The end of the great little story!

"In a city the size of Metropolis the number of power chairs purchased in one week is staggering! I took the date that he woke up and canvassed the sellers of those devices. For the most part they have been accounted for. There are a few that I still need to check back on, there are a few on the list that have passed away in the interim and there are three that are still unaccounted for." Reported JJ.
As always your medical background comes into play here with great results!

Jimmy replied, “Yes! You may have been a genius and very advanced in computer technology, but we’ve made a lot of advancements in thirty years. With every system, there’s usually an unavoidable single point of failure, the single connection to the internet. Pull that plug and you have to rely on your own resources. You have two choices, 1) come out of there and face the music or 2) stay in that world you created and replay the few scenarios you’ve had time to build for as long as the power lasts which alone could drive you crazy. If you disconnect, I’ll personally pull the power plug, rip out the hard drive and run a drill through the case so that it will never spin up again.”
Computer knowledge as well!

“Yes, I’m with them, but not one of them. I don't live by their superhero code of ethics." Jimmy replied calmly.
Oooh James Olsen has some of his father in him after all!

It is a pity Jaxon did not learn from his lesson and live a better life. Imagine all the good he could have accomplished.

Hattie said, “I’m sort of sorry it turned out this way, but at least now I won’t be wearing a target on my back.”

Lois laughed and said, “You mean, until the next time," she gave Hattie a hug as she finished, "With you and me, Hattie Girl, there’ll always be a next time.”
Yeah there will always be a next time for those two! thumbsup


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.