Originally posted by Morgana:
Coming out of his stupor, Clark replied, /”Who seeks Kal-El?”/

The reply came quickly, /”We do not seek the impostor. We seek the offspring of Kal-El”/

/”I *am* Kal-El.”/

/”No, you are not! You are an impostor. You do not belong here. Kal-El died after passing on his essence to his mate. It is the child of that which was Kal-El that we seek.”/
OK, maybe I'm being a little dense, but this is Clark's child. Why would Nor say on one hand that he is not the Clark that they want, yet on the other hand say the child must not live? If that were the case, why bother contacting Clark at all?

As a result of the laser attack, Lois, carries the essence of Kal-El because his Kryptonian physiology was transferred to her

Carrie said, “Don’t worry Mommy. I won’t let bad mans hurt baby.”
Who *is* this kid? I know her brain has been altered, but where does someone so young get the knowledge and experience to say they will protect an infant or anyone?

She is a six year old that has never had a sibling before. At this point she is simply parroting what Lois said. She may or may not even know what the word protect means, but Lois used it so it has to be good.

Hearing Perry, Jimmy looked around and shouted, “Welcome back, guys! Both of you!”

Lois said, “Thanks Jimmy. It’s good to be back.”

Conspiratorially, Jimmy asked, “Is Olive going to be making a return visit?”

Laughing, Lois said, “I hope not! She was here for two full months! That’s long enough I think. Besides, I don’t like the competition.” She looked at Clark and smiled at the joke as she said, “She was teamed up with my husband. I prefer it be me.”

Jimmy was chuckling as he played along, “I don’t think you had anything to worry about. She wasn’t as attractive as you, she looked like she was pregnant and those glasses, ugh.”
I love Jimmy! smile1

Yeah, I like Jimmy also.

Perry was smiling at their explanation, the way they meshed, finishing for one another. That was what made them such a good investigative team. The best he had ever seen, even better than the legendary Norcross and Judd.
Reading this line makes me think that Perry is perfectly aware of who these folks really are. Especially when he's thinking about a great team, it seems to follow that Superman and Superwoman come to mind.

That remains to be seen. They have been very careful. For him to think of them as a terrific reporting team does not equate with him thinking they are super.

“Too much chance of being overheard or someone walking in on us. If you don’t have anywhere you can be sure of we have a place, in a warehouse across town. It is secure.”
In the series, Lois and Clark, Ching and Zara had a very serious conversation in the DP's conference room. I know the situation is slightly different, but I couldn't help pointing out that fact.

Different universe, different people, different concerns.

“We have a couple of days to prepare. There is a Kryptonian weapon allowed. It is called a Drei. It is a staff of power. Lt. Ching will instruct you in its use.” Zara looked at Lois and said, “Women are prohibited from using the Drei. There are a number of other weapons we can choose; however, they will be largely ineffective against a super powered individual. All we can hope to do is overcome them one at a time and keep them subdued, preventing their relatives from freeing them while keeping from being overcome ourselves.”

With a sarcastic tone Lois said, “Yeah, with three to one odds against us. While we are dealing with one of them two others could trap us. This sounds like a no win scenario.”
Excellent ending of the part. These two paragraphs tie everything together. Bring on the next part! thumbsup thumbsup dance


Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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