Whilst perusing through the files on my computer, I came across this story that I had written back in 2002. It's based on something that actually happened to me in school. "The girl" is me.

Hope you enjoy it. smile


Hang Seven-Headed Hydra
By Mary Potts

"Nope, No I." Said the girl, and drew a head on top of the long neck.

"It looks like a brontosaurus!" Her friend said. The game was Hang Seven-headed-hydra. So far, they had the body, the tail, four legs, one neck, and one head.

"It'll take shape once we start adding the other six heads. So come on! Guess a letter!"

"Okay, uh, M."

"Yes," said the girl, "There's an M." She placed the letter M between an A and an R. Her friend stared at the incomplete word with a befuddled look on her face. "Guess a letter!" Cried the girl. "Any guesses? Anyone?"

"Question Mark!" Someone hollered.

"No punctuation marks!" The girls answered.

"QUESTION MARK!!" The voice insisted. The girl scoweled.

"Just ignore him." Said her friend. "No Punctuation marks!"

"QUESTION MARK!!!!!!" Came the voice again. The girl sighed, drew a question mark in the letter bank, and added another neck to the strange creature on the blackboard.

"Back-Slash!" Cried the voice. The two girls tried to tune him out. "BACK SLASH!"

"Fine!" said the friend, and drew a back-slash in the letter bank.

No sooner was this voice appeased, when an adjacent one called out "Other back-slash!"

There was a blank stare. "What?"

"Other back-slash! You know, one that goes the other way!" The two girls looked at each other, then drew a slash in the letter bank.

"Hyphen!" Cried a voice. The girl and her friend shot him a look and drew a hyphen an the letter bank next to the backslash and the slash. "No!" He said. "Put it between the slashes! Put it between--yeah!--between the back-slash and the other slash! That's right!"

"Oh, great." The friend grumbled. "Now they're getting specific!"

The guessing continued for a while. The word became more filled in, and the hydra now had five heads. The girl smirked as her friend looked bewilderedly at the word.

"uh, P!" She finally guessed. The girl smiled.

"You got it!" She said, and put the final letter in its proper place. Her friend stared blankly at the word.

"NAMREPUS?! What the heck is NAMREPUS?"

"It's Superman spelled backwards."
