Previously, in chapter eleven:

"Anyway," Lex continued, "I was thinking that instead of looking for jobs that don't really exist right now in the field of agricultural engineering, you might instead consider a career as an EMT owner/operator."

"Lex – that sounds great – but I have no money, just a bunch of big student loans to pay back."

"I said this was a business proposition, Clark. I'll provide the funding – buy the van, pay for the EMT course - you provide the manpower. I've already got the name registered – L & C Ambulance and Emergency Services – with the tag line: L&C gives you TLC! You'll be able to save lives and get them to the hospital where Lois, who already has a job as an ER nurse at Met General as soon as she graduates, will take over from there. What a team you'll be!"

"It does sound good, Lex, I'll admit. Really good. Another agenda item to chew over with my parents. Why are you doing this? Here I kept my biggest secret from my best friend all of these years, and you're still there for me anyway. You're unbelievable!"

"Clark, if I hadn't tutored you back in those high school days, I might have gone back to Metropolis and turned into a clone of my greedy, materialistic parents – rest their souls. You and my aunt gave me purpose – kept me focused on what was really important in life. And your folks – they're wonderful also. And, working right away will allow you to start paying off those student loans faster!"

"Lex, that's extremely generous of you, and I really appreciate it. I have to admit it will make it easier to be at the scene of disasters. But who will work with me? Someone has to drive the van and several people have to remain in the back with the victims."

"Well, I was thinking that that would be me," Lex replied with a devilish grin.

"*You*? Lex, isn't that an underutilization of your talents?" Clark exclaimed. "You’re a wealthy executive with a research foundation and you're going to drive an ambulance?"

"Well, Clark, your partner has to be someone who knows your secret – who will cover for you when 'Superboy' has to arrive on the scene and fly the victims to the hospital - where his 'wife' will take over. I figure the rest of the time, with your strength, as long as I drive, you can handle the moderately injured victims single-handedly."

Clark considered Lex's words. "That's true. However, surely you won't be available all of the time. Your schedule is a real nightmare as it is."

"If you'll allow me to tell Bridgette as well as Hank, all of us can all take the EMT course and pitch in. We're all humanitarians at heart, and our goal is to help. What better way is there to help than to provide EMT services to the gravely injured?"

"You're a hard man to argue with, Lex. I'll give you my answer by graduation day, okay?"

"Fair enough, Clark. Hey, how about a flight around Smallville? I've been dying to ask you for about four years now!"

Clark smiled. "I guess that's the least I can do, considering your extreme generosity and loyal friendship." With that, Clark spun into Superboy and within seconds, he and Lex were floating above town.

"Where would you like to go, Lex? I mean, you've seen this all from your own private aircraft!"

Lex was wide-eyed as he replied, "I haven't seen it all, Clark… until today. This is fantastic! How about the pyramids of Egypt? There's supposed to be evidence of extra-terrestrial visitors there!"

"Can we do that one another day, Lex? Lois is going to be wondering where I am. She'll be back from shopping with my mother in about a half-hour, and a trip to Egypt flying with a passenger is an all-day affair."

"Sure, Clark. We'll set aside a day soon to do it. Just floating about Smallville with you is great…the air rushing across your face… the feeling of freedom….wow~"


"So, Clark…what are you going to do?" Lois pressed. "You're going to say 'yes' to Lex, right? You know you want to…"

Clark looked Lois square in the eyes. "Ah, Lois Lane, you are my poison. I just can't say the word 'no' when I'm with you."

And now,

Chapter Twelve

Two years after graduation from Metropolis University - May 1990

Lois Lane fidgeted about as she prepared to go in to work; this would be her last day there until she came back from their honeymoon. She had so many details to cover with the staff before she left. Feeling guilty, knowing that no one took pride in her job as Head Nurse of the ER at Met General like she did, she attempted to stifle her qualms about leaving for two weeks.

Clark looked over at his fiancée as he poured her a cup of steaming hot coffee, extra cream with one sweet'n'low. "Honey, get over it. The place won't fall apart completely while you're gone. We've put this wedding off for a year because of your promotion to Head Nurse. I admire your commitment, don't get me wrong. But we are entitled to lives of our own once in a while."

Lois smiled back at the love of her life briefly, then she changed her tone completely.

"Clark Kent! You are one to talk. We're making love – and what happens? Your 'hear' a call for help! Do you say to yourself, 'Lois will be very sexually frustrated if we stop now? Maybe someone else will save the day this time?' NO!! You say, 'Honey, I know this is *really* bad timing, but I'll be right back. I promise!' And, *do* you come right back? NO! Once you're out there, your hear every distress call: a cat on a tree branch, a tenement fire, a police car chase…and of course, you have to get involved. I end up satisfying myself because I can't wait for you!"

Clark's cheeks were bright red. "So what are you saying, Lois? That we're cut from the same cloth *and* our sex life sucks??"

Lois started laughing hysterically. "Yeah… something like that. But when you're there in bed with me for the whole time… it's really great!" She walked over to Clark and planted a very passionate kiss on his surprised lips.

"Let's both get to work and get it over with. The wedding's in two days and we have to get to Smallville for the last minute details," Clark said, giving his soon-to-be spouse a big bear hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah…you're right. So Lex is going to run the ambulance while you're gone? Really? A corporate CEO/billionaire as an EMT? That's pretty impressive. Can he handle it?"

"It's really great PR for the corporate newsletter: CEO takes time out to save the injured in Metropolis! And don't forget, he makes money from this as well. It's not totally charity," Clark said.

"Yes… I can just see the press release now. I could almost write it myself," Lois mused. "Lex is a really great guy, but he always has an eye on the bottom line."

"Are we walking or flying today, my love?" Clark inquired.

"It's a nice day, let's walk; perhaps it will be make the butterflies in my stomach go away," Lois replied.


Next Day in Smallville

"Lois, perhaps I'm prejudiced, but wearing that gown makes you the most beautiful woman in the world," Martha remarked, studying her future daughter-in-law in the kitchen of the farmhouse. "My son is the luckiest man in the world, and I'm going to remind him of that every day."

"And I'm the luckiest woman in the world to be part of the Kent family, Ma," Lois replied. "I went from being an orphan to having the best parents in the world. Someone up there is smiling on me for sure."

"And it's your fiancée, Lois," joked Martha, peering out of the kitchen window. "I see him heading back from the car accident that was crippling I-70. Go change – Clark's not supposed to see you in your dress until the wedding."

Lois retreated into the lead-lined "wedding" room that Clark had created for her, so he wouldn't be tempted to cheat and take a look at his beautiful bride ahead of time.

Within seconds, there was a sonic boom. Clark had landed and spun into his Clark farmboy clothes. As he entered the kitchen, his eyes were glistening.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Martha asked.

"Ma, I never get used to it. A whole family died, including two small children. They were trapped in a burning car fire. No matter how many people I save, I still agonize over the ones that I couldn't help. I feel so useless."

"Clark, honey, you can only do so much. Whatever you can do, you do. What if there was no Superman at all? You're making a difference, son. One man can make a difference in this world."

"And so can one woman, Ma," Lois said as she entered the room, dressed in her jeans and tee shirt, having overhead most of the conversation. "Clark, saving lives is what we do. To the best of our abilities, as a matter of fact. It's why we're soul mates. We care. More than anyone else out there. Agonizing over the ones we couldn't help is part of who we are, sweetie. When we stop trying to help everyone, we stop existing."

"I love you, honey," Clark said, seeking solace in the arms of the woman he absolutely adored. "And thanks, Ma. I just hate seeing children die. They didn't even have a chance."


The Wedding Day of Lois and Clark, Saturday, May 24th, 1990.

The Smallville Congregational Church was filled with members of varying backgrounds. There was a group of Lois' coworkers from Metropolis General, a representation from Luthor Corp, and Clark's friends from his Smallville boyhood days. Lana and Pete Ross were there; they had been married for a year now. An olive branch had long ago been offered, and the four of them were now friends. Clark had been Pete's best man; therefore, Clark had returned the favor. Linda was Lois' maid of honor.

Jonathan walked Lois up the aisle, feeling a sense of pride and destiny. He couldn’t have asked for a better daughter-in-law than Lois Lane. <If not for a red rock, they might have never gotten together>, he mused. <Totally fate>.

Clark was breathless at the sight of Lois walking towards him in a beautiful white dress, with a v-neckline, garnished with faux pearls and lace. Her veil was edged in the same design, and her hair was pinned up in a French braid, allowing him to view her beautiful long neck and cheekbones. As she approached the altar, Jonathan gave her a kiss on the forehead, and she joined hands with Clark.

Lana was asked to give a reading, and they had chosen a section from Kahlil Gibran's masterpiece, "The Prophet."

Then Almitra spoke again and said, And what of Marriage, Master?
And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
When Lana stepped down from the podium, she had tears in her eyes as she looked over at the man she had loved for most of her life. Embarrassed, she then focused her view on her husband, gathered her composure, and returned to her seat in the pew.

And, of course, Clark and Lois had written their own wedding vows:

Clark, I take you to be my loving husband for all of the rest of the days of ours lives. Before I met you, I had learned to rely only on myself. It took me a long time to realize that you would *always* be there for me, through thick and thin. I knew the moment we met that we were destined to be together. No matter what life brings, I know with you that I have a partner in every sense of the world. I love you Clark Kent, and I take you in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part.


Lois, the moment I laid eyes on you my heart stopped beating. I knew somehow we would meet again, that it was only a matter of time. You give clarity to everything I do in my life. My life would have no meaning without you. I love you, now and forever, and I take you to be my loving wife. I will forsake all others, and will love and care for you, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please greet the members of the church as a married couple for the very first time," announced the minister, who had known Clark since he was a toddler.

As loud traditional organ music blared throughout the hall, Lex Luthor looked over at his wife, who was his intellectual match in almost every way, and smiled at her. Lois was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but Bridgette was his soul mate. Hank Wells, on Lex's other side, had his partner, Bill, seated next to him. Attending a wedding where the participants were so obviously in love gave Hank and Bill warm fuzzy feelings inside. Bill was Jason Trask's son.



"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"