I'm going to go out on a limb and guess, right off the bat, that 'Mr. X' from the title isn't JJ Olsen.

Hattie and JJ are just too happy and blissful. This means trouble ahead and I don't mean just to her insurance rates.

There were two very interested observers. Lois and Clark were both in the process of preparing to leave when they saw the scene unfold. Lois looked at Clark and said, “Guess who they remind me of.”

“It took us a couple of years to get to that point.”

Clark said, “I wonder why they’re leaving so early. The party isn’t for a few hours yet.”
Well, they *are* engaged and JJ is drooling over her chocolates so....

Don’t worry, they will be at the party, but they have a karate class first.
Right. Sure. Of course they are.

“You know, it seems like the criminals are becoming even more violent than when we were doing investigations.
Nah, it's just like the pain of childbirth. You forget it after a while... In the moment, Clark, you thought Lois was pin-up of the month at the local Criminals-R-Us store.

He started to chuckle, “I have always said that you and she are like two peas in a pod, but as hard as it may be to believe, I think she has actually outdone you in the number of times she’s had to be rescued.”
Oh, Clark, did you? Now, Lois is going to have to prove herself... oh, wait. This is a KenJ story. She's also Ultra Woman. Okay. Well, where's the fun in that? No danger.

Just a question to refresh my memory: if some criminal pulled Lois's pendant off her neck would she lose her powers?

EDIT: Wait. Something borrowed, something blue?? Oh, no! Lois! help

“Do you think that she is taking unnecessary chances?”
That's what happens when you were born from Clois. wink Just joking.

Looking at the ring on her left hand she replied, “Just a few more months then what you see is what you get.”
After what she did to Kam-El, I'm surprised she's making JJ wait. Did JJ ever hear about that story? clap laugh

Once in the office, Hattie addressed Lois, “I’m planning my wedding party.” Lois nodded. “I’d like you to be my Matron of Honor.”
Awwww, but the boss?

JJ chimed in, “Please say, yes, Aunt Lois, because otherwise I won’t be able to have the best man that I want.” He turned to Clark and asked, “Uncle Clark, would you be my best man? My dad will be there, but you’re the one I want to stand with me.”
But what if there's a huge emergency on wedding day? Somebody will have to skip the wedding!

CUE: Ominous music again.

Hattie was surprised. She expected a response of disappointment from Lara or perhaps Jen, but instead both of them smiled and congratulated their mom. No matter how long she would know this family, they continued to surprise her. Their attitude of selfless service and the total lack of animosity continually amazed her. She just hoped that she fit in. Even as she was thinking this she saw how Lois was looking at her and realized that yes, she did belong in this family. She had been with them for sixteen years, more than half of her life, and it felt so natural here, even more than her own. She just felt like she belonged here. She wasn’t super, but that wasn’t important. It was the people, not the powers that made this family what it was and she got a warm, comfortable feeling just being with them. She just couldn’t imagine being with anyone else for the rest of her life.
Okay, you sold me at 'Hello'. I want to join the Kent family too.

The girls took Lois and Hattie into another room so that they could start planning the wedding.

The guys all gathered around the TV and put on the Metropolis Hoopsters / Gotham Growlers game.
Wouldn't it have been funny if it had been the guys who started to plan the wedding and the women sat down to watch sports? It's at times like this when I say "Men, you really have no choice in the matter if you put the power into their hands once, you've got to live with the choices they make. You get what you put into it." If they don't help plan, they can't complain about the purple cummerbunds and ties. It's only fair.

Of course, after the show from earlier, it would be something like:
JJ: Okay, Hattie, I know you're busy with your investigations, so my cousins and I have planned out our wedding and made all the preparations.
HATTIE: Uh-huh.
JJ: When will you be ready to leave? We've got the chapel in Vegas scheduled in a half-hour.
HATTIE: What about your uncle's birthday party?
JJ: He's best man. He's coming along too. Who do you think is flying out the groom?

EDIT: Another pendant question. If Ultra Woman gets exposed to green K, does it affect her like it would Clark? I think you answered this in one of the earlier chronicles, but I can't remember fully. What if the whole Kent family was disabled by green K and the spouses (if they aren't affected) have to take over and save the day? What if Hattie and JJ had to save the day?? That would be fun! Good thing they didn't skip their karate class. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.