The battle is taking a dramatic turn at this point.

Chapter 27 – Ching Interceeds With the Coulcil of Elders

Trey replied, "Lord Jen-Mai has been keeping us informed as to the conduct of the combat and I must say that I am very disappointed in Lady Zara for allowing such a travesty to be perpetrated. The very idea that she would condone anyone other than family members to participate in the ritual combat is beyond me. Lord Jen-Mai has informed the Council of the duplicity of the house of El in this matter. Steps are to be taken. This cannot be allowed to proceed. It is making a mockery of our traditions.
Trey is a good man, bound by traditions...

Trey replied, "Lord Jen-Mai has been keeping us apprised of what has been occurring on the planet below. It is outrageous, the ends to which these minions of the El family have gone to force Nor into an unequal trial. They draw the observers away from the conflict by creating disasters which our people, out of the goodness on their hearts, help the locals, preserving life and preventing the destruction of property. Most commendable."
I take the previous line back, is he completely out of touch with reality? Is the council even watching what's going on? Shouldn't there be a time limit for these things?

It seems that Gan-Ce might be the only member of the council will to look outside the box. Perhaps by listening to the El's family story additional conflict will be avoided.

Alice reached up and removed her mask and simply identified herself, "I am Alice, (she pronounced it Al’-ĭ-Sea) your granddaughter. It is so confusing. A short time ago, you and the members of the Council of Elders officiated at a Life Bond ceremony for me and my bond mate, Samuel Kent, Ben-El, and then you performed the same ceremony for all of my new brothers and sisters-in-law because they wished to honor the traditions of Krypton. I am Alice Ben-El. A member of the family of El and therefore entitled to fight on their side and for their honor.". She turned and with a sweeping gesture indicated the members of the El family. "*My* family, the most honorable family El."
Who better to plead the El's family's case. Although I have to think that the council will find a way around the tradition to meet their own needs.

Jen-Mai spoke up, “Shall I join you?”

Gan-Ce turned on Jen-Mai and pinned him with a withering stare before replying, “Were I to be in your boots I would be deciding what to tell the council to mitigate your culpability in this matter.”

Coward that he was, Jen-Mai shrank under his stare and when Gan-Ce turned away he fled, planning to return to the ship.
I'm surprised Jen-Mai stuck around!

“Nor is too much of a coward to face Lord Kal-El one-on-one. He felt confident when he thought that it would be nine of us against only Kal-El, Lois-El and Zara. Three to one against them. He was shaken when he discovered a like number. He is so cowardly that even three to one odds were not enough for him. He had also called in non-family auxiliaries making the odds, even with the elevated numbers, more than two to one in his favor. That is, until the rest of the El family members arrived. I will attest to the fact that both Nor and I were aware of the truth of their status as members of the El family. He and I both used the sensor array to evaluate their status as you did with your granddaughter.”

“There it is. I denounce Nor as a liar, cheat, usurper and abuser. One who is not fit to rule a family, let alone a planet.”
Well said Rena!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.