Originally posted by Christina:
The Lois from that world wasn't good for the Alt-Clark, even if she was saved. I want to think that she was re-incarnated and is making up for her sins (whatever they are) in the previous incarnation. Should "Sister/Mother Lois" meet Padre Carlos, I suspect the match would be complete. Unlike their "sibling soulmates" however I suspect their relationship would remain of the chaste variety. There is more than one kind of love after all.
Time travel and alt-universes makes my brain leak out of my ears.

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"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)