The Happy, Bright, all is right with the world, Ending.
by Tank

The sun's rays peeked through the living room window, waking the sleeping couple. Lois was enjoying the feeling of Clark's strong arms around her but nature was telling her she had to move, and soon. She pulled away, and saw that Clark was also awake.

"Mornin', " she said.

"Morning." He gave her a big grin, which quickly faded as did her own once the realization of their situation came crashing back on them.

Suddenly Clark's head cocked in that once familiar manner. He placed his finger to his lips. "Shhh, someone's outside."

Lois was confused. She listened hard, but didn't hear anyone. The two of them crept silently into the kitchen and peered out the window. They could see several men in coveralls running around the grounds and a large black van parked several hundred yards away.

Lois touched Clark on the arm. "Intergang?"

Clark nodded. "No one, except the government, has the resources. There's some pretty sophisticated electronic gear in that truck."

Lois frowned as her gaze was drawn again to the black van. It looked simply like a common delivery van, only it was black. There were no visible antennae, or such, sticking out anywhere. "How do you know that?" Suddenly her eyes widened as it struck her. "Can you... can you see inside that truck?"

A look of realization came over Clark as he too grasped what it meant. He grinned at her. "Yeah, I can. You know what that means. That means that..."

"Superman's back!" Her own grin felt good. It had been days since she'd had reason to smile.

Clark gave her a wink. "I'll be right back."

The sonic boom of his departure shook the old house. Lois tried to watch but all she could make out was a blur moving from man to man as Clark subdued all the Intergang thugs. Within a couple of minutes he was back by her side.

Lois let out a amazed breath. "Wow, I'd forgotten what it was like to see you in action."

Clark just grinned back. "Let's go kick some Intergang butt, shall we?"

Lois gave him a quick kiss. "Sounds like a plan to me, but first, I have to go to the bathroom."


Lois sat in her apartment ruminating on the last couple of weeks. The place seemed somewhat empty now that Jimmy, Lucy, and their son weren't running around the apartment anymore.

It had only taken her and 'Superman' about a week to bring Intergang to its knees. Jimmy hadn't been as clever at covering himself as the Churches had been, and even they had finally fallen to the dogged attack of Lane and Kent... with a little help from the Man of Steel. Jimmy and Lucy were behind bars. Lois couldn't help but feel bad about her sister and the wrong path the young woman had taken. She had been determined that she wasn't going to beat herself up with a string of 'if onlys', when it came to Lucy. But at times, when she was alone, she couldn't help herself.

Little Jimmy had been placed in the child care system and had been quickly adopted. A nice couple from Canada had taken him. They had even told Lois she could come and visit the child whenever she wanted, though the woman had added that she should be sure to bring Clark along with her when she did. It was a nice gesture, and she might just take them up on it sometime. All she had to do was find the time to get to London, Ontario.

Then there was the whole question of what Clark had been doing for all those ten years while on New Krypton. She was sure that he'd had some significant adventures while there, but that could wait. There would be time for stories of the last ten years later.

A knock on her door brought her back to reality. She moved quickly to get it, knowing full well who was on the other side. She opened it and stepped to the side, letting Clark enter the apartment. She no sooner had the door closed before she found herself crushed in his embrace and her lips hungrily captured by his kiss.

"Hi," he said when they finally came up for air."

"Hi, yourself." She gazed lovingly at him. Clark had cleaned up nicely. He looked much like he had before he'd left for New Krypton, only there were still threads of silver-gray streaked through his hair. She didn't mind, it made him look more... distinguished.

The two of them walked over to the couch and sat, facing each other. It was like they couldn't tear their eyes away. Lois was the first to speak.

"Well, our Intergang problem is over. You, and Superman, are back to stay. No one believed Jimmy when he tried to tell the world Clark Kent was Superman." Lois giggled. "I think the frothing at the mouth kind of ruined his credibility." She gave his hand a squeeze. "So what now?"

Clark gave her a frown, but then broke into a smile once he saw the look of alarm on her face. "I think we need to go see my parents. After all, we'll need their blessing if we are to get married." He pulled the chain that held her wedding ring from inside his shirt.

Lois couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face. "I thought you'd never get around to remembering that." She stuck her hand out and waited breathlessly while he took the ring off the chain and slipped it onto her finger.

"There's just one thing, Lois." Clark had an apprehensive look on his face that caused her some instant worry. "About the hair..."

Lois' hand absently went to her short blonde locks. "I told you, it was a disguise. I had to cut it, I didn't have any choice. Intergang would have been looking for me."

Clark held his hands up in placating manner. "No, it's not that. I don't mind the short hair at all. You know I like you in short hair. It's just... well... please, tell me you used a temporary dye."
