Originally posted by Morgana:
Finally get a chance to comment!

Giwa addressed Saint, “That could be understood, from a woman, but you are a man. Why do you not chose to rule with her at your side?”

“As my wife said, we have a responsibility. These are our people. They are the stock we came from. We could no sooner turn against them than we could turn against ourselves.”

Van-Ga was astounded. Here was a pair that claimed Earth as their heritage yet they were both super powered. He looked at Giwa and they both nodded and took off at super speed
One would think these guys might change their thoughts about harming their own people.

Van-Ga suddenly felt excruciating pain in the center of his back. Reaching around he encountered a sticky substance that clung to his hand causing it to burn. He tried to wipe his hand on his trousers only to have his leg start to burn. Trying to fly away he found that his power of flight had fled. A few seconds later he was sprawled on the ground, unconscious, next to his wife who had experienced exactly the same problem.

Green-K paint! Very different!

She received back, /”I’m on my way. Fina just decided she had had enough for the time being and left.”/

I still do not understand why this poor girl is fighting for her brother after all the pain he has caused.

He hung in the air at a height of fifteen feet and twenty feet from the window. Suddenly there was the tinkle of broken glass and he felt unbearable pain in the center of his back. His powers started to fail, but before they did he tried to fly away. He managed to climb to fifty feet before he passed out and fell to the ground. His fall was cushioned by an invisible force that slowed his descent and then moved him into the barn and laid him next to his relatives.

All the Family Nor are neatly bound and quiet! Especially Nor! Nicely done!
Actually, they consider these people to be outsiders.

By mixing the green K with the paint, Lori has more control over it than when the US Army used the gas.

As Fina herself said, that she has been dominated by Nor too long for her to be able to refuse to do his bidding easily.

Yes, almost all of family Na have been captured, but the non-family auxiliaries don't know that.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
