From Chapter 24:

The Board Room, Edge Enterprises

"So Lenny, how do you feel about leaving San Diego behind? You have a lot of history there."

"I have mixed feelings, really. The hardest thing is leaving Lena behind, but I know she's in good hands with Lydia and Larry. It's more important for me to be closer to her mother right now. I need to keep an eye on Lane, to ensure that if she starts to remember anything, I have the means to tarnish her memory. She's not going to ruin the life of my daughter. It's bad enough she ruined *my* life.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Lenny sat down (or rather sank down) in one of the luxurious board room captain's chairs with a sigh. "I wish things could be different. I hate keeping up this façade, Lex. It's who *you* are, but it's not really who *I* am. Sometimes I find it really hard to believe that we're brothers. I guess the person that raised you can really make a difference as to how you turn out. Our parents must have been cold as ice, like you. Lena, our aunt…she was really wonderful. How I miss her."

'Morgan' sat down across the table from him. "Life is easier to deal with when you're hard and callous, and don't get all emotional. I warned you about Lane. All she's interested in is the story behind the story. She says she loves the Boy Scout, but I guarantee that it's all about what he can do for *her*. If it was up to me, she'd be dead now. If not for you and Boyle being so sweet on her…"

"*Sweet* on her! The woman made me adore her for most of my teenage and adult years. She was my ideal… I idolized her. I had no interest in any of the girls my age. I still don't know she did it, but I know it was her that wrote that article about me in the Smallville Press. 'Mary Kent' my *** !"

Coronado Island, San Diego, California, 1973

After 'Mary Kent' interviewed Lenny Luthor, he went home and told his mother, Lena, all about his meeting with this beautiful lady who tried to inspire him to be a better person. He asked his Mom if there was possibly any pictures of her taken during her recent stay at the Del. Lena could see that this woman had made an indelible impression on her teenage son, and so she pulled some strings. Using the security camera tape which focused on the guests checking in, a local photographer was able to create a 5"x7" picture of the two 'Kent" woman, along with a slight, older man with a bowler hat. Twin sisters Martha and Mary Kent, and Herbert Wells, according to the guest book.

About a month later, he had received a copy of the article she had written about him that was published in the "letters to the editor" page of the Smallville, Kansas Press. There was no return address, only a Smallville, Kansas postmark. He had the article laminated and he hung it on his wall in his bedroom, fantasizing about the beautiful author of the article written so glowingly about him.

He had tried to locate Mary or Martha Kent in Smallville, Kansas. To his dismay, he discovered that the only Martha Kent he could find was an auburn-haired woman, married to a man named Jonathan Kent. Later on, when Superman became a public figure, he discovered that this couple was Clark Kent's adopted parents who had been killed in a tragic car accident when the Boy Scout was ten years old. Mary Kent became the big mystery of his life – who was she, and why had she chosen to come to see him that day? To a fifteen year old boy, she was the perfect woman – yes, too old for him, but beautiful, vivacious, everything a teenage boy would fantasize about. Especially an overly intelligent, nerdy one that generally didn't attract that type of girl.

San Francisco, California, 1992

The night back in 1992 that Lex had taken Lois to San Francisco for their date, Lenny and Nigel St. John had been on a conference call with him, and Lois, snooping, had picked up the phone and listened in. Unbeknownst to Lois, she had been drugged at dinner with a time-release sedative so when she went to bed, she would be out cold for hours. Lex's personal chopper picked them up on the roof of the Fairmont Hotel and flew them down to San Diego. Lenny met them at a local airfield and drove them back to his family home in town. Lena Thorul had recently passed, and he was getting the house ready to put on the market. Nigel and Lex carried Lois into the bedroom and set her down on the bed. The three men debated about whether or not they should kill her, or just maroon her somewhere. Since they were doing business in the Congo, it was decided that they would lure her there on the premise of a story on gun-running. Once she got there, she would conveniently disappear.

Lenny had not gotten a good look at this woman called Lois Lane when she had been brought in. He could see that Lex had been interested in bedding her, and wondering if he and his newly-discovered brother had the same taste in women, he wandered over to the bedroom and stole a glance at the beautiful woman sleeping in his bed. His heart stopped when he saw the woman he had been in love with for nearly twenty years – Mary Kent – or, a slightly younger version of her.

How could Mary Kent be Lois Lane? Mary Kent, if still alive, would be in her latter fifties. This woman looked to be in her twenties. But it was *definitely* her. He pulled the wallet-sized black and white photo he carried at all times out of his back pocket. It was *her*, there was no doubt. Something inside of him went crazy.

He closed the bedroom door and locked it, and began to undress the woman of his dreams. He wanted to ask her so many questions – how could it be that she was here now, looking twenty-something, when he was now himself in his thirties? But she was out cold and he just had to have her. Any woman he had been with in his life was never able to measure up to Mary Kent. He fantasized about being with her no matter what woman he was with. He had never been able to fall in love with anyone since meeting her. Now was his chance to finally feel her warmth and closeness!

Her skin was a creamy ivory, and her body was everything he had fantasized it to be. Twenty years of obsession got the better of him; soon he was on top of her, raping her. As he moaned his pleasure, Lois suddenly opened her eyes and began to scream and wriggle; however, she was still very groggy and had no real strength with which to fight.

Nigel and Lex broke down the locked door just in time to see Lenny climbing off of Lois. Lenny, realizing what he had just done, ran out of the room crying. Lex and Nigel tied Lois to the bed, forcing some additional sleeping pills down her mouth before gagging her to keep her quiet. Lois, with her great investigative skills, quickly memorized the details of the room and what she could see of the rest of the house, through the open door, before everything went black again.

Lex ran off to find his brother. "What the f--- was that about?" he screamed. "What the f--- were you doing? Why are you crying? What the Hell's the matter with you? Are you trying to blow everything we've worked so hard for?"

"You don't understand, Lex! It was her – it was Mary Kent! The woman I've always loved!"

It was then that Lex knew for sure that his brother wasn't made of the same fabric he was. Lenny had real deep feelings, and suffered from a real sense of isolation from the opposite sex, whereas Lex was quite the womanizer, very comfortable using the ladies for his own desires. Apparently his Aunt Lena had turned him into a real wuss; as smart as he was, he needed to learn to distance himself from his emotions – he needed to *be* Lex Luthor.

Quickly, the three men got Lois back to the chopper, and flew back to San Francisco with Lex. Removing Lois' bondage, they explained to the hotel staff that the young lady had unfortunately drank too much and they were going to carry her to her room and put her to bed. Hoping that if Lois woke up in her bedroom at the Fairmont, she wouldn't remember anything, they tucked her in, set her alarm and slipped out of the room.

The next morning, Lex had knocked on Lois' bedroom door, which adjoined his room.
He asked her if she had slept well. Lois, groggy, only remembered picking up the phone, overhearing a conversation with someone named Nigel and someone named Lenny. She didn't know for sure if Lex knew she had been listening in, so she chose to ignore the niggling rape scenario that was chipping away at her conscious memory. Being in a room next to Lex Luthor would be enough to give anyone nightmares, she told herself.

Congo-Brazzaville, 1993-ish

The next thing she knew, Lois was following a gun-running story to the Congo. Lex and Nigel had arranged for her to be dumped in the jungle, never to be found again. Lenny, however, had unfinished business with this woman. He was the one who had suggested that Lex do business with the rebel forces, so he was in Africa at the same time that Lois was abducted. He needed to confront her to see if she remembered anything about the rape, and to find out how she had possibly visited him when he was fifteen. Lex and Nigel had no idea that Lenny planned to pay Lane a visit; as far as they knew, he was overseas to coordinate weapons shipments to the Ninja rebels.

Using a Luthor Corp helicopter, he was able to follow Lois' trek through the jungle. He made sure she was safe, and after several days of traveling with no water or food, when she was weak and had lost her fighting spirit, he landed near a refugee camp and confronted her. He was now shaving his head so he and his brother, Lex, were nearly identical twins. The rebels forces believed him to *be* Lex Luthor. He wore dark glasses and a hat when he approached her so he was not recognizable.

"Ms. Lane; or should I call you Ms. Kent?" Lenny asked, offering her a flask of water.

"Who the Hell are you? Who the Hell is Kent? I don't know anyone named Kent!" she spit out, but not before grabbing and downing the offered liquid.

"Quit pretending, Ms. Lane. You came to see me when I was fifteen. You wrote an article about me. I just can't figure out how you stayed so young. That was almost twenty years ago. What's your secret?"

Lois was too weak to kick box her confronter. "I have *no* idea what you're talking about! If you're working for Lex Luthor, then just kill me now! Otherwise, get the Hell out of my way!"

Lenny grabbed her and kissed her. "It doesn't matter. You're here now. Come back with me, I won't tell my brother you're alive. It will just be me and you. You are so beautiful, Mary. I've missed you so much. I waited twenty years for you to come back into my life. I'm not letting you go now."

Lois looked at him with absolute revulsion. "Listen, mister, I don't know who the Hell you think you are, or who this 'Mary' person is, but GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!"

Something snapped in Lenny again, and he overcame Lois, who was dressed only in her underwear anyway, and threw her down on the ground, violating her. Soon he was trying to make what he considered to be real love to this wild woman who was kicking and screaming. Problem was, in the Congo, rape was a way of life. The hatred in Lois' face started to get the better of him. For some reason, this woman genuinely didn't remember him. Maybe it was a freakish coincidence? A distant relative who looked just like her? Was she telling the truth? She really didn't know who 'Mary' was? But no, they looked exactly alike. That fire in her eyes… No, she was lying.

When he was finished, he pulled himself off of her. "You're free to go, Mary. Just know that I love you very much."

Lois, wild-eyed and feeling filthy, screamed, "You're completely whacked out. Get the Hell out of my life! You better hope I don't get pregnant!"

<Well if she didn't remember the rape in San Diego, she's sure to remember this one. But no one in the Congo will take her seriously, so it doesn't matter,> Lenny mused. <Pregnant? What if she gets pregnant? That would be my child … a piece of her. If I can't have her, I can at least have our child!>

From that point on, Lenny had Lois followed to ensure her safety. The rebel forces, who were being supplied handsomely with weapons by Lenny A/K/A "Lex Luthor" were instructed that the beautiful white woman was "hands off". When it became apparent that she was pregnant, Lenny had her picked up and brought to a local psychiatrist's office (on the Luthor Corp payroll). He was able to brainwash her into not remembering either rape, and gave her a post-hypnotic suggestion that as soon as she gave birth, all memory of her pregnancy would be erased from her conscious mind. Lenny had arranged for the baby to be taken from her immediately after childbirth. Lois never got to see her beautiful baby girl.

The child now bore the name Lena LeHoure, and ironically, grew up in the house that Lois was raped in – by her father, Leonard Thorul.

Lois' remaining nine years in the jungle were fairly uneventful. For some reasons, the rebels had never attempted to attack her. They seemed intimidated by her. That was fine with Lois.

In the meantime, Lex realized that his brother had screwed up big time. It would take some drastic action to correct the mess he had created. A fake suicide, and a good plastic surgeon would do the trick.


TBC ...if you dare...


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"