Original Story - Jungle Love

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Clark observed that James was looking as haggard as ever at Timmy's wake. His Aunt Margaret, mother of the deceased, looked even worse if that was possible. His Dad, John Olson, the former "Johnny Jabbermouth", was there as well to lend moral support, as Timmy's mother was his sister. James hadn't showed his face at the Planet since the day he had signed his shares over to LNN / Edge Enterprises; he had been out on bereavement leave. After the calling hours ended, James, Perry, Alice, Bill Henderson, Maggie Sawyer, Clark, and Lois gathered outside the funeral home for an off-the-record discussion of the suicide/murder case.

"James, I want you to know that we're officially ruling this case a murder investigation, based on the fake suicide note left behind. The handwritten notes you had found from him when he working for you at the Planet were just what we needed. Our handwriting expert decidedly agreed that the note was a forgery; coupled with your comment that Timmy always referred to you as "Jimmy"… well that was all I needed to make that decision," Bill said. "Problem is, we have no leads. Forensics found nothing useful - no fingerprints on the letter. Clark, you said you didn't see anything either?"

"No… the bathroom was left as clean as a whistle, Bill. With what I know of Edge Enterprises, assuming they're behind this, that doesn't surprise me. Their hired goons are the best in the business; that's why it's been so hard to pin anything on them," Clark replied.

"Well, Clark, this asteroid business has to take precedence over a murder investigation," Maggie chimed in. "First order of business is for you to save the world, in case EPRAD and NASA can't."

The group hastily agreed that in the scheme of things, a 17-mile wide asteroid gunning for Planet Earth certainly made a murder investigation pale in comparison.

James noticed his Aunt and his father waiting for him by the limousine. "Guys, I gotta go. Thanks so much for coming. Clark and Lois, I'll be back to the office by Wednesday."

"I'll see you at the funeral tomorrow morning," Clark promised him, giving the younger man an affectionate hug. "Take care."

"Thanks again, buddy," James said, his eyes misting over. He turned his head away from Clark's empathetic eyes to save his male pride and dignity. "See you tomorrow, then."



Perry, Alice, Lois and Clark decided to go out for coffee and dessert and discuss the latest happenings – or lack thereof – at the Planet. Since Lois was in constant fear of bugging devices, Clark flew Perry's limo (with the three of them seated within) over the state line to Connecticut, and found a 24-hour diner off of Interstate 95 in the affluent coastal town of Greenwich.

Clark placed the vehicle gently down in the parking lot. Luckily, the few observers to his "flying carpet" trick would have tested way past the legal drinking limit anyway. "That's one helluva way to beat the traffic on the interstate," Perry joked. "Saves money on gas and tolls, too!"

After they ordered, Lois was the first one to start. "Perry, how are you going to stand having Mark Boyle working for you? Don't you have any say in the matter?"

"Lois, I know the guy's a scumbag – but believe it or not, he has good instincts. And *no*, I don't have any say when the owners themselves hired him. Our first order of business is to find a way to connect Edge Enterprises with Intergang, and then find a way to bankrupt them so James can get controlling interest of the Planet again. That's a tall order, and not one we can work on during company time. We're going to have to have a weekly meeting – obviously off site – to discuss our leads."

"Off – site shouldn't be hard to do with Propaganda here on our side," Lois said, kissing her husband affectionately on the cheek. She thought some more, and then added, "assuming the asteroid problem is properly eliminated."

<"Oh Clark… I don't want to think about the alternative.">

<"Lois… if I have to go, Bernie's going to ensure I have enough oxygen and solar energy to get back home safely. Please don't worry, honey.">

"When are they sending that missile up anyway? Tomorrow?" Perry asked.

"Yes, tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.," Clark replied. "It will take 28 hours to reach the asteroid; if it doesn't do the job, then I have a small window of time to get to STAR LABS to prepare to fly into space with my own personal nuclear rocket!"

"Wow," Alice interjected. "The world will be your oyster, Clark, if you save us all in the nick of time like that."

"Alice, I finally have the family I always wanted. I would do *anything* to protect Earth from harm – whatever it takes," asserted Clark. "I don't want the papers calling me a hero, either. These powers are a gift and I would hope that anyone who had special abilities like mine would use them to help out."

"Sweets – not everyone is as intrinsically good as you are. Others would use your powers for personal gain, don't kid yourself. The person you are is just as special as the abilities you have." Lois finished her point by bestowing Clark with a wet sloppy kiss.

"You two are really sickening together… it's Elvis and Priscilla all over again," Perry noted. "Except I have a feeling you'll be together forever. There's no divorce in your futures!"

"Absolutely not," they agreed.


Clark dropped off Perry and Alice, along with their limo, back to the Mayor's Mansion. They had decided that every Wednesday, the four of them – to include James – would gather outside the Planet building and then they would surreptitiously 'travel' to a different location each week – courtesy of 'Superman Express' - to update each other on Project BEED (Bring Edge Enterprises Down). Clark and Lois, of course, had their own agendas as well.

Their #1 priority, after the asteroid situation was resolved, would be to do everything possible to help Bernie Klein find a cure for Kryptonite poisoning. Once that was out of the way, Clark could thoroughly investigate the entire Edge/LNN/Luthor Corp/Thorul connection with Lois' blessings. Until that day, they would both be walking on eggshells around both Thorul and Boyle. And Lois still had to inform her sister Lucy that her husband Will Church was probably in bed with the lot of them – a corporate gangster, as it were. That was definitely not something she was looking forward to.

Next on their agenda would be to find some evidence that Timmy Carlson was murdered by Edge's cronies. They would work closely with Maggie Sawyer and Bill Henderson on that issue. Lastly was Lois' personal quest to initiate Operation 'Somewhere in Time' – somehow, if she could psyche out her nemesis and unnerve him, she felt she would be on the road to beat him at his own game. Since she was forced to go to a psychiatrist on the Daily Planet's dime, perhaps she could learn something useful from the techniques that Dr. Deter used on her?


Back in the apartment, Lois grabbed the folder that she had placed the copy of M. Kent's "Letter to the Editor". Clark had one copy laminated to preserve it; there were several other plain-paper copies as well. Reading it over, she wrote a personal note on one of the copies, and placed it in a blank white business-size envelope.

They never communicated aloud in their home anymore about important issues, as Lois was too paranoid to feel comfortable with it. She reasoned that since they had the gift of telepathy, they might as well utilize it.

<"Clark, we're going to need to mail this from the Hotel Del. Somehow I've got to make him think that 'M. Kent' is watching him, disappointed that the 15 year old sweet, intelligent teenager she interviewed has turned out to be a ruthless businessman. And if this has a Coronado, California postmark, he won't go looking for 'her' in Smallville.">

<"Not a problem, honey; we can fly there anytime you want – but 'you', as 'M. Kent', would be about 65 years old now if you were still alive.">

<"That's just it! I want him to think I'm from another time period. I wonder if he remembers what I looked like? I doubt it. Do you remember what the adults that you met when you were fifteen looked like? Well, maybe *you* would, Propaganda, but most of us with normal non-Kryptonian memories wouldn't.">

<"So assuming he doesn't remember what you looked like…what do you plan to do? Disguise yourself? Don't you think it's possible that somewhere in the back of his memory, you look vaguely familiar to him? He may have felt a little déjà-vu when he met you and not know why.">

<"I thought about that, sweets. I could probably use that to my advantage if that was the case, huh? Maybe I should go over to his office to see him and try to feel him out. Perhaps if I ask him about his childhood a bit, I can draw something out of him?">

<"Honey, that sounds dangerous. We don't know what he's capable of, but if he's a Luthor, the sky's the limit.">

<"You're going to have to trust me on this one, Propaganda. My women's intuition will get me through it in one piece. But just in case, I'll bring the cell phone!">

<"Honey – it's time for bed.">

<"It might be bedtime – but it's definitely not time to *sleep*!">

Clark, smiling broadly, grabbed his obsessing wife and floated them to the bedroom. The only sound any undetected bugging devices would pick up would be that of a man and woman, terribly in love, screaming their pleasure to each other, over and over again.


The next day, Lois and the newsroom staff at the Planet anxiously waited for the 10:00 a.m. news conference to begin. Live broadcasting of the launching of the EPRAD missile was the biggest – and about the only – news of the day. Clark was at Timmy's burial services and would be in around 11:00 a.m. The accurate trajectory of this rocket was of utmost importance, especially to Lois. Contemplating about her beloved Clark flying in outer space, perhaps to his death – was truly the unthinkable.

Boyle buzzed Lois' phone. "Yes," Lois answered, aggravated and anxious, all at once.

"Lois, would you mind meeting me in the conference room?"

Lois thought to herself that Mark's crisp British accent was the only thing attractive about him, now that she had seen through his superficial charm.

"Right *now*? The live feed from EPRAD is about to begin!" she countered.

"I'm fairly certain that "right now" in America means the same bloody thing it does in England! Yes, Lois, right *now*!"

She hung up the phone in response, and, grabbing her notepad, hastened to the conference room. The sooner this meeting started, whatever it was about, the sooner she'd be back at her desk. <Figures he would pick now, when Clark's not around.>


Mark was waiting at the entrance to the conference room, and he closed the door after Lois walked through it. He pulled out a chair for her to sit down in.

"Thanks for meeting with me, Lois. We haven't had much chance to get together - just the two of us - since I've relocated to the States. I have to tell you how much I was looking forward to seeing you again."

"Cut to the chase, *Mr.* Boyle! What's all this about?" Lois asked, her face displaying her extreme aggravation.

"Lois, - *please* call me Mark," Boyle said in a surprisingly soothing tone of voice. "After all, we *are* almost old friends, aren't we?"

"Mark – I'm a married woman – a very happily married woman. And while we're never going to talk about the Brazzaville incident – because I'm sure this room is bugged – I'll never even remotely trust you again, so don't even go there!"

"Lois, I could be your best friend here, or your worst enemy. Considering what you're up against, if I were you, I'd choose the best friend option," Boyle continued, ignoring Lois' previous rant. "You know how taken I am with you. I can't help myself. I wish I had never invited Clark upstairs to the BBN newsroom that night and introduced the two of you. I should have kept you all to myself," he rued.

"Mark, give it up. I have to admit – I did find you attractive when we first met, but in hindsight it was only because you and Clark look somewhat alike - you could be his older brother. Clark's my soul mate and he's not just handsome on the outside; he's truly beautiful on the inside also. You, on the other hand, are deeply entrenched with some horrible monsters, and you can tell a person's true character by the company they keep. From what I can see, you chose that path because of your own greed. And anyway, I take my wedding vows seriously. I'm not available. Get over it."

Mark's expression turned deadly serious. "Lois, my employer wants me to make your life at the Daily Planet a living hell. Is that what you want? Or do you want to have a boss who can perhaps smooth some issues over for you? And trust me, *this* room is not bugged and I'll deny this entire conversation if I have to."

"I've already been blackmailed by 'your employer' – what else could be worse than that? I'll say it again - I don't trust you, Mark. Make my life a living hell – just try. You guys have never been up against Mad Dog Lane before. I got that nickname for a reason. Are we done here? If this damn rocket doesn't hit its target, my husband is going to have to risk his life to save the earth from a nuclear winter. Your threats kind of pale in comparison to that, 'Mr. Boyle'."

"I'll be looking forward to Dr. Deter's next report, then, 'Ms. Lane'," Boyle said cynically. "I believe you have another appointment tomorrow morning, correct?"

Lois cast Boyle a look to kill, then stood up and left the conference room with her usual Mad Dog Lane flare. Boyle was left sitting in the room with a Cheshire cat grin on his face. After a minute or so, he stood up, pulled a cell phone out of the pocket in his suit jacket, and called a familiar number.

"Good afternoon, Edge Enterprises Corporate Offices. How may I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Mr. Edge please. This is Mark Boyle."

"One moment, please."

Several minutes later the receptionist came back on the line. "Thanks for holding; I'm transferring your call now."

"Edge here."

"Morgan - it's me, Boyle."

"Hey! How's life in the States treating you so far?"

"Good. Got to find a way to get Kent away from Lane."

"Well, if he has to go flying into outer space there's a great chance he'll never return. Trust me. Then you can move right in on her. Hey how great will that be? Two Lane women married to Edge Enterprises executives!"

"That's one way to keep an eye on her, for sure, huh Morgan? But she's totally infatuated with the Boy Scout. With my luck, he won't have to go, or he'll come back safe and sound. Where's that Kryptonite anyway?"

"Have you checked the security of those phone lines?"

"This is my bloody cell phone."

"Excellent. It's attached to the tip of a certain nuclear missile that I have on great authority Superman will be carrying into space very shortly."

"Morgan, you're a genius. I don't know how you do it.

"Just keep watching the news. And, yes, I *am* a genius."

"Where's Thorul, by the way?"

"Back in San Diego for now. He has to list his condo with our relocation company and get his affairs in order. He'll be back here by the end of next week."

"Good. White will be starting work next Tuesday. Can't wait for the fun to begin."

"Meeting this Friday night – the usual place. You'll be there?

"Of course; one of the perks of being here in the States – no more teleconferencing. Good day, Morgan."

"Good-bye, Boyle."

Another blackout darkened the Planet newsroom as Boyle exited the conference room and headed back to his desk.


The missile launch went off without a hitch, but it would be another 27 ½ hours before the world would know if it was a true success or not. In the meantime, Clark had rejoined Lois and if anyone were to look at them, they would swear they were so in love they couldn’t stop staring at each other. In reality, they were having a very heated telepathic discussion!

<"Clark… Boyle just about told me that his role is to make my life miserable here and he offered to 'smooth some things over for me'… you know what that means!">

<"Yeah… sleeping with the boss will make all your problems go away! I hope you told him to go to hell! I've got a good mind to rip that British puke right in half!">

<"Clark… sweets… calm down. I don't care if it means I have to quit the Planet, I would *never* betray you just to make my work life easier. The Lois Lane of ten years ago might have considered it… but this 2003 version loves her husband and he means more to her than anything.">

<"Sorry, honey. As soon as this asteroid issue is resolved, we're going to get some hard evidence against Edge and find some way to return control of the Planet to poor Jim. He's such a mess, Lois. He blames himself for so much.">

<"Boyle assigned us to get the public's feedback on the Nightfall crisis. He wants us to interview people on the street, find out how confident they are that the government's plan will work.">

<"I don't think I should be part of that, Lois. After all, I'm the supposed 'back-up plan'. Maybe you should take someone else with you – Ralph or Linda. I really don't think it's appropriate for me to be there. Do you see where I'm coming from?">

<"I'd rather go *alone* than bring either of them with me! OK, I'll tell Mark that you had a Superman emergency and couldn't come with me. I hope that excuse still flies under the 'Boyle' regime!">

<"Well, it would be really bad publicity for them to fire Superman, wouldn't it, honey?">

<"OK, well walk out with me. By then there probably *will* be an emergency, anyway!">

Lois and Clark took off towards the elevator; just then a breaking news story on the monitor caught their attention. The Superman emergency Lois had just alluded to had arrived.

Word just out from EPRAD and NASA that the missile headed towards the Nightfall asteroid has blown up. We repeat: the missile the world was counting on to save us from a 17-mile wide asteroid heading directly towards earth has inexplicably exploded in outer space. Now it is up to Superman to save the world. Superman, if you can hear this: Please report to STAR LABS as soon as possible!

The elevator door had just opened. Clark grabbed Lois' hand and pulled her in the empty elevator, hit 'down' and stopped the car between floors. They looked at each other and began hugging and kissing each other passionately, with a sense of urgency as if they might never see each other again. Clothes came flying off. The very thought of making love in an elevator heightened their passion for each other, making it a quick, but satisfying experience.

"Lois, please don't worry about me," Clark said in a husky whisper. "I swear I'm coming back; I have complete faith in Bernie's ability to build me a suit that will withstand the rigors of space travel. You're stuck with me, trust me!"

"You better come back, Propaganda, or I'm never talking to you ever again!"

When they were fully clothed again, Clark restarted the elevator. As they exited the Planet lobby, Scott, the security guard that Lois had reamed out before, said, "Ms. Lane – Mr. Kent – have a good day!"

Lois turned around and pleasantly replied, "You have a great day too!"

Scott looked shocked and Clark had a big grin on his face.

<"Wow, that was quite a change of attitude, Lois!">

<"Did you hear, Propaganda… he called me 'Ms. Lane' this time!">

<"See… now *this* I'm gonna miss! *This* is why I have to make it back from outer space!">

They headed towards a nearby alley, where Clark spun into the suit. One more lingering kiss and then he lifted off, heading towards STAR LABS. Lois was left standing in an empty space between two massive skyscrapers, contemplating the distinct possibility of life without her soul mate.




"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"