TP&S II - Chapter 14
by Tank


Lois stared in shock and horror as the figure of Clark Kent disappeared into the distance. She still had his blood on her hands, which felt slickly warm as she clenched her fists. She turned her own watery glare toward Nigel St. John. A white hot rage overwhelmed her. A string of explative-laden curses exploded from her mouth as she launched herself at St. John. She knocked him to the ground and using her doubled, bloody fists. began to beat on the startled and suddenly helpless elder man.

"Get her off me!" he managed to shout between blows.

Suddenly Lois was hoisted off her feet by the throat. She found herself staring into the smirking expression of the clone as her arms and legs windmilled fruitlessly. He was wearing the face of a man she'd just seen foully murdered in front of her. Her curses quickly switched to the new target.

The bogus Superman let out a large bellow of a laugh. "Why don't you try and pound on me for a while, witch."

Lois went quiet, her eyes narrowing as she glowered at the mocking super being. Not willing to listen to his laughter any longer, she grimaced, then spat in his face. His amused countenance quickly changed to a look of feral anger. Lois began to gasp for breath as his fist began to tighten around her throat.

"No!" St. John came over and placed his hand on the clone's arm. "We need her alive... for now."

The clone released his grip on her neck. Lois dropped roughly to the hard ground. Nigel brushed some dust off his jacket as he turned to head back the way they'd originally come.

He nodded at the large, silent thug. "Bring her along." Grasping her by the shoulders, the brute hauled Lois to her feet and dragged her along following the others.

Lois didn't resist. The fight has temporarily gone out of her as her heart twisted in her chest and she flung one last gaze over her shoulder to where she'd last seen Clark disappearing into the distance. Without super powers there was no way he would have survived, even if the bullets from Nigel's gun hadn't killed him first. She didn't know what to expect now, and a part of her didn't even care.


Henderson was lying on the small bed and found himself staring at the ceiling. There didn't seem to be much else for him to do. He was nervous, and on edge, but someone looking in on him at that moment wouldn't be able to tell that from his prone body. His turmoil was mostly mental. If only there was some way he could be of use, instead of just lying here like a helpless Pollyanna waiting for others to decide his fate.

He knew that Lois and Clark were on site, and obviously St. John was going to have to deal with that, but what manner that would take he couldn't guess. He hoped that Nigel would be content to let them wander about aimlessly; then allow them to leave after finding no way to enter the facility. That was what he hoped, but he didn't believe it. He was very worried about the couple. Knowing Lois like he did, he wasn't surprised that she had come running once she'd figured out his clues to his whereabouts. He'd hoped that Kent would have been a voice of reason, and would've recommended caution. But then this was Lois Lane, and it wasn't like anyone would be able to change her mind once she got an idea into that beautiful little head. He prayed that she wouldn't be hurt.

Suddenly, the quiet of his silent musings was shattered by the sounds of angry shouts and scuffling outside his door. The door flew open and a raging bundle of fury was tossed into the room. The door slammed shut with a note of finality. Henderson looked over at his new roommate.


He slowly got out of the bed as he watched as her head snap around to fix him with a gaze. Her clothes were dirty and stained with blood. There was blood on her hands but she didn't appear injured or hurt in any way. The look of fury and outright hatred he saw on her face quickly evaporated.

"Bill?" she asked, her voice cracking as she spoke.

Henderson was aghast. He took a step toward her. "Lois? What happened? Are you hurt?"

He could see flames of anger quickly flare back up in her eyes. "Hurt?" She said, as her voice cracked again. "We came up here to see if we could help you. I'm covered in my *fiance's* blood." The sarcasm was heavy as she almost sneered out the word fiance. "My world has been torn to shreds because of you, and what do I see when I finally find you?" There were flecks of foam at the corner of Lois' mouth. Bill involuntarily took a step backwards. "I find you lying comfortably on your fat backside twiddling your thumbs!"


Lois clenched her fists. "Are you bruised and battered from repeated attempts to escape? No. Are you tied down to keep you from over-powering your guards and getting free? No." She grabbed the chair and swung it against the small mirror above the desk. The shattering glass echoed loudly in the shocked silence. Lois picked up a shard of jagged mirror and held it out in front of her, not even feeling the blood beginning to drip from the wound she had inflicted on herself from holding the sharp glass too tightly. "Have you even tried to use any of the weapons at your disposal to free yourself?" He flinched at the fierceness of her glare. "Well? Have you!"

Henderson approached his overwrought former partner cautiously. "Lois, tell me what happened?" He held his hands out in front of him. "Put that piece of glass down and talk to me."

Lois savagely flung the jagged shard to the floor. "Answer me!"

"Lois, it's not that simple." He continued to approach the woman slowly, keeping his voice low and soothing. It was obvious that she was on the edge. "You have to realize that, for all its apparent comfort, this is no less a prison cell. I've had no opportunity to try to escape." He tried to give her his more boyish grin. "It's not like I'm Superman and can bust through that heavy wooden door."

"What did you say!" Bill was startled by the look of rage that burned in her eyes. "How dare you." Her tone was low and venomous.

She took two long strides which brought her right up to the startled ex-cop. She launched a savage right cross which landed squarely on Henderson's jaw. He was rocked back by the force of the blow and stumbled back against the bed, falling to a sitting position. He stared up at the shaking bundle of rage in front of him. He opened his mouth but no sound came out. He didn't know what to say.

Lois' breathing became more ragged and her shoulders shook. He could see the emotion start to drain out of her body as she continued to stare at him. The fire in her eyes died down, and tears began to flow down her cheeks. Suddenly her muscles seemed to lose the ability to hold her upright. Her legs began to wobble and she slowly sank to her knees. Her chin hit her chest as great wracking sobs began to rock her body.

Bill reached out and took her in his arms. Drawing her close he couldn't help but feel the misery that emanated off the distraught woman in waves.

"What is it, Lois? What happened? Where's Kent?"

He could barely hear her strangled words as she choked them out between sobs. "He's dead, Bill. Clark's dead. They killed him."


Emil Hamilton sat at the laboratory bench, a tight frown on his face. He knew he was being watched. He could feel it, like an itch in the back of his neck. There was no one else in the lab with him, but he knew his every move was being monitored.

He was still pretty confused, but some things had become clearer. Something wasn't right with Superman. He just didn't seem the same man that Emil had met all those months ago. There was something... almost sinister about the super hero. Had his illness had some sort of psychological effect on the him? Or had Hamilton just misread the Man of Steel's character on those few occasions when they had met previously. And as for his friends, well, the Professor couldn't say he cared much for any of them either.

After cooling his heels for days in that small dorm-like room, Hamilton was finally brought to this very well-equipped lab and told to get busy on the kryptonite antidote. Oh, the request had been couched in much friendlier terms, with the implication that the Professor was doing a great thing for his friend, Superman, and the world. But the meaning had been clear. There had been a very real, if unspoken, threat underlying their request.

Their words might pretend to embrace a comradeship. But he knew that he definitely wasn't a guest. He was a prisoner. One who was expected to produce what he'd told Superman he'd been able to discover. The problem was, he wasn't sure that he wanted to anymore.

The door opened behind him, and Hamilton turned to see Dr. Mamba enter the room. He'd heard of Mamba, and his controversial theories, before, but had only met the man for the first time yesterday.

It was hard not to be in awe of Mamba's brilliance, but the man just seemed to be very self-involved. Emil had met ego-driven scientists before, but Mamba's ambition clearly went beyond mere self-gratification. Hamilton got the impression that the man was after much more than the affirmation of his theories. He wanted fame? Or perhaps... monetary gain?

"So, Professor, is the laboratory up to your standards? Is the equipment satisfactory, or is there something else you require?" Emil knew Mamba's genial nature was put on.

"No, the lab is fine, but I'd very much like to contact my employer and tell them why I haven't been to work the last few days."

Mamba clapped his large hand onto the smaller man's shoulder. "No need to worry about that, Professor. Superman will make sure that you suffer no repercussions by being here. I'm sure you understand the need to keep Superman's fortress a secret."

Hamilton frowned at the condescending tone in Mamba's voice. They'd been giving him that story of this being Superman's secret 'Fortress of Solitude' since they'd finally let him out of that room. He wasn't buying it, but he also wasn't stupid enough to anger his 'hosts'.

"So tell me, Doctor," Hamilton began. "What's a renowned man of science like yourself doing here? I thought I read somewhere that your specialty was... cloning?"

"Yes, cloning for medical research." Mamba guided Emil back over to his work bench. "But, you know how problematic such studies can be. Too many skittish politicians involving themselves in areas which they have no real knowledge. It can be very frustrating." The doctor clapped Hamilton on the back once again. "That's why I'm so grateful to Superman. He believes in the vast benefits that my research can bring to the people, so he allows me the use of this facility to further that research. And now he is providing you with the same opportunity."

"I didn't ask to come here." Hamilton frowned at the bemused look on the other man's face. "I was doing just fine with my research on my own back at Star Labs."

Mamba nodded just a bit too enthusiastically. "True, very true, Professor. And if what you mentioned to Superman proves to be true, then it is indeed a wonderful thing. If the Man of Steel never has to worry about the effects of that deadly crystal ever again, it would be a great thing. Not only for him, but for the whole world."

"I agree, which is why I embarked on the study in the first place." Hamilton let some of his frustration show through. "But what I don't understand is why I'm being kept prisoner in a secret facility?"

Mamba chuckled. "No, no, Professor. You misunderstand our motives. You are not a prisoner. You are our guest. But surely you see the need for secrecy here? Security at your own lab may be good, but it is nothing like we can provide here. And I'm sure you would agree that if word of your research ever leaked out to Superman's enemies, they would stop at nothing to destroy it, or find a way to turn it against our hero. Your own life would be in grave danger."

Hamilton let out a small sigh. Mamba's arguments did make sense, but to his ears there was a false ring to the doctor's words. It was the undercurrent of threat that pervaded his manner, and the whole facility, that didn't allow Emil to embrace the high-sounding words being thrown at him.

For all that was said about being a guest, and it was only security reasons that kept him so sequestered and shut off from the outside world, he knew that if he wished to leave before his research was completed, it wouldn't be allowed. And that's what still confused him, for that wasn't the way the Superman he'd known operated. He also couldn't help but wonder what would happen to him once he'd completed his antidote.


Nigel looked up from paper he was reading when Mamba entered the office space he'd taken for his own. "So, how was your meeting with the good Professor?" he asked.

Mamba sat in a chair across from the small desk which St. John sat behind. "Not bad, but not good either. I'm afraid our Professor Hamilton is still very suspicious, but is also too confused to know the truth."

Nigel nodded. "I see. Well, I think that another chat with our Superman is called for. Let the hero reinforce the scenario we've created and calm the man's fears." St. John shifted the paper to the side of the desk. "What about the surveillance?"

Mamba waved his hand in a gesture of dismissal. "No problem. I'm sure he's not aware of the cameras we have watching him." He shrugged. "And even if he is, it doesn't matter. There is no way he can hide any of his research from our scrutiny. Once he's finished with his *miracle* antidote I'll know exactly what it is and how it was done."

"And how to negate it?" St. John was quick to add. "We wouldn't want to lose our ability to control our creation should his programming ever break down."

Mamba's grin was not one of amusement. "Not to worry."

"So, what about our other project? How's that one coming along."

The doctor's grin got wider. "We were lucky. The culture materials you brought were excellent. They reacted immediately to the process. You'll have a full grown specimen in a few days."

"Excellent. And the programming?"

"Shouldn't be a problem. I'll only have to modify what we used on Superman slightly." Mamba leaned back in the chair. "So what are you going to do about our other guests?"

Nigel sighed. "I'm afraid I'll have to continue on as I have been. I'll use Henderson as a lever to keep Lane working for me in the police department. As time goes by I'll need her presence there more and more."

"But you killed her lover."

St. John looked at Mamba with a raised brow. "Whether they were or not is in some doubt, but it doesn't matter. I hope that Lane is smart enough to learn the lesson." A slight, but vicious, smile turned the corners of Nigel's lips. "You break the rules, you pay the penalty."

The two men sat in silence for several moments before St. John broke the stillness. "You're sure we can't just clone her?"

"Who... Lane?" Mamba shook his head. "No, I told you, neither she nor Henderson are viable candidates for cloning. You see there is a small percentage of the population who... do you want the technical explanation again?" Mamba broke off, looking at St. John expectantly. At Nigel's negative shake of his head, he continued. "Well, okay. It just happens that there is a small percentage of people who, due to reasons I won't go into, cannot be successfully cloned. The studies on the DNA samples you've provided on each of them show me that neither Henderson nor Lane would be able to be cloned." Mamba grinned. "I guess you could say that they are each one of a kind."

Nigel just snorted. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to rely on the old tried and true method of coercion to keep her in line." Nigel picked his paper back up. "Is there anything else?"

Mamba winked at the stoic Brit. "Just one more thing. I need some money. I have a few things I want to acquire."

Another sigh escaped from Nigel's lips. "Of course you do."


Lois sat in the hard wooden chair at the desk in Bill's room. She was staring straight ahead, but not seeing anything. She had gone into the small bathroom and washed the blood off her as best as possible. Her shirt was damp from where she tried to wipe it with a wet towel. It had been too late. The shirt had been permanently stained already.

She found herself wondering if Clark had suffered much. Had the bullets done their job before Clark hit the ground so far below? Had he lost consciousness and thus been spared the extra pain of the horrendous impact from such a height? Lois had hoped so. She couldn't bear the thought of Clark suffering.

She felt lost. Superman, the real Superman, was now gone, as was the gentle, wonderful man who was Clark Kent. The world would eventually miss Superman, but she missed the real man. She missed Clark Kent, and probably would till the day she died.

"Lois, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." Bill's contrite tone barely registered in her consciousness. "I never meant for any of this to happen. If I had only..."

"Shut up." Lois turned to look at her former partner. A man she had risked everything for. A man Clark had died trying to help. "Don't waste your time with apologies or recriminations. What's done is done." She turned away and resumed staring at the far wall. Suddenly she felt his arm around her shoulders.

"Lois, don't do this to yourself. It wasn't your fault." He gave her a hug.

She shook her head slowly. "No, it wasn't my fault. And despite what I said earlier, it wasn't your fault either." She absently reached up and patted his hand with her own. "We are caught up in a complex mess that has escalated beyond what we'd ever thought. But let's not forget where the blame for this disaster really lies. It lies squarely on the shoulders of that disgusting former Luthor toady, Nigel St. John. And I swear that I will have justice if it takes me the rest of my life."

Bill moved back to sit on the edge of the bed. No words were spoken for several minutes. The breathing of the two friends were the only sounds in the room. Finally a sigh broke the silence.

"I think I was falling in love with him."

"I know." She looked over at him, confusion on her face. "Hey, I may not have been around much lately, but even I could see that there was a chemistry starting to work there." He chuckled softly. "It was obvious that Kent was totally smitten with you."

Lois could feel the heat in her cheeks as she turned away and ran a hand through her hair. She fought back the tears that threatened to start falling again. She'd spent too much time crying already. Tears wouldn't bring Clark back.

She got up and moved over to sit on the bed next to him. "We've been friends for a long time, Bill, and I love you dearly, but there was just something about Clark that I can't put into words." She shrugged. "If I believed in such things, I'd say we were somehow meant for each other."

"Soulmates?" Bill gave her a sly smile.

She returned the smile as a tear escaped the corner of one eye. "Something like that."

Bill shook his head in mild amusement. "Who would have thunk it. Lois Lane turning into a warm and fuzzy romantic."

Lois bit down on her lip to keep from crying. "Yeah, typical Lois Lane luck. She finally finds the perfect man only to lose him before they even have a chance at love." She allowed herself to fall against her friend. "Oh Bill, what am I going to do?"

"Exactly as you are told."

Both Lois and Henderson's attention was immediately drawn to the door that they hadn't noticed opening. Nigel St. John stepped through accompanied by his usual mute giant. Lois felt the heat of her anger flare up again.

Lois stood and faced the tall Englishman. "After what you did, if you think I would do anything you ever said again, you have to be out of your mind." She spat the words out through gritted teeth.

Maintaining his unflappable demeanor, St. John shook his head at the angry woman. "Now, Detective Lane, you'll have to admit it wasn't I who broke our agreement. I've kept my word. You can see for yourself that your partner has been well taken care of." Nigel fastened his gaze onto Lois. "I'm not the one who sneaked up the side of the mountain in some foolish attempt at what... a rescue?"

Lois found it hard to not launch herself at St. John once again. She clenched her fists so hard that they turned white. She had to take several deep breaths before she could speak.

"You killed Clark. I will not rest until I see you either behind bars for the rest of your life... or dead."

"You will continue to do just as you were originally instructed." he said, as if she hadn't just threatened him. "You were the one to try and get around our agreement and now you have suffered the consequences. It's unfortunate that Mr. Kent had to pay for your recklessness, but if you break the rules there are penalties."

Nigel continued to stroll back and forth in front of the two police officers. "Kent's death doesn't change anything. I still need you in the department to keep an eye on things for me. And I still have your partner. If you don't want to see him hurt, you'll go back to doing what you are told to do."

Lois let loose a string of expletives that even brought a look of mild surprise from Nigel. Shaking his head sadly, St. John nodded at his large silent associate. The big man moved over and grabbed Henderson by the front of his shirt and threw him against the wall. He followed up with a kick to the ribs, then picked up the slender cop and slammed him against the wall once again.

"Stop it!" Lois grabbed at the big fellow's arm.

Nigel nodded, and the thug let Henderson slip bonelessly to the floor. Lois rushed over to her friend, offering what comfort she could.

"Kent was a regrettable lesson that hopefully you have now learned, Miss Lane. But if you don't want that lesson repeated on your old partner here you will go back to Metropolis and get back to being a member of the city's finest."

Lois glared at the older man. "You mean go back and be your stooge in the department."

"Whatever." Nigel finally allowed himself a true smile. "Call it what you will. If you want your ex-partner to continue... undamaged, then you will go back and honor our original agreement." St. John nodded once again to his over-sized flunky. The man quickly came over and opened the door. Nigel moved toward the open doorway. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "It's quite late. I'll let you two have the rest of the evening to say your goodbyes. I'll send someone to escort Miss Lane to her vehicle at first light." Once again he allowed a smile to crease his face. "Have a pleasant evening." The door closed with a resounding thump, quickly followed by the click of the lock.

Lois helped Bill to his feet and guided him over to the small bed. Once she had him lying comfortably, she sat on the corner of the bed and stared at the closed door. She didn't have the energy to fight them any more so she let the tears flow unabated.