As they exited the travel pod they were greeted by Trey and the other members of the Council of Elders. Trey accosted Gan-Ce, “Lord Gan-Ce I have been informed by Lord Jen-Mai of your interference on the planet’s surface. The council had decided that a limited, a very limited presence on the surface was what was called for and that authority was given to Lord Jen-Mai. Your presence on the surface could be construed as lack of trust in his judgment. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Sometimes I wonder just how Trey managed to hold onto his position on the Kryptonian High Council. Is he completely without sense?

Gan-Ce replied with firmness, “My Lord Trey, I am sure you know me well enough to be certain I would not proffer such a charge without such proof. I ask that we adjourn to the council chamber where such proof as I have can be presented.”
Not a man to walk into a knife fight without being completely prepared.

Lois spoke up and said, “Yes, Lord Trey, we do. He is with the others of his family that we captured and confined. I will have one of my children bring him to the ship. A travel pod will be required since he is currently without his super powers.” She turned to Lt. Ching and asked, “Do you know where the farm is?”
Shouldn't they have brought Nor up before this?

While this was going on local Clark called over Lightening and Shield. “In the barn is a grill. Could you guys get it out and fire it up? I think it is time for a Bar-B-Q.”
Yay!! party

Jonathan seeing everyone gathered in the yard had come out. Seeing the grill being brought out he went back in the house and returned with his apron on and utensils in hand.

Local Clark flew to a market and bought franks, burgers and chicken along with sufficient buns and Jonathan started cooking.

Martha had seen what was happening and had started making iced tea and lemonade. She also put on potatoes to boil for potato salad.

Carrie came outside and was fussed over by all of the women. Protector kept her mask on, hoping that she would not be recognized by her younger self. Even so she and Supergirl were also fussed over. The women had been too busy until now to take the time to get to know the children.
You have to love the sweet simplicity of a warm, close family - even if they are spread across several universes! Martha and Jonathan although they lost their adopted son have so many other children and grandchildren to be close to. They are not replacements for that Clark but additions to the family.

The next day they returned to the council chamber. This time Nor was there, manacled and contrite.
Contrite? Never in a thousand years, this guy is many times worst than Luthor.

“Lord Trey, you know that I am not a warrior. I never have been. I have always been a statesman. Violence is foreign to me and as such when violence is threatened against me I lack the skills to defend myself and that is exactly what happened. Lord Nor, who is here before you today through the use of threats forced me to do his will in the matter of the trial by combat.”

At this point, Nor, who had been having trouble containing his composure burst out in loud guffaws.
For once, I have to agree with Nor. Jen-Mai is an opportunist of the worst sort.

Jen-Mai stared at this and his jaw dropped. Before he thought of the consequences he spoke, “But, but you were going to make me chief elder in the new council.”
Is he really that obtuse? No wonder Nor was able to bring him over to the 'Dark Side'!

“No, brother, you have killed us all. Your hubris knew no bounds. Your desire for power clouded your reason and you were willing to go to any length to achieve your goal, the position of High Lord of New Krypton. I’m happy that you failed because no one would have been safe, not even your brother or sisters. We could be seen as a threat to your rule just as that baby was. You would have forced Zara into a life bond against her will to cement your claim. How long would she have survived the ceremony? A day, a week, a month, perhaps as much as a year? You would have eliminated her as well. You wouldn’t share the power with anyone.”
Well spoken Rena. Nor would have waited until Zara provided him with an heir. Than her life would have been shortened...

Nor stopped them, “Lord Trey, if it please the council. I would ask mercy for my family. My brother is a stupid, blind, weak fool who would follow me wherever I led him. His wife obeys her husband and would stay by his side simply to protect him. My cousins are the same. If any of them had any intelligence they would not have followed. Let the blame fall on me.”
A noble gesture ...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.