Companion Story - The Third World

Table of Contents

Original Story - Jungle Love


Bernie Klein felt like a teenage girl must feel when she's waiting for her boyfriend to call her back in high school. He paced around the room, hoping and praying that Major Nelson would call him back, advising him of Clark's arrival in the ISS.

Finally – the phone rang. Bernie nearly flew to his desk in his earnestness to answer it.

"Klein here."

"Yeah, Major Nelson calling you back. You were right, Klein. Superman flew right in front of the space station to alert them that he needed entry. He's inside with the crew. He has a message for you and his wife; I'll read it to you:

My dearest Lois and my good friend Bernie: I'm fine, but there are red and green rings of what I believe to be Kryptonite particle dust that have formed around the earth. They resembles the rings of Saturn. I'm not sure that coming home right now makes sense. Bernie, if you can run some tests to determine the level of Kryptonite radioactivity in the atmosphere and then let Major Nelson know, I would appreciate it. Lois, honey, I love you, and miss you so much. I'll be home as soon as Bernie assures me it's safe.

Bernie took a deep breath. This was what he had suspected all along, but at least Clark was safe for the time being. "Major, please inform Clark that I'm working on that problem immediately and that I'll pass his message on to Lois as soon as possible. Thanks so much for getting back to me."

"You're welcome, Klein. Call me when you have something, and we'll run some tests here as well."

"Great. I will do that. Thanks again."

Bernie realized that he had memorized the phone number of the Daily Planet, as well as Lois Lane's brand-new extension number!

Lois' voice mail picked up. Bernie left a message advising her that he had heard from Clark, and to call him at STAR Labs as soon as possible for the full details.


Lois said good-bye to her mother, after surviving what could only be called "The lunch from Hell", and entered the Daily Planet's lobby, where additional LNN monitors had been set up. There was a news announcement that stopped her cold in her tracks:

Breaking news at this hour! LNN has just been informed by EPRAD and NASA that Clark Kent, also known as Superman, has miraculously survived and he has joined the three astronauts living in the International Space Station, code-named Expedition 7. It is uncertain at this time why Superman has not returned home to earth. There is speculation that some of the particles and debris from the demolition of the asteroid contains both green and possibly a new type of Kryptonite which is red in color. It is well known that the meteor rock named Kryptonite, the remains of Superman's exploded planet Krypton, is deadly to him. If this is why he is staying away, we at LNN can only speculate how long he might have to remain in space. We want Superman to know, on behalf of LNN and planet Earth, how grateful we are to him, and that we hope he can safely return to us as soon as possible.

Lois gasped and began feeling light-headed. She quickly headed for one of the sofas in the lobby to sit down. Walter and Scott, her now-favorite doormen, noticed her despair and immediately came over and sat down next to her.

"Ms. Lane – are you going to be okay?" Walter asked. "Do you want some water? What can we do for you? I just heard the news about Mr. Kent. I'm glad he's okay, and I hope he can come home soon. He's a great man."

"Thanks Walter. You're right – he's a *super* man. A glass of water would be great, thanks."

Walter nodded to Scott who swiftly left to get the glass of water requested.

Lois then became aware of the leering crowd that was clustered around her. Pretty soon *she* would be the breaking news on those giant plasma TV monitors. That thought got her blood boiling and she stood up and yelled, "I'm fine, people – go about your business! Don't you have anything better to do?"

The crowd dissipated; Lois' rant and deadly stare would have intimidated a hardened criminal.

Walter escorted Lois over to the water cooler, where Scott was just finished filling up a paper cup for her.

"Ms. Lane, here you go," said Scott, handing her the cup of water. "I'm really sorry about Mr. Kent not coming home right away. At least he's safe. I'm sure he's doing everything he can to come back to you. If you were my wife, I know I sure would."

Lois' heart melted. "Scott, I'm sorry you and I got off on the wrong footing. You're a sweet guy." She gave him a kiss on the forehead. Scott looked at her with a glazed expression – as if he would never, ever, wash his forehead again.

Walter, older and wiser, who spoke with a slight Southern accent, smiled and winked at Lois. "Ms. Lane, why don't we accompany you upstairs to make sure you’re okay?"

Lois smiled, replying, "No Walter – really, I'm okay. The news was just pretty shocking. I needed a few minutes to compose myself. Thank you both so much though – I really appreciate your kindness."

With that, she pushed the "up" button; the doors opened immediately, and she stepped inside to an empty elevator car, wondering what else could possibly happen today? Sadly, there would definitely not be a re-enactment of the sexy elevator love scene that she and Clark had shared just hours earlier! <Sounds like I'm in for a long dry spell, now.>


Clark received word back at the ISS that Bernie Klein had gotten his message and that he would convey it to Lois ASAP. Somewhat relieved, he began learning the names of his fellow space-mates. If they would be working together for some time, at least they could be friendly and build some camaraderie. And the newspaperman that still resided within him whispered to him that there might be one fantastic story to write about when he finally *did* get home!

It turned out that there were two American astronauts and one Russian Air Force colonel on board whose last name was difficult at best to pronounce. Almost immediately the four of them were on a first-name basis – Yuri, Ed, Don, and, of course, Clark. The crew was scheduled to remain in space for six months, and had only arrived several weeks prior. Clark was amazed by the microgravity environment of the space shuttle and how easily the crew had adapted to it. As someone who had been able to defy gravity for the last 20 years or so of his life, he knew that being somewhat weightless took some getting used to. Apparently the rigorous training the crew had endured to prepare them for living in space had been worth it.

He assured the men that he didn't need to eat, and therefore wouldn't needlessly wear down their living rations. An unmanned cargo craft docks with the ISS every several months to provide the crew with food, water, clothing, personal effects, fuel, and equipment. And the view of the earth from the space station was unimaginably beautiful. Clark felt a warm glow that he had been able to save the earth from destruction, even if he couldn't be enjoying his newfound life with his wife and folks.

Clark felt it best to leave his space suit in the cargo hull, because it was coated with Kryptonite particle dust. He felt very dizzy when he removed the suit and had to momentarily stand adjacent to it. Once he entered the cabin and got some distance between himself and the suit, he started to feel better.

The crew was very interested in studying earth's new red and green rings. Clark explained that the rings had been formed from the explosion of the nuclear warhead he had used to eliminate the Nightfall asteroid. Somehow, the tip of the rocket must have been coated with Kryptonite. One of his enemies, he explained, that knew that the stuff was deadly to him was responsible. Until he was sure that the level of radiation in earth's atmosphere from the particle dust would not weaken him, he needed to stay up in space – with them.

The men were honored to have Clark / Superman as their crew-mate. After all, he had saved *their* lives as well.


Lois walked out of the elevator and straight over to her desk. It was now late afternoon, and this most recent news was too much to bear. She was about ready to resign from the Planet! The little voice inside of her that was not a quitter just wouldn't let her do that, however. As she sat down, the LED screen on her phone indicated that there was a voice mail message.

Lois retrieved her messages, and found that it was from Bernie Klein:

Lois, I got a message from Clark. You may have heard already that he can't come home yet - until I can determine how dangerous the Kryptonite particle dust that's invaded our atmosphere will be to him. He sends his love to you. Perhaps this week we can go to NASA and attempt some type of semi-live communication with him. Call me back at your convenience. Thanks, Bernie.

Lois bent over in her chair and briefly put her head down on her desk. Shades of milk and cookies time in kindergarten, so many years ago! She hadn't spent a night without Clark since they met in Brazzaville. Tomorrow, she was scheduled to meet with Dr. Deter again. That was it. It was time to call it a day!

She popped her head into Mark's area and said, "I'm sure you heard that Clark's trapped in space. I'm sure your bosses had something to do with it. Congratulations. I'm going home. See you tomorrow after my appointment."

With that, she turned and rapidly headed towards the elevator without waiting for his response. If she had stayed long enough to see Boyle's reaction to her rant, she would have been 100% certain that Clark's exile in space was the handiwork of Edge Enterprises. Boyle broke into a wide smile and immediately picked up his private cell phone; this time, his call was to the business office of the infamous Maxwell Deter.

"Dr. Maxwell Deter's office, Sarah speaking. How many I help you today?"

"Yes, this is Mark Boyle of the Daily Planet. I'd like to speak with Maxwell, please."

"I'm sorry, Mr. – Boyle, did you say it was? He's with a patient and can't be disturbed."

"Did you say your name was Sarah? Well, Sarah, this call is in regards to a very important appointment he has with another patient tomorrow morning. I suggest you *do* interrupt him."

Mark's dry, British accent coupled with his abrupt assertive tone wore the receptionist down. "Mr. Boyle, may I put you on hold? Let me see if I can interrupt him."

"Very good. I'd be glad to hold."

Several minutes later, Maxwell Deter found himself cutting his current appointment short due to a "family emergency" he had just been made aware of.

"Deter here."

"Yes, Mark Boyle here. I'm Lois Lane's current supervisor; at least until next week, when Perry White returns. I understand Ms. Lane has another appointment with you tomorrow morning."

"Mr. Boyle, I'm sure you're aware of the restrictions I'm under in regards to doctor-patient confidentiality. All I can tell you is what's contained in my report, and I believe you have already received the summary of our first consultation."

"Cut the crap, as you Yankees say; we all work for the same person and I happen to know you're being paid obscenely well. We need to meet tonight. I have further instructions for you. How about the Metro Club, around 8:00 o'clock tonight? I understand that's a popular hangout."

Deter's tone of voice changed completely. The businesslike veneer had disappeared. "Yeah - know the place well. I'm there about every night. Is Thorul going to be there?"

"He's taking care of his affairs back on the West Coast, but he'll be back here by Friday. This meeting will be just you and me."

"Fine. How will I know who you are?"

"People tell me I look like Clark Kent's older brother."


Lois said good-bye to Walter and Scott one more time as she hit the sidewalk. She realized that without Clark to transport her to their apartment, she would have to walk – not a good idea with heels – or flag a taxicab. <Back to my *old* life for awhile – just me and my cab driver! Have to get another SUV as soon as I qualify for a car loan!>

After successfully hailing a cab and even tipping the driver, Lois headed upstairs, feeling suddenly *very* lonely. She hadn't spent a night by herself in over ten years. Living in a refugee camp was horrible, but there was security in numbers. The whole apartment reminded her of Clark – well, it *was* his place, after all! She walked over and picked up the frame which displayed the picture taken of her twin in the crowd that fateful day that Clark had been exposed as Superman. He'd had it enlarged; it had been taken about seven years ago. Looking at the other Lois, she was reminded how Clark would probably have married Lana had her doppelganger never showed up, turning his life upside down. It truly was a bizarre twist of fate.

Lois also wondered if she herself would have made it out of Brazzaville alive if Clark hadn't been so motivated to find and meet her. As she placed the photo back down on the coffee table, she noticed a plain white envelope with her name on it. That was certainly Clark's handwriting. Opening it quickly, tears began to flow freely as she read his letter to her:

My dearest Lois,

I'm writing this just before I head into space. I'm a bit scared, but I'm more frightened of what might happen if I don't go. There is always a chance that I won't come back, that I will fail. If I do fail, then you probably won't ever get a chance to read this. That is unthinkable. But assuming that I do save earth but for some reason I can't make it back to you, I wanted you to know how much I love you.

After the other Lois came to this world and then abruptly left, I spent seven long years realizing that even though for many years, I thought I had loved Lana, she had been all wrong for me. She never accepted me for who I really was. I knew that if only I could find you, my life would be whole again. I knew that only a woman named Lois Lane could challenge me, understand me, enlighten me, and love me unconditionally.

Even though we have only been together several weeks, it feels like it's been a lifetime. I will never regret our time together. If my life does end tonight or tomorrow, at least two weeks of it will have been spent with the most beautiful, pigheaded, feisty, intelligent, and loving woman that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Wherever I am, I will love you always.

We have a connection that can't be severed by death. Even when we weren't together, I felt your presence every night. You were my sounding board so many times when I would come home to a empty apartment after a difficult rescue mission, or arrived a minute too late to save a child's life. You'll never know how much feeling that you were there with me helped during those dark nights. Wherever I am when you're reading this, I'm sure I'm feeling your presence right now.

My fervent hope is that you will devote whatever resources it takes to bring down Thorul and Edge Enterprises if I don't come back. Of course, If I'm not around, you won't have to worry about the threat of them using Kryptonite against me. You know Perry will support you 100% in your efforts. I would also go see your old buddy John Olson and see if he can get you into some type of witness protection program. Have your mother and Lucy guarded as well. Don't let them get away with it, Lois. You're strong. You can do it.

Just know that I will always love you and wherever I am, in this world or the next, I will be watching over you.

I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone.

Your sweet Clark.

Lois took the letter and brought it into the bedroom with her. She changed into a comfortable nightshirt, brushed her teeth, set her alarm for 6:00 a.m., and crawled into bed. She looked at the clock – it was only 5:30 p.m. She was thoroughly exhausted from the strain of the day. She placed Clark's letter on her chest, over her heart. Maybe their mental connection would re-surface soon. For now, she needed to close her eyes and make all these problems go away, somehow. Tears continued to stain her pillow until she was soon fast asleep.

Clark was there, lying next to her. She could feel his warm breath on her neck. Everything was going to be okay.


Clark was floating in his sleep, as it was his turn to take a nap while his space-mates were on duty. Floating might be a tad unusual back on earth, but it was a quite common occurrence at the ISS. He was "with" Lois. He could feel her, smell the herbal fragrance of her hair which rested on his shoulder. He was home – in bed with his wife. No problems from Kryptonite poisoning. They were together. Everything was right with the world again.


Bernie Klein was planning on working through the night, running atmospheric tests and analyzing earth's new Christmas-colored rings. He was somewhat surprised that Lois hadn't called him back, but he was mindful that she had been through what anyone would have to have called a grueling day and assumed she may appreciate some down time. She was, after all, a newlywed, and what a shock it must to her system that her husband was marooned on the space station.

Bernie felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. If there was any time for him to discover that elusive Kryptonite antidote, this was it! Planet Earth needed her Superman. The criminals and the underworld would be having a field day! What was he missing? It must be right in front of him. So obvious that he couldn’t quite see it. What was it about Clark's physiology that a rock, which was entirely harmless to earthlings, could kill him and rob him of his powers? He pulled his folders out containing the previous test results and fixated on the numbers and theories contained therein. It was then that he had a mini-brainstorm. He grabbed his paperwork and headed over to EPRAD, where there was a possibility he could communicate live with Clark and ask him some very important questions!




"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"