Originally posted by Morgana:
Unknown to any of them, Rena had returned to the ship. After confronting Nor about what he had done to Fina she had resolved to abandon her brother and his attempts to usurp the throne.
Rena is alone. I wonder what she'll do?

The answer was, "Thanks, but no thanks. It would cause more trouble for the final capping procedure if you did that. Just let them burn. I've already placed a call to Hell Fighters. They are marshaling their staff and equipment. They should have these fires out before a week has passed."
No disrespect to the Hell Fighters, but isn't that a waste of time, resources and money?

/“I have been removing the contaminated clothing. I have checked with Sean and he told me what to watch for. It is a shame that all of the doctors are children. The good thing is that Sean and I have been able to link so closely that it is like he is directing my hands in the exam. They will suffer no ill effects while under our control.”/
I don't understand this line.

Nor's followers are certainly giving the family a hard way to go!
We will just have to wait and see what Rena does.

RE: the oil wells. Actually this is the best move. If they were to crimp the pipes, the repair crew would just have to cut the end off which would restart the fire and possibly injur the workers doing it. Better to have the new conrtol head ready so that when the fire is doused the new head can be put in place.

A number of the children have gone into medicine. Jon runs the ERE at MetGen. His sister Celeste is an internist at MetGen. Jessica is an OB/Gyn in private practice. Sean is using the telepathic link that he and Heather enjoy to see through her eyes as it were and handles the patients.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
