Chapter Seven
Somewhere the Sun is Shining

When Clark returned, he found not only Zara but also Ching and Lord Trey waiting with his family. Landing speedily on the terrace he almost ran through the kitchen and dining room, changing into his Clark clothes as he went.

"Clark, thank goodness you're back!" Lois exclaimed, rising from the sofa to meet him.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" Clark stopped abruptly, eyeing these latest visitors with some concern. There hadn't been time for explanations, but he'd concluded from Zara's earlier behaviour that the Kryptonians had been involved in Matthew's creation and that they wished Lois and he to have the baby. Could he have been mistaken about the last deduction?

Lois looked a little stunned at his words, then she understood Clark's anxiety. "Oh, no! Nothing's wrong. But rather than go through a complicated explanation twice, we agreed we should wait for you to get back. I just thought you might be a bit faster." She'd reached his side and laid her hand on his arm, pulling him further into the room.

"I'm sorry, honey, but you know I can't super speed with someone as fragile as Doc Warner." His shoulders relaxed visibly and he smiled down at his wife. Waiting was a perfectly reasonable choice, but he knew only too well that patience was not one of Lois' strong traits. "But now I'm home and you can stop champing at the bit!"

Together they closed the space between themselves and the three visitors, who, it had to be said, were watching the couple a little warily. Oh, boy, Clark guessed the intervening time since he'd left must have been fairly uncomfortable.

"Clark, I'm sure you remember Commander Ching and Lord Trey," Martha interposed in her friendliest of tones, rising from the sofa.

Clark was grateful. Trust his Mom to always try to act as peacemaker, since he was well aware Lois' first instinct was probably to demand just what the New Kryptonians thought they were playing at -- depositing a child in their house and disappearing off the face of the Earth -- which he was sure had to have been the case. Otherwise, even if they couldn't have been present in person, there was always telepathy!

"Yes, of course, I remember." He stuck his hand out in the very Earth-like greeting of a handshake; damned if he'd walk forward and say 'Brothers and Bonds, I greet thee thrice!' It was time these New Kryptonians learned that when in Rome....

Both Ching and Trey had clearly learnt that lesson already, because both accepted his hand in turn, Ching electing to speak up.

"It's good to see you again, Kal...." Clark noticed a minute glance of censure pass between Zara and Ching. "Sorry, Clark! You and your family are all looking very well." The small-talk sounded awkward on Ching's lips but he continued. "I know you've probably been somewhat perturbed by the situation we left you in, but it was unavoidable."

"Oh, whatever gave you that idea?" Lois could contain herself no longer. "Finding a baby left inexplicably in our dining room is nothing out of the ordinary for us!"

"Lois!" Clark warned, yet he couldn't be too annoyed at Lois' sarcasm. He did think they were owed an apology and an explanation, yet antagonising their guests probably would make things even more difficult.

"No, Clark. Lois has a point," Zara conceded quickly. "It was very unfeeling of us to leave things that way, and, believe me, I fully intended to stay to explain. Only I was called away urgently to deal with an emergency of our own, which isn't important at the moment."

Thankfully, the Kryptonian crisis had proved to be more of a difficult nuisance than a dangerous catastrophe, but it had taken a fair amount of time to resolve. The traitorous Cro-Nor had stayed behind on New Krypton to disrupt the council, while his hired mercenaries were to destroy Zara's ship and create trouble on Earth for Lois and Clark. It could have been a very serious problem indeed, had the council not discovered the conspiracy and immediately sent a battle cruiser to rescue the rightful rulers of Krypton.

For a number of days, however, the occupants of the small globe ship had been in a precarious situation, as they'd opted to lead the attackers away from Metropolis. A risky game of hide-and-seek had ensued between Zara's craft and its pursuers, which ended with the arrival of the reinforcements. Cro-Nor's ruffians had proved to be no match for the New Kryptonian military and had been vanquished expeditiously, allowing Zara, Ching and Trey to complete their mission.

Zara found the stares of her Earth friends concentrated on her face, waiting for her to continue and she cleared her throat. "It was a New Kryptonian situation which did need our assistance, and we will tell you later, if you want to know. Suffice it to say that I only had time to leave your son and write that short note before I was beamed back to our ship. Unfortunately, we have been unable to return until now. For that, we are really sorry."

"Couldn't you have contacted me telepathically?" Clark demanded. "I tried a number of times myself... ever since we discovered how Matthew was created?"

"You discovered that?" Ching looked a little incredulous. "Though, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You and Lois were always extremely resourceful."

"Not just Lois and me!" This time Clark's voice had an edge to it. "That was your problem, Ching, along with the rest of the New Kryptonians. You always did underestimate the people of Earth."

"Clark! Could we put this aside for later, please?" Lois' stomach clenched in irritation as the two men faced each other. She empathised with Clark's feelings, but this was not the time to compare the qualities of the two races.

"No, Clark's right, Lois," Ching admitted with a shamefaced chuckle, which was in itself unusual. "It is a shortcoming of mine, but one which I think I'm beginning to outgrow. Yet it was impossible to speak to you telepathically. For a time we felt it necessary to leave your solar-system, to remain cloaked from all Earth transmissions, including telepathy, but more importantly to distract the ship that was tailing us...."

"Tailing you? That doesn't sound exactly friendly. Don't tell me!" Lois interrupted with a snort. "Another Nor?"

Again, Ching laughed, but this time his smile was admiring. "Straight to the point, Lois, and correct as usual. But, before you go rushing off to save the world, Superman, you should know that the ship has been destroyed, its crew imprisoned and the current leader of Nor charged with High Treason on New Krypton."

"All that remains is for us to explain Matthew's existence and to help you claim him as your son, which he is," Zara said soothingly. "Please understand that we only want the best for your family. Lois and Clark, you did our world a great service when you helped defeat Nor, at the risk of your own lives; now it is our turn to repay the favor."

"Yes, everyone on New Krypton agreed we should help you in your plight." Silver-haired Lord Trey emerged from the shadows of the room where he'd been listening quietly to the conversation.

Lois turned towards the First Councillor reluctantly. Because of this man's judgement, Clark had almost died, but she also grudgingly admitted it was because of this man's change of heart that her husband had been saved. But, for all that, she wasn't quite ready to trust this elder statesman implicitly. "And which plight is that?" she asked sardonically.

"Ms Lane, Lord Kal-El... though I expect here on Earth I should address you as Mr Kent, but forgive me, I'm an old man and traditions die hard. You might have renounced your title, but I still think of you as the head of the House of El...."

"Trey, believe me, Clark will do, or Mr Kent, if you feel you have to give me a title. But do you think we could get down to business here?" Clark suggested almost as tetchily as his wife. "Why have you come? And why is Matthew here? Not that we're upset about Matthew's arrival. We're very... very glad to have him."

"Then we're very glad that you're glad." Zara said graciously.

"That's so nice of you!" Lois was unable to bite back her caustic comment, feeling a little at odds with Zara's regal demeanour. This was her home and she wasn't about to let someone else take control.

Unused to the irreverence, Zara's first instinct was to bristle, but she quickly set her annoyance aside. Lois and Clark had lived with a great deal of uncertainty these last few days, and she'd come here to put an end to their insecurities. Instead, she smiled appeasingly. "I expect you think we've acted very autocratically again....”

"You could say that," Lois concurred, a little less edgily, forcing her anxieties to calm down.

“...and perhaps we have, but we did so with the best of intentions."

Lois gave a very faint shrug of acceptance. "And I guess sniping is futile, so perhaps it would be good if we all took a few deep breaths and you can explain everything."

"That sounds like a very good idea, and perhaps I should make some more coffee." Martha found herself saying, sounding very much like a broken record. She smiled. There was no doubt life with Lois and Clark was never dull.

"Thank you, Martha," Zara said, "But if it's not too much trouble, I really liked your Earth drink which I believe is called wine. Do you have any, because I'd very much like to try another glass?"

"Yes, we do!" Clark felt like the house he'd returned to had been transported to the land of Oz and wondered if everything would go back to normal if only he had red shoes to click -- maybe red boots would work just as well. "Would everyone like some wine?"

"No, I don't need a beverage." The curt refusal came from Ching who was obviously not amused by his consort's request. He was very aware of what alcohol did to the people of Earth, and his puritanical personality was affronted, though he didn't feel in a position to amend Zara's suggestion in public.

Lord Trey, on the other hand, felt that Ching was being too judgemental and that their hosts might be insulted by the Commander's attitude, and it was his job to act as a mediator. It was why he had insisted on accompanying the royal couple. "I should be happy to try a glass. If that is acceptable?"

"Sure!" Clark stood to go, but Jonathan stopped him.

"Son, your mom and I will see to the refreshments. Why don't you stay with Lois and listen to what your visitors have to say."

"Ok, Dad. You'll find a selection of red and white wine in the rack. Maybe you should bring a bottle of each." His parents nodded their assent, and Clark watched them disappear in the direction of the kitchen before turning back to the Kryptonians. "Perhaps we should make ourselves comfortable." He gestured with his hands towards the couches again -- time for round two. This had been a very busy night.

Clark smiled tenderly as Lois lifted Matthew out of his baby-carrier once more. Obviously she'd put him down while he was flying the doctor home, yet he understood she needed the self-assurance of having her son in her arms. After all, the pending revelation was very likely to be about their guardianship of Matthew.

After they were all seated, Zara chose to begin. "I'm sure your first question is why we created Matthew?"

"We did wonder," Clark remarked, easing himself closer to Lois and placing a comforting arm around her back, his other hand unconsciously coming to rest on his son's feet.

"Malaki was the first to discover that a Kryptonian male would have no chance of impregnating an Earth woman. He mentioned some sort of chemical rejection in the conception process, and since you'd chosen to make your home on Earth with Lois, he felt concerned enough to bring it to my attention." Zara's pale skin took on a rosy blush as she discussed such a personal problem with the couple in question, yet she felt it important that Lois and Clark should understand their motives. "Clark, while we were on our way to New Krypton, you and I had talked of your hopes and aspirations for the future. Of how you wanted to make Lois your wife and hopefully raise a family with her. I remembered how you looked when you spoke of those things, how much you cared that someday you would have a blood relation on Earth and that you wouldn't be the last of your line. It broke my heart to know you wouldn't be able to fulfil that dream."

"It broke both our hearts when we found out we couldn't have babies," Lois admitted quietly. "We felt like we'd lost something we'd never had and never would have. Clark, I know you tried to pretend that getting pregnant didn't matter and to remain positive, that someday *it* would happen, but it was only a dream. Doctor Klein and Daddy couldn't have gotten the results so wrong."

"Then you're not angry that we brought you the baby?" The slight quaver in Zara's voice proved she was not so confident in the New Kryptonian's actions as she might pretend.

Once again a hush fell on the room as Lois and Clark stared at Matthew, then at each other. Clark was the first to speak.

"We could never regret having Matthew.... We've loved him since the moment we saw him."

A tender smile touched Lois' lips and tears sparkled on her thick eyelashes. She'd been completely aware that Clark's reticence in those first days had been a front to protect his yearning heart and her own neediness. Neediness -- that was strange state of mind for her under such circumstances. If anyone had ever told her that she would long for motherhood so quickly after becoming a wife, she would have suggested they should be committed. Lois Lane didn't have the maternal instincts that drove many women to long for children.

During their engagement, she and Clark had touched very lightly on the question of children. She supposed a family was something that she'd vaguely considered they would have in the future. But, even when they first got married, she'd been very happy to remain a family of two for a few years, learning to know and enjoy each other... and she was sure Clark was content too.

Of course, she'd always known he wanted children, which was something she couldn't say of herself. Somehow, she wasn't confident in her abilities to be a good mother. Let's face it, she'd never had an example to follow, and she'd always been afraid she'd screw up her children's lives, just as her mother had done with Lucy and herself. Clark had been her one anchor in her fears of having a family. Perhaps she wouldn't have too many difficulties with Clark by her side. There was never any doubt in her mind that he'd make a great father... and the kids would always have one set of wonderful grandparents. So she'd allowed herself to believe that one day some little Kents would exist.

Then she and Clark had made love on the kitchen floor, without using protection, and the whole subject of children had been catapulted into the present, including the question about whether they could actually have kids together. Superman had approached Dr Klein and they'd soon received the answer. Bernard had reached the conclusion that it would be impossible for she and Clark to ever have babies, and her father had only confirmed the findings. Those words had struck like a shaft of ice in both their hearts. Not that they'd stopped loving each other; that would never happen, but they had lost something precious.

Lois had never imagined how much she could hurt, especially since children hadn't been an important issue for her before. Was it that she hated to be told she couldn't do anything by anyone? Normally that had just made her more determined to prove the assumption wrong, and, she admitted, there had been a bit of stubborn contrariness in her heartache. But it was so much more than that....

Looking at Clark now, as he watched her, waiting for her to speak, she understood that her deepest hurt had come from seeing the light dim deep within his eyes, when he'd discovered he'd never be a father. Oh, he'd covered his feelings well, for her sake, suggesting there was always the adoption route... but she knew him too well. And suddenly the reason for the aching sadness she'd felt came to her. She'd wanted so much to give this wonderful man his dream... a living, breathing connection to the planet he'd chosen as his home. If Clark's and her own Earth genes could come together in another little person, then he would no longer be an alien living on a world that wasn't his own.

So, perhaps they'd needed a little Kryptonian help to make that happen, but Matthew was living proof that the people of Earth and Krypton were compatible. It appeared that Zara had understood this too, and Lois felt closer than ever before to the woman she'd once feared as a rival.

"Lois?" Zara's worried voice broke into Lois' thoughts. "Please say something. If you're angry at what we've done, you can tell us... shout at us, if it will make you feel better."

"Angry? Why should I be angry?" Lois realised that there had been a long silence while everyone waited for her to speak. "No, I'm not mad. How could I be mad when you've given me such a beautiful gift? A gift I never realised I wanted so much, until I held Matthew in my arms. If I was annoyed, it was because we didn't understand what was happening. Clark will tell you, I hate to be left out of the loop.... But now I know you didn't mean for that to happen, I'm fine... perfectly fine."

Then everyone was laughing in relief and Martha and Jonathan returned with the wine. When everyone had a glass, the company sat down once more for another brainstorming session. Only Ching and Lois refused a drink.

"So, Zara, first things first!" Clark opened the proceedings by addressing the adoption subject first. The scientific explanations could wait till later. "I'm assuming that Sarah Kennedy is about to give her baby to Lois and me to raise as our own."

"Yes, Clark." Once again, the Kents had quickly reached the correct conclusion, though Zara felt that was to be expected. "On our way to Earth, we researched your adoption processes and decided the private method would be the less problematic and quickest way to go, but we could be wrong."

"No, we'd already reached the same conclusion. Our problem was that we didn't have a mother who could legally sign her child over to us," Clark explained.

"Which is why I arrived on your doorstep in the guise of a distant relative who desperately needed a home for her child. But that is just a ruse... I have no real relationship to Matthew." The Kryptonian woman's earnest gaze studied Lois and Clark. The couple had mentioned they'd found out how the baby was created, but did they really understand his heredity? "Genetically, he belongs to each of you. You do know that, don't you?"

"Yes!" Matthew began to stir at the sound of the strange voices around him, and Lois rocked him soothingly to and fro. "We had a friend do a DNA test on Matthew. The results were pretty conclusive, though surprising too."

"I'm sure they were, Lois." So they did know! Internally, Zara heaved a sigh of relief. "I would have explained all that too, but...."

"No, it's ok! You've already apologised for leaving." Lois was prepared to forgive, but she wasn't prepared to listen to a dry, clinical lesson on biology... not yet anyway. "We didn't know such a procedure was even possible... well, it isn't on Earth. But why don't we stick to the question of Matthew's future for now?"

"Of course, if that's what you want." Zara couldn't quite follow why neither Lois nor Clark wanted to hear about Malaki's miraculous breakthrough in cloning, or the possibilities for the future. Still, she didn't mind going along with their request. She sipped her wine, and allowed herself to become distracted. "Hmm...yes, the wine is as satisfying as I remember."

"Lady Zara, I do agree. It is extremely palatable! May I have another?" Councillor Trey asked hopefully, as everyone stared at his already empty glass.

His First Lady grinned, happy to have someone from home agree with her tastes, while Ching frowned again, advising reproachfully, "I believe that wine should be savoured slowly, Lord Trey. And be careful; alcohol has a very degrading effect."

Picking up the bottle, Clark filled Trey's glass. "Don't worry about it. I've never gotten drunk because of the superpowers...."

"But we're not... superpowered," Zara cut in. "We felt it best not to acquire such powers again, so we've stayed out of your yellow sunlight. In fact, delivering Matthew was my only previous visit this time, and I was beamed down and up. We travelled by the same method tonight, and we'll stay on the ship just outside Earth's atmosphere until the business of Matthew's adoption is concluded."

Lois nodded in agreement. "That seems like a wise decision, but you will need to spend some time in Metropolis during the adoption, Zara. There will be papers to sign in front of a lawyer... maybe two; perhaps even a court appearance. We're not sure of the actual details, yet."

"Believe me, I'll do whatever it takes; talk to your lawyers, appear in court. But I can commute directly between the ship and this house by our molecular transportation pods. No one will discover my origins."

Clark's jaw tensed worriedly at the thought of the Kryptonian's possible discovery. "You should keep a pretty low profile, though, Zara. You didn't exactly court the media's attention during the battle with Nor, but pictures of you and Ching did appear in our newspapers and on TV. It's possible someone might recognise you."

"Are we back to blonde wigs again? Or better still, a hair cut and dye job! Just as well you're not invulnerable, Zara, " Lois couldn't help but laugh, "Otherwise we'd need Clark's heat vision to style your hair, and I'm not sure how good he'd be as a ladies' hairdresser."

If it were possible, Ching looked even more thunderstruck. "Hair cut? And what does a 'dye job' mean? Zara, you wouldn't consider changing your hair?"

"Why not, Ching? We can't afford to let the people of Earth know that the New Kryptonians are back in town. The authorities would be bound to inquire why we're here, and our visit can't be associated in any way with the arrival of Matthew in Lois and Clark's home. Matthew has to be thought of as an Earth child." The demure First Lady's eyes began to twinkle. "Besides, I think I might enjoy a new image."

"I wouldn't!" her husband announced emphatically. "I'm perfectly happy with the way you are, as are your subjects. Earth always did have a bad influence on you, Zara!"

"Perhaps a wig would be best," Lois dared to interrupt, hoping to halt a marital spat. Secretly she was loving every moment. It was very satisfying to see that Kryptonian marriages could be just as stormy as Earth ones. Yet this discussion was getting way off track -- first wine and now a makeover! "Zara, wear a wig and more colorful clothes and I'm sure nobody will connect you with the black-suited leader of New Krypton."

"And this time your visit will be private," Clark conceded. "You should only meet up with a couple of people who've probably had no previous contact with you. I think you should be safe enough. In my experience, people see what they expect to see."

"Good! So we're agreed. Zara should wear a disguise when she appears as Sarah?" Lois took charge of the conversation and at Zara's enthusiastic nod of approval and Ching's grudging one, she continued. "So, tomorrow, I think we should contact our lawyer, Constance Hunter, and find out exactly what legal steps have to be taken to adopt Matthew." Lois stood, still holding her son in her arms and addressed her visitors. "I'm sorry, but it's been a long night and I'd really like to put Matthew to bed. Perhaps you can come back tomorrow and we'll plan our next move."

"But don't you want to know how Matthew was made?" Ching asked.

"You might not understand, Ching, but that's not our first concern," Clark stated, believing he was speaking for Lois as well as himself. "Our own doctor has already given us an idea of what happened, how you used DNA from Lois and me to create Matthew. He doesn't completely understand the science, but I'm sure he'd be delighted to have a blow-by-blow account of the process. Perhaps we could arrange for you to talk to him. All we know is that Matthew is our son, and that's enough for us, at least, for tonight."

"To tell the truth, I don't totally understand the science myself," Ching admitted with another wry grin. "But if your doctor is named Klein, then we do have a package for him from Physician Malaki. I believe it explains everything. There will be time enough to pass it along later."

"Until tomorrow, then. We bid you goodnight!" Zara's voice was kindly and all three gave a small bow, while behind them a steel cage-like contraption appeared which they entered quickly. Within seconds they'd disappeared, the only signs of their visit being the two empty glasses on the coffee table.

"Wow! Beats rush-hour traffic," Lois said, then dismissed the thought as Matthew decided to howl. "Are you hungry, baby? Come on, Mommy will feed you and then we'll all go to bed. The next few days are going to be busy, little one, but don't worry. You'll soon be ours and no one will ever take you from us."

