Originally posted by Morgana:
Aha! I knew it was Jaxon Xavier!

Lois interrupted, “Grammy and Grandpa, huh? One would think you like the Kents.”

Hattie looked at JJ and seeing his nod answered, “Like them? We love them. They are like another set of grandparents. Are we ready to get back to work? We are ready to go after the creep that’s behind all of this. We may have a lead. We are after ‘X’, but under the influence of the drug, Dr. James gave away a name. It seems to be unrelated, but you never can tell. Here, let me play the tape.”
Grammy and Grandpa? So sad that Jonathan and Martha have grown older, but the family definitely takes great care of them.

"It was years ago, before we were married. Perry sent us to check out a new amusement center which was based on Virtual Reality."
I think they were engaged at this point?

“Well, like I said, I never saw him again. There were some rumors that he disappeared, but if he did, he had to have help. After so many years of inactivity his muscles were mostly atrophied. He also squinted a lot. After years of having his eyes closed they were extremely sensitive to light.”
This explains, why X doesn't leave his place of 'residence' and can only depend on minions to do all the work. Hmmm, I wonder if Lex would have approved? Probably not.

This has been a fun story to read. So glad Hattie and JJ finally got married and are now a truly 'super' couple!

Next part! smile1
Hi Morgana,

Thanks for reading and leaving feedback!

Quite correct. Lois and Clark were engaged at that time.

As I am sure you are aware, in all my stories, as much as is possible, I try to stick to scientific fact. I do some extrapolation, but only on rare occasions.

I do have an extensive background in medicine along with other disciplines. Knowing the human body, as I have studied it, I know how time can ravage the human body and hopefully have described it accurately.

One more part to wrap up.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
