I read this story a long time ago. It was the first one that ever made me cry. I know the author put the warning at the beginning, but the whole time I read it, I kept waiting for L&C to be together.

Very well written story, though. I thought it was quite realistic, even if it was sad.

Although I must make a reply to the comment about Clark's son being married as a baby. To us, it sounds barbaric. Clark's life was ripped apart because of that custom. However, a boy growing up in that culture would have a different take. It was normal to him. He knew who he'd marry, so it wasn't as big a deal as it was for Clark. He would never have fallen in love with another girl, because he knew who his wife would eventually be.

Perry: (To Lois) Honey, this could be greatest story since Superman came to town. By-the-by, where is that husband of yours?
--Faster Than a Speeding Vixon