomingdales. Ha!)

5. Greece. (White sands and spanakopita ... bring it on!)

6. New Orleans. (I have been there twice, but not since Hurricane Katrina.)

7. A Caribbean cruise. (FoLCs on a boat!)

8. Kona. (I have been to Maui many times, and Kauai, but I don't want to visit Honolulu, and I have heard this is a great little paradise.)

9. Montreal. (Two great things come from there: Lara and Celine Dion!)

10. Napa Valley. (One word: Wine.)

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"