Disclaimer: If I owned all this, I would be a multi-billionaire. As it is, I own Lara, the plot, and…well…that’s about it, actually… Enjoy!

Pairings: Ron/Hermione, I’m pretty sure about, as well as Jimmy/Lucy and Harry/someone…I do promise here and now, though, that this story will NOT contain slash, and Malfoy will not be paired with Ginny.

Other Notes: This is a crossover between Harry Potter and the TV Show “Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman.”

So, without any further ado...

Strange Visitor from Another Planet


The lonely figure that had been wandering the Magnolia Crescent aimlessly, lost in thought, suddenly turned and headed swiftly in the direction of the park, the direction the scream was coming from. He had no idea what was going on over there, but he had a bad feeling that he knew who was behind it.

“Hand it over, now,” one of the guys demanded, advancing slowly on the girl.

“You are not getting your piggy little hands on my money! Forget it! Now either leave me alone or face the consequences. Which will it be?” she asked threateningly.

“Oh, and what are you going to do about it, you little wimp?” another boy taunted.

The girl’s fiery, chocolate-brown eyes met that boy’s icy blue eyes and she held his gaze for a moment. Then, before anyone had time to react, he was on the ground, her foot on his neck. She seemed glad to see they all realized that she now held their buddy’s life in her hands, or, well, in her foot, rather. “So, who’s next?” she asked. Suddenly all the boys lunged at her at once, trying to beat her, but she gracefully leaped in the air and turned a beautiful front flip, landing on her feet behind the pile of guys. She shook her head and started to walk away, laughing to herself.

She stopped when she heard an arrogant voice call out from behind her, “Running away, are you?”

Slowly she turned toward the bullies and headed straight for them, her eyes filled with fury. Before any of them knew what had happened, all five guys were on the ground in agony. She smirked at them. “Two out of three, anyone? Anyone? No? Didn’t think so.” The laughter in her voice died, and her speech suddenly became icy cold. “I think I’ll let you guys keep your wallets THIS time. Next time, I might not be that nice. Now get out of my face before I change my mind.” The guys stumbled to their feet and were frozen in place, just staring at her. “NOW!” she bellowed, and the boy watching all this tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh as he watched his bully of a cousin stumbling over the other members of his gang trying to get away as fast as his piggy legs could take him.

He immediately regretted his laughter, though, because her piercing eyes were now fixed on him and she was headed straight for the bush he was hiding behind.

Okay, that’s it for my first update of my first fanfic on fanfiction.net! Like it? Yes? No? Well, if you would like for me to finish this story, then please review! Just please, no flames, ok? Be honest but respectful, that’s all I ask. Thank you for reading! smile