Clark & Lois – When Worlds and Universes Collide - Matchmaker Chronicles V 8 32/36
By KenJ <>
This version is rated PG-13

Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -124 – Alternate Prime - Lori and Clark
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Alt 1, Alt Clark and Kryptonian Lois – (Alt 1 )
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Alt 2 Kryptonian Lois' home universe.
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 040 – Alt 1 alternate (Alt 3) Alt Lois and Alt Clark


Universal Locator designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Prime

Lois asked, “I wonder if there is a Carrie in our universe.”

“We should check and see. She was from Chicago, right?”


Confused, Lana asked, “Who’s Carrie and how did she save the baby and what baby?”

Lois answered, “Carrie is the adopted daughter of the couple we went to help. The baby was the baby of the same couple. That Clark rescued Carrie from a high rise fire. Afterwards they were told that she had a brain tumor. To make a long story short they cured her and some time later they had a baby.”

Clark added, “That baby was the reason for this entire conflict. The baby could have been the legal ruler of New Krypton.”

Lana was aghast, “Ruler of the planet? The whole planet? Wow!”

Clark pointed out, “Actually, she would have shared the rule with Zara.”

Pete asked, “How many people were there?”

Lois replied, “All together there were 31 on our side and one of them was Clark.”

Lana said, “You said that there were several Clarks.”

Lois replied, “Yes, there were, but one of them was very special. It takes a better understanding of the multi-verse to understand. The way Herb explained it, it goes like this: there are certain key people that when things happen, usually life and death situations, the alternate outcomes can trigger the formation of a new universe. When I was shot it brought a new universe into being. Here, I lived. There … I died. Clark, my Clark, this one here by me, was with me then and when he got me to the hospital, the surgery was a success, but in the other universe I died and he almost died of a broken heart.” She looked at Clark and said, “I’m sorry he had to go through that, but according to Herb it was unavoidable.”

Clark replied, “He is happy now. Every bit as happy as we are. He has a Lois and it seemed like he was startled by your presence initially, but got over your presence quickly. The presence of his Lois must have helped.”

“Well, I’m happy for him, that he found her. They are very happy together. I thought he was going to tear Nor limb from limb when Nor used that Drei on her.”

Clark laughed and said, “I almost felt sorry for Nor at that point. Almost, but not quite. He brought it upon himself.”

In a relieved tone, Lois said, “I’m just glad she wasn’t hurt.”

“You and me both. Fortunately we didn’t lose anyone on our side.”

Pete asked, “Who were all of these people? Were they all Lois and Clarks?”

Lois laughed, “Please, it was confusing enough with four of each of us. The rest were the children of the Lois that helped Clark create Superman, before he came back in time to find me that is. She and her Clark have 8 children and each one is married. One of their nephews was there with his wife …”

Lana interrupted, “Wait a minute. I can understand the children being super, but a nephew?”

Clark snapped his fingers and looking at Lois said, “I should have asked 2013 Clark about that. Hattie said something about a machine. If we had access to that we could use it to make Lana and Pete super.”

Lana had an edge of fear in her voice as she replied, “Wait, no, hold on, no, no, not me. Pete maybe, but I don’t think I want that kind of responsibility. Count me out.”

Clark laughed, “It’s all academic anyhow. I didn’t get the information and it was in his universe.”

Lois had a mischievous tone as she asked, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to be able to do what Clark and I can do?”

“Positive. You guys can have the powers. They’re not for me.”

Lois continued, “The rest were children. One was actually the baby we were there to defend. Of course she wasn’t a baby. She was an eleven year old Supergirl. Then there was Carrie as I mentioned! Another was Lori’s first born, Clark junior, and his wife.”

“Okay, what’s so special about Carrie?”

“Carrie is their adopted daughter.”

“Okay, did they use this machine on her too?”

“No, they didn’t. She didn’t have super powers like us. Hers were powers of the mind. She’d had a brain tumor and they operated on her using their x-ray vision. When they did, it unleashed the power of her mind. She was amazing!”

Pete could see that Lana was becoming weary, probably because of the pregnancy so he decided that they needed to call it a night. “You guys will have to tell us more the next time, but right now I think I need to get Lana home.” In a teasing tone he finished, “She needs her rest or she’ll be a real grouch in the morning.”

Lana slapped his arm and said, “I am NOT!”

“Are too.”

“Am NOT!

“Okay, you’re not, but you still need your sleep so we are going to say, goodnight.”

Suddenly, probably due to suggestion, Lana yawned then smiled. “I guess he’s right. Goodnight, guys.”

After they left, Lois and Clark cuddled on the sofa before they headed to bed themselves.

And now -

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 32 – While you Were Away
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -124 Prime Alt

Teri was immediately concerned. This guy claimed to be a friend of Grams and Gramps, but first he had taken away CJ and now it looked like he had taken them away. CJ had been gone for eight whole months!

Uh oh, CJ, she had left him in his highchair. She needed to get back to him and give him his dinner. She decided to give him the sweet potatoes rather than open a new jar of carrots.

Teri took out one of the bottles of formula and mixed up the cereal, opened the jar of sweet potatoes and started feeding CJ. Teri talked to him the entire time she was feeding him, telling him just how much she had missed him and how worried she was that Grams and Gramps had disappeared. She knew that he didn’t really understand what she was saying, but he looked at her with interest so she continued.

When he was finished eating, Teri cleaned him up and took him into the play room and put him into his play pen. He picked up his bunny and cuddled it.

Teri was sitting on the couch, crying as she pulled out her cell phone and called her mom.

As soon as she answered the phone, Lucy could hear the upset in her daughter’s voice and hear her sniffling so she asked, “Teri, honey, why are you calling? Grams and Gramps won’t be coming back for a while. They may not even be at the restaurant by this time.”

“That’s just it, Mom. They didn’t leave for the restaurant.”

“Did they change their plans? Do I need to come pick you up?”

“No, Mom. They aren’t here.” Teri burst out in a new set of tears.

“You said they didn’t leave.”

“No, they left, they just didn’t go to the restaurant.”

“Then where are they? You’re confusing me Teri.”

“Listen, Mom, here’s what happened. You remember that guy that came and took CJ away?”

“Yes … Mr. Wells. What does he have to do with it?”

“Right after you dropped me off, before Grams and Gramps had a chance to leave for the restaurant, he came to the door.”

Lucy voice was starting to rise as she asked, “Mr. Wells came to the house again?”

“Yes, Mom, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. He came to the door and I told him I wouldn’t let him take CJ away again. He said that he hadn’t come for CJ, and that he just needed to talk to Grams and Gramps. They all went into the office. Grams said she wanted to show him her new bow. It didn’t seem like there was anything wrong.”


“And they all went into the office and closed the door and … and I found that the jar of carrots was almost empty so I went to ask Grams if I could give CJ sweet potatoes instead.”

“Okay, what did she say?”

“That’s just it! She didn’t say anything! She wasn’t there! I opened the door and the office was empty! No Grams, no gramps and no Mr. Wells! No bow either.”

“Mom, did I say or do something that would make them go away?”

“Oh, Teri, honey, no, you didn’t do or say anything. Hang up and I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

“Okay, Mom. Thanks.”

Teri hung up the phone and walking over to the play pen, picked up CJ and cuddled him. “I don’t know where your mamma is CJ, but I’m here and I’ll take care of you.”

A minute later there was a knock on the door, Teri opened it and Lucy stepped in. Lucy held out her hands to CJ to see if he wanted to come to her, but he shied away and snuggled more securely into Teri’s arms.

Lucy put an arm around Teri’s shoulder and headed her into the play room. Indicating the couch, Lucy said, “Let’s sit down. I have some things to tell you about Mr. H. G. Wells.”

Teri was startled, “Mr. Wells? He’s H. G. Wells? I thought that H. G. Wells was dead. He died a long time ago. You made us all read his book ‘The Time Machine’.”

“Yes, Teri, we all read that story. That has become something of a family tradition. You see, H. G. Wells, the author, well, he actually did build a time machine and that man that you met, he really is H. G. Wells, in the flesh.”

Teri’s tears and upset were forgotten as her mother spoke to her. “Wow! He’s really a time traveler? Grams said something about that when he took CJ away, but I didn’t understand it all.”

“Yes, he is and he has caused us no end of headaches. You know how Grams is a lot younger than Gramps.”

Teri nodded her agreement.

“Yet, she remembers all of us, me your dad, all of your aunts and uncles as her children.”

Another nod.

“That’s because Mr. Wells gave Grams a present, when she was a baby that caused her to remember everything from before, when she was Lois Lane.”

In a skeptical tone Teri asked, “Memories from before she was born, how was that possible?”

"Teri, your Grams and Gramps have been together for a long time and I mean a LONG time, through many lifetimes. It wasn't until we were all about your age that we were all told the story. Your Grams and Gramps are what is called soul mates. It's the same with your Uncle Jon and Aunt Jen, Aunt Lara and Uncle Mike, even your dad and me. Some day it will be the same for you too. Out there, somewhere there is one special person that will complete you. Your dad and I found each other when we were young and I knew right from the start that he was the one. Your Uncle Jon actually saved your Aunt Jen from drowning and they both knew from that minute that they were meant for each other.

Now, Grams and Gramps, they, with the help of Mr. Wells have actually been able to go back and experience times, in their previous lives, when they have been together. Mr. Wells made it possible for Grams to remember her past lives with a device that was an offshoot of the machine he called a soul tracker. That machine is what he used to take them back to defeat the curse ..."

Teri was really enthralled by this story, but now, with the mention of a curse it was beginning to sound like a fairytale and she interrupted her mom, "Curse? Come on Mom, are you making this all up?"

Lucy laughed and said, "It sure sounds like I am, doesn't it? Believe it or not, it's all true, every word of it. You see, Grams and Gramps were fated to be together throughout time, but at one point there was a problem. There was a powerful Baron that wanted Grams, at that time her name was Loisette, Lady Loisette, the Baron wanted her lands. The problem was that she loved Sir Charles, Gramps. Now, Sir Charles had a secret identity, he was known as ‘The Fox’ and he fought against the evil Baron. He took the money that the Baron’s tax collectors gathered and returned it to the poor people.”

“That sounds like the story of Robin Hood!”

“Most legends that are handed down have some basis in history. Anyhow, ‘The Fox’ was to be captured and executed, but failing that, if he got away with Lady Loisette the Baron had a powerful sorcerer put a curse on their union. That was why Mr. Wells got involved. Using his Soul Tracker he took them back in time to correct that problem.”

“Then there was the time that a bad guy by the name of Tempus tried to brainwash everyone in the country to vote for him to be president. He was another time traveler and he managed to trap Gramps in a time bubble. That time Mr. Wells traveled to a parallel universe and brought back another Superman to help.”

“Another universe? Another Superman?”

“Yeah, well, you see it’s this way, this Tempus guy, he has been a real problem. One time he kidnapped Grams, a week before the wedding, and stranded her in a parallel universe where there was no Superman.”

“No Superman? How did she get back?”

“Actually, that was why she was taken there, so that she could create Superman.”

“Create Superman? Was Grams a scientist so that she could make a clone or something?”

“Well, no, she was a reporter and the universe she was in had a Clark Kent, but no Superman.”

“Didn’t he have his powers?”

“Oh, he had his powers, but his girlfriend didn’t want him to use them.”

“But, Grams always wanted him to use his powers.”

“Yeah, she did, but Grams wasn’t his girlfriend. At that time Grams was Lois Lane and the Lois Lane of that universe had been killed years earlier.”

“Grams was dead?”

“Well, sort of, the one in that universe was dead and your Grams took her place. She made a Superman Suit for that Clark and helped him on his first set of rescues as Superman.”

“I didn’t know that Grams was so good with a sewing machine.”

With a laugh, she replied, “Really she isn’t, that’s why your Aunt Peg makes all of the new Suits. She’ll be making one for you soon, just a few more years and you’ll be ready to join the family business. You need to start thinking about what your Suit will look like.”

“But, Grams made his suit?”

“She cheated. She started off with a speed skating suit instead of starting from scratch. Anyhow, she made his Suit and got him started. It had all been a plot by Tempus. He wanted Superman to be created so that he could use him as a threat that he could defeat and win an election. Between Grams, that Superman and Mr. Wells they foiled his plans and captured him. Mr. Wells helped to get Grams home and then a year or so later Mr. Wells brought that Superman here to help. Tempus was at it again, this time in this universe. While Gramps was trapped in a time bubble Grams and Mr. Wells looked for him. While they did that the visiting Superman kept on after Tempus. They finally beat Tempus, again, and Mr. Wells took the visiting Superman home.”

“But, what does all of that have to do with Grams and Gramps being missing?”

“Well, I can’t be sure, but you said that Mr. Wells showed up and that’s when they went missing. Based on what I’ve been told of Mr. Wells, my guess would be that they have been recruited by him to help out somewhere, somewhere that an extra or extra pair of Superheroes was needed.”

“But, why is Gram’s bow missing?”

“Maybe she was going to need it.”

“But, why? With her superpowers she shouldn’t need a bow!”

With a smile, Lucy said, “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

CJ had been snuggled in Teri’s lap and her arms had been around him holding him tight and the feeling of security of being held thus had finally put CJ to sleep. Lucy saw this and smiled. She said, “Looks like you’ve got a sleepy boy there. Why don’t you take him up and put him to bed?”

“I think I’ll just put him in his playpen. That way I can keep an eye on him.” Standing and walking over she placed him in his play pen and handed him his bunny which he clutched in his sleep. She returned to the couch and sat down.

Just then there was a noise from the office and Lucy and Teri were instantly on their feet.

The door opened and through it stepped Ultra Woman and Superman. Ultra Woman was carrying a bag in her hand. Spying Teri and Lucy in the living room they both spun into their dinner clothes after which they walked in and sat on the other couch.

Looking around, Lori asked, “How long were we gone?”

Teri said, “About an hour.” Her irritation at her Grams started coming out, “Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving or where you were going? I was getting so worried! I didn’t know what had happened to you! One minute you were here and the next you were gone, without a word! What if something had happened?”

Lori moved over and wrapped Teri up in a hug. She said, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. We didn’t mean to worry you. We were only supposed to be gone for a few seconds. Herb goofed on his time settings and brought us back later than he had promised.”

“Was it a dangerous trip? Did you have to fight against Tempus again? Did you see the other Superman?”

Lori started laughing at this torrent of questions. She said, “Whoa, slow down. One question at a time! Let’s see, ‘Was it a dangerous trip?’ actually it was, but it could have been much worse. As it turned out we had a lot of help, your mom and dad were there and all of your aunts and uncles.” She pointedly looked at CJ asleep in his play pen before she said, “Even your uncle CJ and his wife.”

Lucy and Teri both burst out, “CJ and his WIFE?”

Laughing at their reaction, Clark said, “Yeah, believe it or not, CJ and his wife. She’s a lovely girl from New Krypton. He’s going make a good match when he gets older.” Lori lifted the bag she had been holding and said, “Speaking of CJ, we won’t be needing formula for a while. I have a supply of breast milk which his Mamma donated. He should recognize the taste. Teri, could you put this in the fridge?”

Taking the bag, Teri said, “Sure thing grams,” and disappeared into the kitchen.

Lucy let out a slow breath and said, “Wow, a peek into the future. You said I was there? I don’t remember anything.” Teri returned as her mom was finishing her statement.

Lori said, “Well, it was you, but it wasn’t you. It was you from another universe, but it was definitely you. I think the next question was ‘Did we fight against Tempus?’ Not this time. This time we were up against the New Kryptonians. And last but not least, ‘Did we see the other Superman?’ Actually that is the most difficult question to answer. Yes, we saw him and we saw him, both of him and both wives. We also saw your Gramps from before.”

Mystified, Lucy asked, “Are you going to tell us the whole story?”

Clark said, “Not right now. We still need to go out to dinner. All that fighting builds up an appetite.”

Frustrated, Lucy said, “You are going to tease us, telling us this much and then leave us in suspense? You’re just being cruel!”

Lori and Clark were both laughing by this time and Clark finally said, “You’ll just have to wait. We will tell everyone, but we want to do it only once. We will have a family gathering in a couple of days and tell everybody at once. Right now, if Teri is still up for it, we will go out for our delayed dinner.”

“As long as you promise not to just disappear again, sure, I’ll stay and watch CJ.”

“Thanks, sweetie. You know, we never would have gone on this mission if we hadn’t known that CJ was in good hands. We knew that you would take good care of him.” Looking over at her sleeping child she said, “Our confidence was not misplaced. He is happy and sleeping peacefully. You have to be the best babysitter ever.” Lori gave Teri a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Standing, Lucy said, “I’ll head home. Teri you can call me if you need me, okay sweetie?”

“I’ll be okay now, Mom. I’ll call when I need you to pick me up.”

Lucy turned to Lori and Clark and said, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait for the gathering to hear that story. It sounds just too interesting.” She released a sigh of resignation and said, “I guess I’ll have to. I’ll see you guys later.” She headed out the door.

Lori turned to Clark and asked, “Are you ready to go to dinner?”

Clark looked at the clock on the wall and said, “I think we need to change our plans. What say we go to LA for dinner?”

“Ooooo, yes! Maybe we could see some movie stars. Let’s go!”

“See you in a little while, Teri.”

“Sure thing, Grams. Have some fun.”

As Lori and Clark headed for the door, Teri picked up a book she had brought along to read, ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’ by Baroness Emmuska Orczy. She needed to do a book report on it for school and she couldn’t get over the parallels between this hero and her family. Even though it was published in 1905 it was like the Baroness had looked into the future and had seen her family. With her new knowledge, Teri thought, <I wonder if the Baroness knew H. G. Wells.>

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later, at the restaurant Lori and Clark were seated and placed their order. While they waited Lori was extremely quiet and in the dim light, Clark could just make out tears running down her cheeks.

He reached out for her hand and in a quiet tone asked, “What if it, Honey? What has made you so upset?”

“JJ and Hattie.”

“JJ and Hattie? We just saw them.”

“I know, that’s just it. We just saw them, but it wasn’t them, our them, our JJ and Hattie. Remember what she said?”

“What she said when?”

“When she was explaining why she had powers. She said that you, Jon and *Ultra Woman* got tired of rescuing them so much so they used Gretchen Kelly’s machine to give them the powers.”

“Right, so?”

In exasperation she said, “Don’t you get it? Ultra Woman apparently was among those saving her. In this universe Ultra Woman was only around for about a week. The fact that Ultra Woman was not around for her is what caused her death.”

Musingly, Clark said, “Hmmm, you could be right.”

“I know I’m right. Remember how it happened? They were investigating ‘The Main Street Bomber’ at the time. They found JJ with a fractured skull. Hattie had been blown up in that tunnel under the street. There was evidence that she had been murdered even though the STAR tried to imply that she was the bomber, just creating a story for the Planet.”

“Yeah, I remember all of that.”

“Think about it. You were dealing with a situation on the west coast, helping out Lara. Jon and Jen were on their honeymoon. Sean, Celeste and Jessica were all away at school. Jimmy, Lucy and Sam didn’t have their powers as yet. If I had been Ultra Woman, I would have been there for her, but I wasn’t. Because Lois, in this universe, never became Ultra Woman – Hattie and JJ lost their lives.”

“Lori, you can’t blame yourself for things over which you had absolutely no control.”

“Why didn’t Herb give me a pendant? He gave one to the other Lois. If I had been super, JJ and Hattie might not have died and I might not have died of old age.”

“Honey, if there is one thing I’ve learned from our association with Herb, there’s a reason for everything he does. It’s possible that if the Lois of this universe hadn’t died of old age, you might not have been born and even if you had been, we wouldn’t be together.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that several people died as a result of his inaction that didn’t need to.”

“Remember the conversation we had with the other Clarks. They started off as the same individual. When their Lois was shot, there were two possible outcomes – She either lived or died. Each outcome resulted in a universe, one in which she recovered and became super and the universe in which she died continued to exist. They were not able to change the outcome for Clark. No matter how many times or ways they would have tried to save Lois, in his universe she would always die. It wasn’t until Herb found a universe with a Lois and no Clark that he gained his soul mate. I’m sure that Herb would have a better explanation, but that’s the best I can come up with.”

Lori was still weeping quietly as she said, “It’s just that, seeing both of them, alive and happy, it really hit me.”

“I know, Honey and it hit me to, but I was happy to see that even if not here, there they are alive and well and together. Be happy for them.”

“Yeah, I can do that. I just wonder if we’ll ever see them again.”

“Only Herb could answer that question.”

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Last edited by KenJ; 04/29/14 01:15 PM.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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