Ah, a new part and my favorite young sleuth Hattie is making an appearance!

Thinking about all that had happened he had a broad smile as he replied, “It’s a small town. What could happen?”

Hattie was looking at him while he was speaking and the expression on his face didn’t match up with what he was saying. There was a look of excitement and pleasure on his face even when he was asking that question, so she challenged him, “Yeah, just what could happen in a small town like Smallville, huh? All right, I can tell, you’re holding out on me. Come on, give! What happened?”
I love this! Jon should know better than to hold back from his good friend. She's going to find out more sooner rather than later!

Could he tell her about what they wore to the Halloween party? Definite yes.

Could he tell her what they had to eat? Probably.

Could he tell her what had happened to Miss Maisie? That would be a maybe.
Nice, but these tidbits are not going to throw her off the scent. You my boy, are in MAJOR hot water.

Jon decided that he needed to be careful to follow his plan, so he said, “Well, it was a Halloween party and everybody was dressed up in costume. Lara and I were dressed as Maid Marian and Will Scarlet. My friend Mike Lee was dressed as Robin Hood. We won second place in the judging. Get this, Sean and Celeste were dressed as a samurai and his geisha and they won first prize!”
Nice Save!

When she finally closed her last book she let out a loud sigh. She asked a rhetorical question; “Why do they really pile on the homework on Fridays? Don’t the teachers realize that we have lives outside of school?”
Yeah, but its so much better to get everything done on Friday night! The weekend is yours to enjoy.

Jon asked, “What would you do with that information, once you have it?”

“I’d keep it a secret! That’s not something that should get around.”

Jon breathed a silent sigh of relief. Hattie would keep the secret if she found out.
That's why I like Hattie!

Chuckling at this, Jon said, “I think I’ll go ask Mom if we can have a snack.” Jon got up and approached the office door. He knocked and got no answer. After a few seconds, he knocked again. He listened with his superhearing and there were no voices, not even heartbeats, there was only silence. He nudged the door open and saw that the office was empty.
The plot thickens ...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.