Ah! Now everyone is gathering together! Nor does not have a chance against them. After all, these folks have had years to train in their super abilities whereas Nor and his minions will only have a few days. Using a Drei at superhuman speed will be an interesting challenge for Clark, as he has not had the years of training Nor has had with that weapon.

"It is 1997 here." Clark turned to his wife and explained, “This couple,” he indicated the newly arrived Lois and Clark, “are friends of mine from an alternate universe. They’re the ones I have told you so much about. I traveled to their universe to help them when they were in trouble. Now it looks like they will be able to help us.”
Seeing all the different versions of Lois and Clark you have created over the past of years in the same place is a dizzying experience! Nonetheless, it is so good to observe them all interact together and catch the different nuances of their personalities. Bravo Performance! clap


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.