Terry, you sure know how to make someone feel good. I think I've read your comment about twenty times, and it still leaves me with a smile (and a growing apprehension as I hope I don't mess it all up in the next couple chapters). I'm glad the story is turning out and that the mood I wanted to capture seems to be coming through loud and clear! Mood is something I sometimes struggle with, and this story was partly in an attempt to try to remedy that, so I'm very happy with the results so far! Thanks for the great comment and for making my week!

rotflol Vicki, your comment made me laugh so hard! I could just picture you arguing with yourself -- but I'm glad you decided to read it through in order. My younger sister reads her books out of order constantly and it always drives me crazy! And again with the re-reading and waiting -- I hope you know how much it means to me that you put so much time into these stories! And yes, that line was one of my favorites too -- would it ruin my reputation to admit I was crying when I wrote that bit?

"That Old Name Of Mine" is actually my favorite of the chapter titles for this story, Virginia! I really thought this one fit the chapter very well! I think Luthor was attracted to Lois because she wasn't afraid of him -- he saw it as a challenge and also thought she might be good enough for him since she was strong. However, she was taken in by him, and one of the things I love about the scenes where Luthor and Clark are together is by how NOT taken in Clark is. Seriously, he rolls his eyes, he snorts, he shakes his head, he scoffs out loud -- and Luthor will sometimes give him this strange look, like he's trying to decipher him. Those looks are what inspired this conversation between them and this particular plot of Luthor's. And yay, thanks for the comment about getting Luthor's voice down -- he's very unique in the way he speaks and trying to capture that can be a bit touch-and-go. And so many questions -- I love them and I promise that they will be answered, hopefully to your satisfaction. As to fixing it...well, still working on the ending, so we'll see how it goes. smile

I didn't mean to stab you, Colleen! Or, well...maybe I did, a bit, but all in the spirit of a good story. smile And yes, Lois did assume Clark was faking -- Superman can't be hurt after all, right? wink And hey, thanks for not spoiling everything with a theory, because I'm not the subtlest of writers so it's actually probably pretty obvious -- I need all the help with suspense I can get!

Thank you, LMA! Trying to write an intense scene that feels perilous was HARD -- and it took me two years to finish this bit and the beginning of the next chapter -- so I was very relieved to see your comment! It was everything I had hoped to convey in this scene! And I'm so glad you liked how Clark responded -- as mentioned, it was extrapolated from those behind-Luthor's-shoulder-faces he makes on the show. Trying to come up with things for Clark to hear was a challenge -- and I can only think how annoying super-hearing can be at times! And thanks -- that scientific theory part was something I debated about, so I'm glad I didn't take it out now! smile And yes, more capital letters -- I couldn't resist! :p

Yeah, Iolanthe -- no hope for redemption for Luthor now. If ever there was...

Well, Mouserocks, I'm sorry I broke you, but also not because that comment was perfect. laugh I'm so glad Luthor's diabolical plan had the effect I wanted. Or wait...that came out wrong. Ahem, anyway. Clark turning himself into Superman IS pretty awful (and spawned the idea for another story I'm eager to begin).

I like Clark too, Artemis!!! Really, I do -- I know it must seem like I don't, but I promise, I do love him! And maybe I'll even let him be happy once. Eventually.

Thanks, Framework4! I've always been intrigued by the difference between Clark's plans and Superman's plans -- Clark thinks things through whereas Superman reacts to things, something that I wanted to show being put into action here, when he's forcing himself to become more Superman than Clark. I also wanted to try to explain the reasoning behind that a bit -- very glad it came across as in character, though!

Aww, your poor dog, Kismatt! blush 'Wrapped in isolation...' I like that a lot -- I'll see what I can do about it!

Thanks for the great feedback, everyone! Hope you all enjoy the next chapter!