My name is Clark Kent. I live in District 9. I won the 66th Hunger Games. My parents are farmers. I can fly …
That young man has experienced the horrors of the games and is valiantly trying to patch his life back together. Sometimes reciting a simple mantra such as this is the only way to hold onto reality.
I based the mantra on one Katniss repeats to herself in Catching Fire. It seemed to me that something like that would be used by a lot of victors and taught by a lot of mentors. An experience like the Hunger Games could really mess with a person's mind.

Clark was worried about him, especially after he noticed that the tea Jonathan drank in the morning contained something more than the mint it was usually made from. Clark didn’t know what it was, but his sense of smell told him that something was different. When he asked what was wrong, though, his parents told him firmly that it was nothing to worry about, and when he went looking through the cabinets for the strange herb that was in his father’s tea, Martha scolded him soundly for getting into things that were none of his business.
Oh no! This cannot be good. Jonathan Kent's heart is always shadowed by a weak heart. But why did Martha scold him? Jonathan's health is something which concerns him as well. Is she trying to shield him from worrying?
Jonathan and Martha feel that Clark has enough on his mind without giving him more to worry about.

Clark recoiled as a sudden, familiar wave of pain moved through him. He stared at the glowing green face of the watch as he realized that one of his worst fears had come true. Snow had made the connection between Platinum’s Kryptonite pendant and Clark’s initial illness in the arena.
Snow is extremely intelligent and devious, but how did he connect the dots to figure out that Kryptonite was deadly to Clark? eek You are going to have to explain that one!
Snow observed how Clark stared at the pendant while he was waiting on his platform for the Games to begin. Platinum also noticed that Clark was staring at her pendant, but never made the connection. Snow, however, did. He figured out that the Kryptonite was the source of Clark's weakness and decided to use it against him.

At Snow’s words, Clark began to struggle against the handcuffs, trying to break them. District 9’s newest Peacekeeper, Romulus Thread, was known for being sadistic. Most local Peacekeepers carried out punishments with an air of resignation, doing only as much as required. Victims of these punishments were seldom killed or even severely injured.
Romulus Thread is going to be trouble in the future.
Definitely .

Thread smirked slightly. “I don’t think I have to worry. I’ll be surprised if I’m not promoted.”
mad Yeah, he's going to be BIG trouble. Many times more so than Trask ...
Both Thread and Trask are intensely loyal to the Capitol and willing to use any means necessary to protect it. Thread, however, is sane (vicious and possibly psychopathic, but sane). Trask is not, and at present, is persona non grata in Snow's eyes. Thread is like one of those cops who makes headlines when they let their sense of power go their heads and kills or severely injures someone. Trask is like one of the lunatics who makes headlines when they take their conspiracy theories off the Internet and into real life and wind up killing or severely injuring someone.

Clark’s head was pounding and his stomach was churning from the effects of the Kryptonite. Those things, combined with the sickening stench of blood and muttation roses, overwhelmed him. Still on his hands and knees, he vomited on Snow’s expensive shoes, then collapsed, unconscious.
A very very small victory...

What will be little family do now that Jonathan is gone?
Try to pick up the pieces of their lives. They won't starve or be left homeless -- as a victor, Clark is very well-off, and he would never leave his mother to starve, or anyone else, if he can help it. There's a big hole left in their lives without Jonathan, though.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland