Excellent! A new part!

Lara did a curtsy and when she stood up again she gave him a close appraisal and said, “You look pretty good yourself, Sir Robin.”
A curtsy! How sweet and very ladylike! Lois raised Lara right!

After that ride they gave the twins some tickets and allowed them to wander off. They didn’t worry because Lois and Clark could both keep tabs on them by listening for their heartbeats. There was something about the rate and rhythm that differentiated them from non-Kryptonian heartbeats. They took Jessie, Jimmy, Lucy and Sam around to other games and everyone had fun.
The description of a loving family together having fun is wonderful! It takes me back to lazy summer evenings with my family listening to the high school band attempt to play old favorites! I can smell the pop corn and taste the cotton candy! smile1

Jon picked up a plate that was on the counter next to him at super speed and hurled it like a Frisbee. It was moving so fast that the intruder couldn’t move out of the way and the plate impacted the knife in his hand knocking it across the room. Jon super sped over and pushed him into a chair grabbing his arms and pulling them around behind.
Good description!

Lara decided it was time to test and see just how strong she actually was. She said, “Sheriff, I’m really not kidding. I guess I’ll just have to show you. Hold on to your hat Sheriff! Here we go!” Lara moved in closer and picked the sheriff up and super sped him to Maisie’s Diner. He had not heeded her warning and lost his hat in route. Once in the door she placed the now hatless sheriff back on his feet.
Way to go Lara, sometimes you gotta show 'em rather than fold 'em. LOL!

Lara was dying inside. Here she was and Mike was going bonkers over her secret identity. She wanted to hit him over the head with something, but, that would probably have given everything away.
Talk to your Mom, no doubt she'll have some advice for you. laugh

Lois and Clark are no doubt very proud of their children!

Sooner or later the different universes will collide! When? hyper


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.